The Name Game

The most important word in any language is each person's own name.

You make yourself more memorable when you remember someone's name.

  • Set yourself up for success: Use the voice in your head to tell yourself to listen for names.
  • Comfortably ask when you didn't capture: I say "I've miss filed your name", you could say "Please tell me your name again." People will be impressed that you asked.
  • Make an introduction. An introduction is the perfect way to use a name. When you meet someone, think about who you can introduce them to.
  • Bail people out. If you join a conversation with a friend who is talking to someone you don't know and your friend doesn't introduce you after a minute or so, it's because they can't remember the name. Stick out your hand, introduce yourself.

If you think you can remember people's names, you're right. And if you don't think you can, don't apologize -- ask. Showcase professional responsibility.

Do good ... Remember names ... Make money

~ W!
