David Wise

David Wise

INTROMinute from Kevin Ames he/him - Endorsements

David Wise is known for the humor that starts his infominutes. His wife, Dona finds most of them. She joined us for lunch and to dish about David as only his wife could.

Dona sums up David this way. He will ask “what’s this button do?” While he presses it at the same time…

Dona told me about being married to David for 46 years while living in the only mobile home in Buckhead. The secret? “I never see him,” she says. “He’s at work before I get up and in bed after I’m asleep. We see each other on Sundays…”

“Once I told him I wanted a Volvo station wagon to haul our kids around,” she said. “He replied with the four most dangerous words he could say to me, ‘Do what you want.’ Let me tell you it was a really, really nice Volvo!”

I asked her what drew her to David all those years ago. She told me that she likes how tall he is and that he is nice and innocent.

Curious about their Buckhead mobile home? Get coffee with him. Please welcome MiniJobs' own David Wise...