Jai Lee Galanti

Jai Lee Galanti

INTROMinute from Tom Martin - Endorsements

What is the sweetest and most important sound in any language?

According to Dale Carnegie, it’s a person’s name.

Jai Lee Galanti

When I asked Jai Lee about her name, she commented… well that’s a funny story!

She shared that she’s not related to anyone famous, but the Galanti name was something she and Adam came up with before they got married.  

You see, when Jai Lee and Adam were engaged, they both discovered that neither of them cared for their last names. So, they saw their upcoming wedding not only as a chance to build a life together but to also select a name, the perfect name, that told their story.

Jai Lee had one condition though, that the name they selected paid homage to her Mom’s Italian heritage something she was and is proud of.

Obviously, the newlyweds selected the name Galanti… which means: One Who Loves Life and also One Who is in Love.

So, without further ado, please welcome Jai Lee Galanti!