Le'Moine Washington

Le'Moine Washington

Voice & Data


One of the accolades I hear most is my dedication to "see it all the way through". What does that mean for my clients? Great Question! It means they receive white glove level of service and education in my industry until they are completely satisfied!


AlphaTester 07/15/2022


Comcast Business

Comcast Business


1180 West Peachtree St. NW
Atlanta, GA 30309

Churches with a streaming audience trust me as a partner with the dedicated fiber we provide and the cost excites them. Attorneys enjoy the connectivity I provide through our VOIP phone system. Restaurants with several locations appreciate our tv package.


Members I've Invited

Ted Brown

Ted Brown


My action aligns with more care and concern for the customer. Two weeks ago I had a client opening a new coffee shop in Roswell. They signed up with Comcast. It was later uncovered the installation could not meet their desired date and would delay their opening. One of the competitors in the area was able to make that date as there would be no construction invloved. I cancelled my agreement with him to go to the other and meet their deadline. They are now open, up, and running. 

Referral Trigger Response

Peachtree Team

Introduced by:

Amy Terry

Amy Terry

Joined on 01/10/2020


VisitorCoOrdinator 06/25/2021
100% Club 05/13/2022


3-year Pin 01/13/2023


How to Benefit from an Association 01/09/2023
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 01/09/2023
Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 08/16/2021
GateOpener Workshop 07/19/2021
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 05/17/2021
InfoMinute Seminar 02/17/2020
Orientation Essentials 02/17/2020
