Monica Tschantz

Monica Tschantz

INTROMinute from Cindy Boring - Endorsements

·      Monica is a woman of many talents. In her younger years she: (True or False)

a.           Competed nationally in cheerleading finals

b.           Ran 6 triathlons in a year

c.           Had a lemonade stand every summer in middle school

d.           Started a girls only wrestling team in high school

e.           Wanted to be a nun

f.            Created handcrafted haunted houses with her friends in her parents’ basement and the local news did a story on it.

g.           Was a candy striper in the local hospital

h.           Stood outside of Burger King in the drive thru to ask questions for market research

·      Monica knows what she wants, This is true in many areas of her life. For example:  Although her daughter was due well after the new year, she insisted that she be delivered before New Years so she could bring her new daughter home in a custom onesie with “tax deduction” on it.

·      Monica likes to create memories on family vacations when going home to Ohio…even if it includes –  taking a detour to the beach, miles and miles of construction and more detours – having to change motel rooms because of roaches – a hospital visit due to an asthma attack, and introducing her kids to salt water in the ocean.

·      Speaking of memories…remember back in the 90’s when the phone would ring at dinner with a market research call? That could have been Monica!

·      Monica has been a Life Coach since 2019. Many things have changed for her in that time:

a.           In 2024 she does not have to explain what “life coach” is.

b.           Most people are more accepting of life or business coaches since the pandemic.

c.           The number one reason her clients seek her out – she helps them uncover things in their business world that helps their personal life as well.

·      On your next coffee with Monica, ask her about the “Flat squirrel” syndrome. It could be a game changer for your business!