Dr. Stefan Nichols DC

Dr. Stefan Nichols DC



Helping individuals live longer, quality filled lives, has always been a huge passion of mine. Because of this, my head is commonly found in the books. Gardening and the outdoors are hobbies I enjoy. currently trying to learn the electric guitar!


Sound Chiropractic

Sound Chiropractic


1713 Mount Vernon Rd.
Dunwoody, GA 30338


My best clients are individuals aged 30-70 who are suffering from back pain, neck pain and headaches that are interfering with their ability to enjoy their favorite activities and/or interfering with work.


InfoMinute Seminar 11/20/2023
Orientation Essentials 11/20/2023


Roswell 400 Team

Joined on 10/25/2023


100% Club 03/07/2024


At Sound Chiropractic we dive deep into individuals "why" during their initial consulation for care. There are times at which they can become emotional due to the realization that their medical concern is impacting their life in so many ways. During this time its important to meet the patient where they are, stop "scripting" and comfort them. Its at this moment when you stop yourself from moving onto the "next line" and be there empathetically.

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