Wendy Kinney taught me when having a PowerBrew it's useful to have an idea of the conversation before engaging.
This day Dr. Chris Anderson has taught me somtimes it's useful and just as fun to abandon ship and veer into uncharted waters.
Historical economic shifts, ecological sci-fi machines, artificial intelligence in surveillance and security, were just a few of the topics that were discussed at one of the best tasting Thai Restaurants I've ever been to in Kennesaw (I've only been to 2); and each one of these topics helped me gain a larger perspective on the personable, proffesional, and complex individual that is Dr. Chris Anderson.
If you've never been to SO13 I suggest you try because whether you'll like the aesthetic, the presentation of their cultural delicacies, or their tastefulness in music; I can guarantee each one of these traits will help you get the larger perspective on why I enjoy it so much.