What To Say To Get Referrals: Personal Profile Page

An INTROMinute shows credibility in two directions – and we also get information to make referrals natural.

  • What’s the best INTROMinute you’ve heard? What made it great?
  • How do you prepare for an INTROMinute?
  • What’s your go-to question to make both you and the speaker look good?

What do you appreciate when you’re introduced?

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

Some weeks I get to hear 12 INTROMinutes - so I have something to compare to.

The ones at the top of my list are by Anita Hampl. (Joan Sinrich's INTROMinute for Pam Garrett is near the top, too!)  Anita told me she starts thinking about this person's introduction the day they get inducted as a new Member. When she goes to a first coffee, she's thinking about their introduction.

Her intros are always

  • about the person (no "I asked, I asked" which is about the introducer)
  • creativley congruent (she uses a theme to tie it together)
  • one minute (because that's respectful to the whole Team. The meeting has to end at 8:30 - taking more than a minute takes time from something else.)

My best ever introduction was for the guest speaker at an association I belonged to. My theme was "like you" - so each sentence started with "Like you, our speaker has ..." Three of those and the audience gave her strong applause, which gave her more energy, so the group participated more.  It's my go to reminder of the effect of a powerful introduction.


Clay Jeffreys NMLS #211998

Response from Clay Jeffreys NMLS #211998

from the Emory Team

On our team, it is always Jennifer Yoxall giving the best introductions as she chooses songs specific to a person. It's pretty cool. I always enjoy having lunch with someone to hear about what is going on in their life, business, etc., and plan an introduction around current information. The biggest thing to remember is the introduction is about the person - not you. If you enjoy traveling and the person you are introducing got back from a trip, don't say something like..... "Sam just got back from Ireland, and I've been there too. I loved Ireland. My favorite part was.... " I've seen this happen in my years in PowerCore. The introduction is about the speaker and not the person doing the introduction. 

Matt Hirsch

Response from Matt Hirsch

from the Emory Team

Jennifer Yoxall turns her INTROminutes into musicals. It's hard not to yada yada your way through an INTROminute, so it's good to get creative.

In preping, I like to focus on a bullet point or two, and then leave a little mystery so others will want to learn about the person I've introduced.

I don't really have a go-to question. But I like to out-of-box information. I don't much care where you went on your last vacation. Tell me what superpower you'd want and why. That's way more informative.

A good intro is both informative of who you are (or might be), and appreciative that you're a member of the team.

Michael Morse

Response from Michael Morse

from the Emory Team

Most memorable INTRO Minutes have come from Jennifer Yoxall who always does a great job of picking out a song to play that will relate to the person she is introducing. The whole team waits for those days that Jennifer is the introducer. 

My go to question is what is your 7-minute topic? I do this because I want to relate the intro back to what the topic might be. I try to make sure the intro has personal information and a least one nugget someone on our team would not know about the speaker but also relate it back to business. 

I will take notes during a meeting if someone mentions something I didn't know so I can be better prepared to dive deeper when I might introduce them in the future. 

But honestly we are all just striving to be as creative as Jennifer! 

Tammy Mealy

Response from Tammy Mealy

from the Emory Team

I love to hear introductions that weave a memorable picture about one thing I may not have known about the speaker.  When I prepare an INTROminute for a teammate, I ask lots of questions and look for a theme to weave a story about them; which is why having a conversation (in-person or virtual) is superior as it frequently leads me to ask different questions than I had prepared to ask.  I appreciate people introducing me with both a personal identifier along with a business tie in.  Knowing what other people find interesting about me can be helpful when I talk to my clients.  Sharing a personal note with my client may trigger a thought on someone they know who hates the gym but wants strength training benefits and they also loves dogs.

Jennifer Yoxall

Response from Jennifer Yoxall

I really enjoy the creative introminutes that allow us to learn more about the person than just their profession.  Many times those creative introminutes give the listener more opportunities to bond with both speakers which in turn lead to referrals.  The creative introminutes also allows the introducer to shine without outshining the presenter.

When I introduce a team member, I rely on inspiration about that person and who they really are which then allows me to connect that introduction to music and apply the meaning of the song metaphorically to the speaker.  This exposes and engages the audience to a memorable experience/introduction and it demonstrates to the speaker the effort and care that I put into the introduction.  

Anya Leybovich

Response from Anya Leybovich

from the Milton Team

There are many amazing intros that have been given on our team. Jennifer Yoxall introduced our coach with a Star Wars theme intro, complete with music AND an R2-D2 dress! 

To prepare for an intro, I prepare a set of questions that are relevant to the presenter. This may involve a quick trip to their Facebook profile or referencing a trip that the presenter mentioned they were/have gone on. I like to ask an array of questions and tie them together to highlight new information on the presenter. 

I do not have a go-to question. I like to tailor my questions and introduction to the member I am introducing. I want to make the introduction personal and unique every time. 

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

I haven't really been able to nail down a best INTROminute, but I do like it when they are able to paint a good picture of the person they are introducing with the personal information about them.

I have a series of questions that I come prepared to ask and use the ones appropriate to how the conversation flows.

I always ask what they are looking forward to.  This can go in the business or personal direction and is always good to mold their introduction around.

Salah Harrell

Response from Salah Harrell

The best IntroMinute I've ever heard is from Jennifer Yoxall. She usually dresses up or incorporates a song describing the person she introduces. It is exceptionally creative and very memorable. Weeks or months later, I can associate the individual she presented with a song or costume. Her InfoMinutes are often the first thing I think about when referring to the individual Jennifer introduced. 

I typically prepare for an IntroMinute by scheduling a coffee with the person I am introducing. I usually plan a virtual coffee if I can't make an in-person coffee. During the coffee, I take notes to remember important details about the person I am introducing. 

Typically my go-to question is, why did you pick your career? That question makes the person open to sharing more information about themselves, and I base my other questions on their response. Ultimately, this should be a conversation, not an interview. 


Brandon Saurine

Response from Brandon Saurine

from the Emory Team

I hear great intro minutes from all of our team members! I have to say that not once has it seemed like an intro minute wasn't taken seriously for the person being introduced.

Jennifer Yoxall really has some of the best if I had to narrow it down. The way she makes each intro minute relate to the speaker on a personal and professional level is always something I look forward to hearing. She also usually ties a song in the beginning that fits perfect with intro she has prepared.

When I prepare for an intro minute I like to have a coffee/lunch so not only can I learn more about the person being introduced on a professional level but a personal one as well which makes it very easy to put together.

I like to find out what they may be speaking about during their 7 minute so maybe I can relate the intro minute to that as well. 

Ian Williams

Response from Ian Williams

I have heard many introminutes and it is hard to decide if who I think is the best. Nor have I shared many but that will change. What I have heard so far are wonderful stories about everyone’s passion to provide the greatest experience to all those they work with.

I like to ask questions that relate to the work they do and learn more about them as a person. It’s a great way to build trust and vulnerability. I will always ask questions that give them the ability to just rant about the things, they love both from their work and life. 

Dr. Quentre Shannon

Response from Dr. Quentre Shannon

from the Emory Team

The best INTROMinute I've heard has come from Jennifer Yoxall. I can't pick a particular one that she's done, because the way in which she does them is by far the most creative I've seen thus far. Jennifer's INTROMinutes are so creative, because she always has a song and/or theme that can be tied back into the 7 Minute speaker or Coach that she is introducing at that time. Jennifer has done a 7 Minute presentation in which she tied together Family Law and Disney princesses just to give you an idea of how creative she is. If she can do that in 7 minutes then just imagine what she does in 1 minute.

When I prepare for an INTROMinute, I like to meet in person. I'm the type that will create a question based on the answer I received from a previous question. With that being said meeting in person makes it much easier for me to ask questions and really get to know someone. Also, it's more personable to meet in person. I always try to make sure I add a personal touch to an INTROMinute since we always hear about each other's business/career week in and week out.

If I had to pick a go-to question it's how did you get into your field of work or how did you get started? Since I am relatively new I always like to hear about a person's background and what made them choose their particular profession. It is a way to ask about that person's "why" without asking them what is your why?

Whenever I am introduced I can appreciate someone who uses information to help others understand my work better and/or get to know me better. Michael Morse did a great job of tying my athletic background into my profession by pointing out similarities between the two. Also, Alex Weatherby did a great job of mentioning GateOpeners that would be good for me. As a newer member I really appreciated Alex for that.

Nicholas Garrison

Response from Nicholas Garrison

from the Fayette Team

I really do not have a favorite. However the style that I like the best is when the introducer asks the speaker a series of questions. These questions do not necessarily have to pertain to the speakers profession  but can be about favorite things they like to do. I have also like it when the introducer gives the members options on what the correct response is to the question he asks the speaker. 

I have done two intro minutes for Jim Mothorpe and he has done 1 for me. Do to time constraits, Jim had to send me information about himself that I use to prepare for my info minutes. The first time was on short notice due to the fact the originial speaker was ill and Jim substituted. 

I have not really thought of a go to question. If I thought of one, It would be "Why do you do what you do?"

Jason Korzan

Response from Jason Korzan

I would agree with my team - I think Jennifer Yoxal does amazing INTROminutes!  The creativity she brings to the process is great!

I enjoy INTROminutes where the introducer shares some personal information about the presenter - do they like to travel? Do they have a favorite sports team (or do they even like sports)?  What do they like to do outside of the office?  As I look to make connections, I like to make sure there is also a personality fit as well as a business fit, so having a chance to learn more about someone's interests helps.

Aruna Padmanabhan

Response from Aruna Padmanabhan

In these past few weeks I have heard some very good intro minutes that weave together personal details of the presenter with different aspects of their business. 

I prepare for an intro minute by getting together with the person for a coffee and getting to know them better. 

I don't have a go to question but I try and understand what is the main idea they are trying to communicate in their 7 minute presentation and try to set the stage for that. 


Nyemade  Henry

Response from Nyemade Henry

from the Emory Team

The best IntroMinute I heard was Brian Moon's introduction of Michael Morse last week.  Brian's introduction of Michael focused on his personal and business interests.  I was able to connect with Michael based upon the answer he gave about his travel interests.  

When I prepare for my introMinute, I plan to focus on the busienss and personal interests of the speaker.  I want to paint a picture of the speaker through my introduction, that allows the team members to connect with them more authentically.  People do business with people they know and like.  When we are able to connect more authentically it makes it even easier to pass referrals.

I may ask the following....If you did not have to work, what would you do?

Ms. Beverly D'Amico RN, MSN, CGRS, CFAF

Response from Ms. Beverly D'Amico RN, MSN, CGRS, CFAF

As a Life Coach, I specialize in Grief Recovery, Depression, Anxiety, and adults with a history of childhood trauma resulting in PTSD. 

The first step IS to assess the client’s needs. From that assessment, I create a package specifically for their needs.

After creating a safe environment. We focus on what I call tilling the soil. This process brings dormant emotions/memories to the surface. 

My clients have weekly homework, which consists of reading, writing, and participating in key skills for maintaining future well-being. 

After working with me, my clients have said they are grateful. 

They feel joy. They are more confident, and they have greater self-trust in their decision-making.

My ideal clients are ages 30 and up who find themselves stuck and unmotivated to engage in life’s activities. Many no longer participate in recreational events. They complain of being tired. You will notice they isolate themselves from family and friends. 

My services for first-time clients are packaged as 8wk or 12-week programs. The cost is $2500 and $3500.

The cost for veteran clients per 1hr session is $250

I am a good fit for your clients because my services result in core transformations. 

I'm Beverly D’Amico, Life Coach and CEO at The Heart of What Matters                                 

Brian Moon

Response from Brian Moon

from the Emory Team

The best IntroMinute I heard was from Jennifer Yoxall when she introduced our amazing coach, Rebecca Brizi. She dressed in Star Wars attire , played the theme music, and used what she learned about Rebecca to do her IntroMinute. It was great in that is was creative and it tied in to the questions she asked about Rebecca to learn more about her.

I prepare for my IntroMinute by taking the time to ask questions about the person to get to know him or her. I believe that we do business with people who we know, like, and ultimately trust. I love asking questions that allow the person the opportunity to open up about his or her life and what is the one thing that makes him or her special from other people in their industry.

My Go To Questions Are: what is the one thing that makes you unique and/or special within your Industry or Profession? What goals, dreams, and aspirations for you and your family? What things are you passionate about in your life?

When being introduced, I appreciate someone who listens and uses exact words and phrass from our interaction and/or meeting to use in the IntroMinute. As a music lover, I do love music references in my IntroMinute, especially Whitney Houston references.