What To Do To Get Referrals: Etiquette is What We DO and Say - for business

The purpose of a PowerCore Team is to build business awareness and demonstrate credibility.

Share one thing you do, on purpose, during this meeting, to build awareness about your business, or to demonstrate your credibility.


Don’t repeat something that has already been said. 

Jon Ongtingco

Response from Jon Ongtingco

from the Cumberland Team

I show up early to help setup and inject energy into the people who arrive for our meeting. It is important to engage as many people as I can when they arrive and to make everyone feel welcomed, wanted, and comfortable in the meeting. This feeling is what I want my customers to have. 

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

My workshop (like your 7-Minute!) never covers everything.
Although I bring lots of examples I'm careful not to "over paper" with handouts during my workshop. 
If there are many pages, and I think people will want to use them (for example the Filing Cabinet worksheets), I also bring a pocket folder for each Member to keep the pages in.
Otherwise, it's just trash, or another mess for their desk.

Saurel Quettan

Response from Saurel Quettan

from the Candler Park Team

I am the Energizer Bunny for the group. Powercore Team Members pull out all the stops to get to the meeting before 7AM, and I want them to be on fire and maximize their participation during the meeting. 

I am the same way with clients. I am committed to them loving their business and their clients even more.


Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

One of the main focuses in my financial coaching is helping people take control of their spending.  One technique that I teach my clients is to use cash and have a set amount for the month for categories that are trouble spots for them.  This is something I personally do and if you are at a coffee or lunch with me you will always see me pull out my cash to pay my bill.  Sometimes folks will call this out.  I like to think of it as "putting my money where my mouth is" because my wife and I use this practice ourselves and have been for many years.

Magneta Gonzalez

Response from Magneta Gonzalez

from the Peachtree City Team

The one thing I do is always show up early because on time to me means I am late.
Being ready when my client gets there is of utmost importance. I need to be present and prepared.
This shows my team that I will be present when a referral is made to me. 

Ms Adrienne Thatcher

Response from Ms Adrienne Thatcher

I am all about good energy! In my infominutes I like to share unique and positive tips that will enhance the vibrancy of your home and align you for the highest best in your day. 

Nate Sampson

Response from Nate Sampson

I remain in "story mode" when sharing about my business with other business professionals. In my industry, crafting a story that is intentionally focused on connecting the right audience with my clients is the most crucial piece (corner piece?) of the video production puzzle. When all of those textured, pressed paper pieces snap together to form colorful dimensions of imagery in the minds of listeners, so begins the exciting journey into the exhilarating world of cinematic storytelling.

Nate Sampson


Jenny  Shouse

Response from Jenny Shouse

When approaching an estimate there is usually little known about what the customer needs. So within the first 5 min I establish exactly what is needing to be done and provide the customer with as much education on the issue as possible. I also cover what the correct processes is for fixing the problem. For example, when a water line breaks behind a wall and sheetrock is damaged. I also let the customer know the importance of removing all damp/wet sheetrock and insulation if present to help eliviate mold creation. I let them know that rather we get the job or not that has to be done to keep them safe and healthy. Educating customers is most important. 

Bridget Randolph

Response from Bridget Randolph

from the North Fayetteville Team

By adopting the Direct Primary Care (DPC) model; and being able to offer relaxed and extended care visits makes all the difference in my business. No rushed visits with a waiting room full of patients. I  take the time to listen to my patients who I call members,  get to know them, and give their health the full attention needed.