What To Say To Get Referrals: WE DID BUSINESS Slips

Thank you is a powerful tool for generating referrals. Share a system you have for thanking a client or GateOpener for a referral.

Do you:

  • Send a handwritten thank you note?
  • Update them as your work progresses?
  • Post your thanks on their Facebook or Google page?  
Mark Weiss

Response from Mark Weiss

I am not a user of handwritten notes. As I have gotten older, my ability to write in cursive script has deteriorated. Sometimes my handwriting can be difficult to read and does not create the impression that I wish to give. That’s why it shouldn’t come as a surprise that my “go to” system is SendOutCards. In addition to representing the company as an affiliate, I use SendOutCards in my business to express appreciation for a client’s business in a personal and heartfelt way. I also use this service to say thank you for your interest in responding to inquiries and appreciation for the time we spent together if we meet in person, on the phone or in a Zoom call. In addition to my words, I sometimes add a graphical quote about gratitude or appreciation that I place on the inside left panel of the card. I am a much better typist than a cursive script writer so SendOutCards helps me to focus on my message and present it in a way that creates a lasting, and professional image that leaves a favorable impression.

Linda Loud

Response from Linda Loud

from the North Point Team

I have two systems for thanking a client: my “$100 Free When You Party With Me”  hostess program, and my “Pink Points!” customer rewards program… both of which ultimately result in a thank you GIFT.  When a client shares an appointment with other people, I give her or him up to $100 of Mary Kay product of their choice, to thank them for introducing me to their friends who have skin, and who preferably don’t already have another Mary Kay consultant servicing them. Through the Pink Points program the client accumulates one point for each dollar spent. I track each purchase and when they get to 250 points, they get $25 off their next order of whatever their heart or skin desires. However, they can also earn Bonus Points when they refer me to someone who becomes my client.  At the beginning of each month, I mail postcards to clients who made purchases or referred a new client in the previous month to thank them and update them on their running total. My clients love this program because they get to choose a thank-you gift that is "exactly what they wanted!"

For GateOpeners I write a thank-you note and update them, usually by text or email, to let them know how things are progressing with the individuals they referred to me. 

Robert Slocum

Response from Robert Slocum

 When I'm working on a project I will always discuss the progress with the client and gate opener. I also try to add an extra detail or upgrade to a project at no cost as a token of my appreciation.  

Curtis Turner III

Response from Curtis Turner III

from the North Point Team

My latest way to show thanks is to send a SendOut card.  Before that I would take them to lunch or coffee and thank them for their business.  Historically, I have always sent some kind of thanks.  It has been shopping bags, gift knives, gift certificates or even Mary Kay.  The key is to show over time you appreciate the fact they chose to work with me.

David Machost

Response from David Machost

from the North Point Team

In the office we have tried many things in the past from giveaways, gift cards & lottery tickets all getting some short term investment.  With all of the hustle, posting on this website and that website along with social media, we have found that going back to good ol' fashion face to face or a direct call to say "Thank You" has gone a long ways in fostering the relationship.

Kelly Vandever

Response from Kelly Vandever

from the North Point Team

I’ve been told I’m kind of an expressive person.  Those who know me can maybe speak to that.


When I thank someone for a referral, I want them to see and/or hear me emote my gratitude


If I know I’m not going to see the person face-to-face soon after the referral, I’ll call them on the phone to express my appreciation.


I want them to hear the energy in my voice and sense the sincerity of my gratitude.


If I miss them, I’ve just recently started leaving voice messages through texts.  The voice message function also lets them to hear the excitement and genuine thankfulness in my voice.  Because I really, really, really appreciate when someone trust me enough to refer their friends, family, and clients.


Ms. Sandy Schoepke

Response from Ms. Sandy Schoepke

from the Cumberland Team

Due to the security measures regarding precious metals, my thank you note will not be in public format.  Rather, sending a 

 handwritten, private note is the preferred method and being mindful of their time with updates.  Based on the GateOpeners

approval, following up consistently while developing this relationship and providing success stories.

Richard Rehme

Response from Richard Rehme

from the North Point Team

Anytime I recevie an email referral, I always respond back to both parties making a point to thank the referrer first.

"Linda, thanks for the introduction to Tim.  It means a great deal..."

Referrals from current clients that result in another new client, results in a thank-you credit to the referring client's account.

In the case of all referrals, I try to keep the referring party in the loop as to how the referral is progressing.

Karen Baxter

Response from Karen Baxter

from the North Point Team

Although my clients and referral sources are updated throughout the loan process, I always go back to the simple task of making a phone call to extend my appreciation and give thanks. I like to give client gifts of appreciation at or after closing and usually reach out again during the Thanksgiving holiday with a hand written card or a special treat such as a pie or bottle of wine. It is important to me to make my referral partner shine. Communication, class A service, and appreciation is always top of mind. 

Saurel Quettan

Response from Saurel Quettan

from the Candler Park Team

I send an email to acknowledge and celebrate their accomplishments and/or contributions. I double it up with a phone call, or face-to-face visit. It’s important that they experience the impact of their accomplishments and contributions and the depth of my gratitude.

Jimmy D! Dunnavant

Response from Jimmy D! Dunnavant

from the Fayette Team

Thank you are two of the most powerful words in our language.

I try to take the extra time to say thank you in many ways.  I start with a handwritten thank you note after booking.  Prior to traveling I provide a packet with travel documents and a little "something extra".  When available I send cookies.  I love saying Thanks! 

Mokwang Lima CPP

Response from Mokwang Lima CPP

from the North Point Team

I always give a thank you note with a studio gift card to my clients who have ordered prints or wall art. The gift card, of course, is an incentive to come back again or share with a friend. The thank you note contains something special about our photo session-- either a funny moment or a comment about how well things turned out. 

For clients who have business photos and headshots taken, I started thanking them publicly. For example, I may post tips about photos with their headshot on LinkedIn and thank them for the opportunity to have photographed them - I tag them and usually this gets their page extra visibility and it gives their feed a boost. 

I always ask happy clients in person, after a session, if they will refer me to three friends. Being specific with how many friends seems to work well.

Ronnie Kenyatta

Response from Ronnie Kenyatta

from the North Point Team

I have client appreciation events 1-2 x a year. At these events, I give away prizes and gifts for my referral clients. Last year, I gave my referral clients t-shirts representing their favorite sports teams.   

Joseph Mraz

Response from Joseph Mraz

from the North Point Team

For clients and gateopener referrals I am a big believer in the handwritten thank you. I think that shows true appreciation for their trust in choosing me as the Advisor to refer to. It takes a little time and effort but has a much larger impact.

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

If at all possible, I will thank my referral source face-to-face.  I will also update them on how things are progressing.

Bill Cox

Response from Bill Cox

from the North Point Team

A referral from a gate opener or a client is a huge compliment & it is my responsibility to make sure they know how much it is appreciated. Renasant Bank uses a 2x2x2 method. I follow up by a phone call two days after, then in two weeks a hand written note, followed by another phone call in two months to ensure everything is going well. 

Nicholas Garrison

Response from Nicholas Garrison

from the Fayette Team

I will normally thank the referral source personally. I have in the past sent my Gate openers a gift card to a loca restaurant as a thank you

Samantha Smith

Response from Samantha Smith

from the North Point Team

I always thank them warmly, in person if possible, and I also ask who I can refer to them. Helping them grow their business through reciprocity is a great way to say thanks!

Brenden Jonassaint

Response from Brenden Jonassaint

I like to send a hand written thank you card to clients that have done business with me. I send this to express my gradittue and to let them know if there is anything they need help with in the future I'd be happy to assist them.

I also found using a card service for thank you's and special holidays like thanksgiving or a happy holidays to existing clients is a great way to show continued appreciation and stay top of mind if there ever comes a need. 

Jonathan Young

Response from Jonathan Young

Typically, I update them member as the process progresses to over communiticate and display my professionalism and consistency. 

Following and send a personal email and announce to the team of the win.

Phil Terranova

Response from Phil Terranova

from the Newnan Team

My industry is heavily regulated through the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and gifting or giving something for a referral is a big violation of this Act so can't do any of that. When I receive a referral from an existing client or a referral partner I will send a follow up email or text thanking them for thinking of me. If the referral becomes a client and I close a loan then I will follow up with the original person whom referred them with a call, email, or text letting them know how much I appreciate them.

Michelle McAllister

Response from Michelle McAllister

from the Fayette Team

Send a follow up email thanking the individual personally for recommending our business and showing confidence in the service we provide. 

Thank them in person and let them know that we connected with their referral. 

If we did business, we like to follow up with a small gift or token of appreciation and a hand written thank you.

Nate Sampson

Response from Nate Sampson

When receiving a referral, I always initially make a point to reach out directly to the gate-opener and thank them personally. I am also always happy to share with them the ideas, storyline, & progress of the project throughout the process as well as the final video (provided the client(s) consents). Often times simply sharing the creative process and outcome of cinematic storytelling will inspire the gate-opener to additional referral opportunities for my business when they are able to see the content.

Mary Block

Response from Mary Block

from the North Point Team

Two ways that I say "thank you" for referrals are by writing thank you notes or writing a great Google review! I believe that handwritten notes are the antidote to our sometimes overly automated, digital world. Time is our most valuable resource as business owners, so I appreciate when someone takes their precious time to write a note to me, and pay it forward by writing notes to others in appreciation of their efforts on my behalf. Additionally, Google reviews drive search traffic, and are vital to our SEO health! Within a few seconds, I can re-pay someone in spades for sending someone my way!

Susan Honea

Response from Susan Honea

from the Whitlock Avenue Team

Whenever I get a referral from a client or a GateOpener, I always send a quick email immediately to thank them for sending the new client my way. This lets them know that I have acknowledged the referral. I include in this message how quickly I’ll be reaching out to the new client. Depending on the nature of the engagement the new client is considering, I may or may not give additional information regarding progress beyond this point; coaching is considered confidential, so other than saying an initial thank you, not much else can be shared. If I’m working with someone who purchases a workshop or a retreat, I will follow up with the referring person and let them know how much I appreciate the referral, update them on the new client’s plans, and then send a small token, such as a book I think the person will love. I track what I’ve sent to each person in a spreadsheet, so I don’t send the same gift twice.