What To Do To Get Referrals: Showcase Your Strengths

Opportunity is a focus for our Team. Each week the VCO stimulates an invitation opportunity.

Where in your business do you focus on opportunity?

  • Do you focus on Best Client characteristics so they know you understand them?
  • Are there situations when you suggest clients upgrade? 
Louis Agudo

Response from Louis Agudo

from the Roswell 400 Team

I never know where the next opportunity will come from. I have been suprised more than once on who will be an advocate on my behalf to refer me business. Some of best client characteristics are attentive listeners who want to understand what they are purchasing and how it works. Another are clients who understand risk and how paying a little bit more can lessen a financial hardship in the long run. 

A situation where I recommend different options would be with my new to Medicare clients. Many of them see the TV commercials, mailers and phone calls about all the money and services they can recieve for $0 premium Medicare Advantage Plans like dental/vision/hearing/gym/$1200 in Part B giveback. While to a certain extant this is true, what they don't tell you is about the risk someone can have for a $0 premium plan which is some cases can be as high as $7500/year. This allows me to talk about mitigating this risk with a hospital indemnity plan and also a cancer rider. These are typically the costliest copays on a Medicare Advantage plan and for around $50/month they can cover that risk and still have all the other benefits. Some will see the benefits and others are willing to take the risk. 


Cliff Wilcox

Response from Cliff Wilcox

from the Roswell 400 Team

At my State Farm Agency, we proactively reach out to all of our client households, each year, (starting from the largest) to set up an appointment to review all current insurance policies.  Getting to know our customers allows us to follow up on previous chactertistics and needs.  As things tend to "change", we are also able to make suggestions, which support their current situation and priorities.  

Susan Fraley

Response from Susan Fraley

from the Roswell 400 Team

Clients purchasing or selling real estate appreciate having someone who can advocate, negotiate and most of all, listen to them.  They want to know that their agent has their best interest at heart.  Throughout the buying or selling process, clients can always contact me with their concerns, and that is my focus every step of the way.

There is never a situation where I suggest that they might choose to spend more for the home they want to buy.  Staying within their budget is a priority of mine.  I find that clients are really purchasing a lifestyle, not "just" a home, so finding that lifestyle, in areas with strong resale value, is always a good strategy for their future, and their happiness in the long run.

Jim Tardif

Response from Jim Tardif

from the Roswell 400 Team

At Signs Of Significance we focus on the value our services and products deliver to our Clients.

Our approach to every opportunity is guided by our Core Values; Integrity, Responsiveness, Expertise, and Quality.  We first meet with Clients to listen and understand their needs. We follow up with site surveys and proofs which visually show Clients our design concepts super imposed in place to ensure we are meeting/exceeding expectations.  When appropriate we offer choices with a Good, Better, Best theme and spend time explaining the details of how each option is differentiated from the others.  This helps our Clients make decisions with expert knowledge and focus on value not on price.

Eric Sapoznik

Response from Eric Sapoznik

from the Milton Team

Every conversation that I have with business owners or property owners focuses on opportunity. Just being able to speak with a business owner to answer questions or provide any advice I may have, or a referral connection to someone is waht makes me feel great and why I love what I do. When I'm working with business owners, it is trying to discuss and discover where the opportunities may be for them to grow their business or to be more efficient in the space they have currently and where the potential future opportunities may guide them to make changes now to prepare for that future. When I'm working with property owners, the opportunity with them is to find the best use for their property or spaces. When I'm helping someone to sell a property I'm focused on finding all of the potential businesses who could operate and thrive from that property, and making sure that all of the information on the listing is correct so that more people who have the opportunity to see that can be comforted to know that the information they see is accurate. When I'm helping someone to find tenants for their building, we will go through the zoning to find every potential use for that property and try to focus on advertising to those people. I treat all of my clients fairly and as equally as I can, because every business or property owner is in a different situation and just giving blanket or general statements and trying to help in just one way may not be beneficial for them, but having that opportunity to get creative and find the perfect solution for that specific client is one of my favorite things to do!

Ray Johnson

Response from Ray Johnson

from the Roswell 400 Team

My clients are business owners and real estate investors or builders/developers. The need to borrow is key topic obviously but what product we use is dictated by the situation. An investor that wants to do a fix and flip is different from a retail investor looking for cashflow. The products are different and the clients are appreciative when we show them that we understand their situation and have products that help them achieve their goals. 

In my business the situation we deal with might not call for upgrade but identifying the right product and sharing with the client how that product works for their situation will always get results. Many business owners don't always know the various products that can get them to the finish line. Clients may ask for a term loan but need equipment financing, ask for working capital but need accounts receivable financing. Helping them know about these products also helps their business operate more efficiently.  

Mark Hutchins

Response from Mark Hutchins

I focus my networking and marketing primarily to my "Best Client", being the small business owners and Professionals.  My referral network tends to alos service these segments. These are the people that I am familar with handling and working from past work.  Now that the Real Estate market has a majority of First-time Home Buyers, I still market to this segment,However, I don't limit my offering services just to them.  I will help any referral that is presented to me.

I have been getting many First-time home buyers that have heard or researched online about the Down Payment Assistance Programs.  Well free sounds good but usually there is a lot of effort that the borrower must do prior to getting these type loans.  If after thoroughly reviewing their file and their financial situation, I do often suggest that  these programs might not be to their best interest and seek other programs such as the Low Down payment programs.  If the borrower is best suited to go the DPA route, then I will suggest and assist them with these programs.

Chris Lawton

Response from Chris Lawton

from the Roswell 400 Team

When I take on a new client account I have to spend time understading their business and what led to the technology decisions that were made. Very frequently, this is what they were aware of, or were advised to implement at the time. My primary goal is to get the client stable and fully supported on the technologies currently being used.

From that point I assess what is being utilized and wether it is the best solution for "their" business. Where there are better solutions, I propose alternatives, not technology for technology's sake, or because it's "cooler", but where I see the business can be more efficient (and safer), I put proposals in front of clients. My job is to educate clients and make them aware of the solutions available, the client is always the ultimate decision maker.

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

Since I have walked through the same financial journey that my current or potential clients are going through, I can empathize with what is going on in their lives.  I listen carefully to their story and then I also share the story of my wife to provide hope and to let them know that I understand.

After clients work with me in the initial three-month foundational stage of coaching, we evaluate where they are at and how they feel about moving forward.  If they see the value of continuing to work together, I offer the opportunity to move into the accountability and growth stage of my coaching.

Mike Breit

Response from Mike Breit

from the Roswell 400 Team

I do focus on Best Client characteristics to fully understand the needs of my clients. By actively listening to my propspects and clients I can find out thier concerns and needs. Addressing each of thier concerns allow us to develop a unique plan for each of thier goals. 

Sometimes focusing on the short term goals is a great way to get intoduced to clients. With the market volitility that is a reality in todays economic conditions, we can start with a plan to preserve in the short term as well as shift into a long term plan when appropriate. Not that this is an upgrade, however it is a transition to what can be best for the client. 

Kyler Kelsey

Response from Kyler Kelsey

One of the biggest opportunities in the roofing industry is referrals from homeowners. After the homeowner is satisfied with the job and we have earned their business, it is extremely likely the homeowner will refer us to friends, family, and neighbors.

It is vital that homeowners trust their contractor has their best interests in mind. That is why throughout the process, I focus on education and keeping the homeowner up to date during each step of the process. 

There are many situations in which I suggest a client upgrade. The main reason for suggesting an upgrade is to make sure their home is protected to the maximum potential. By upgrading to top of the line shingles, the homeowner is eligible for a top of the line warranty to ensure they are protected for many years to come.

Susan Honea

Response from Susan Honea

from the Whitlock Avenue Team

I focus on opportunity at all stages of my business, from the discovery call to the contract and beyond to the actual engagement. I am always listening for what is being said – and what is not. Interestingly, opportunity for me may not be something that directly results in money in my pocket. For example, I might identify an opportunity to send an article or a podcast to a client to help them navigate a challenge or otherwise get “unstuck.” Taking action on that opportunity helps me establish credibility and demonstrates to the client that I am invested in their success. In some cases, I will suggest that a client extend or augment an engagement or consider offering a workshop for their employees. When I make this type of recommendation, I also let the client know how they will benefit from upgrading, so it’s clear that I’m not just attempting to sell them something, but rather that I’m helping them prepare for the future.

Jake Heikkinen

Response from Jake Heikkinen

Roswell Home Care  'Avatar' client is a dementia patient. I am in cooperation with Dementia Assosiation having a lot of information available for our focus clients. I always bring the most useful info available to the children of the prospect in question, for their use. This makes the decision makers (children) to realize I know their needs and it provides them security in letting me to take care of their loved ones.

In home care business an 'upgrade' can be understood as having more hours per a day or providing additional devices to help the client in his/her daily life. If the client clearly needs more attention, than originally thought, we go through various options available via examples of the benefits their mom/dad will experience. We can  provide e.g. alarm systems for our clients to secure getting help if something happens over the non attended hours.

Pat Honiotes

Response from Pat Honiotes

I focus on sharing my "best client avatar" so that they know I "see," "hear," and understand them.  But also, so they can see where they are or are not a perfect fit and can make a decision by understanding if the program will fit them. 

I suggest an upgrade when a client is clearly over qualified for the program they are applying to show them how they would not be getting  the best bang for their buck by joining a program that cannot meet their more advanced needs.