What To Say To Get Referrals: Purple Cards Create Referrals | Garnish

One way to create Purple Cards is by taking a cliché and making it specific to you.

We’re going to use the cliché “I educate my clients.” What do you mean when you say that?

If Wendy was here, she would say, “I teach Members how to use a cliché to create Purple Cards.”

Don’t repeat an example that’s already been given.

Scott Tufford

Response from Scott Tufford

from the Marietta Square Team

Buying a home is a huge undertaking that involves a great deal of stress. It will be the biggest purchase most will have in their lifetime. The first meeting we have is always the most important. It is here that I find out what they know, and what they don't know. I educate my clients so that they can be successful and maximize their opportunities. 

- I have a flow chart that shows how the process best works from beginning to end. Failure and costly complications occur when steps are done out of order.

- I teach them the reasons why it is critical to be preapproved for a loan before viewing homes.

- I have a construction background that I use when looking at the condition of homes related to its price and my client's budget.

- I teach the client how to look at the home as an investment that will prove profitable upon a future sale.

- I create a comparative market valuation for the home they are wanting to purchase so that they can learn what its current value is relative to the asking price.

- I negotiate items into the purchase contract that protects my client.


Scott Tufford

RE/MAX Around Atlanta


Philip Ladin

Response from Philip Ladin

from the Marietta Square Team

I educate my clients in a few ways.

(1)   I let them know what they will expect, which includes all of the steps necessary to complete their case. This includes an initial consultation with an opening letter, which outlines what to expect.

(2)   During each step in the process, I provide my clients with a “What to Expect” letter, which is specific to that step. I then reach out to them for a consultation to go over exactly what to expect from that step. What they need to do to be prepared and what will happen during the step.

(3)   Once the case is completed, I create a closing document that helps the client understand their next steps. This includes helping the client know where they need to go next to ensure that they stay protected. This step can include referring them to other specialists who help them with the next stages of their lives.

Keith Early

Response from Keith Early

from the Marietta Square Team

When I prepare tax plans for my clients, I tell them that I am helping them “avoid any surprises on April 15th.” By carefully strategizing their financial affairs, optimizing deductions, and addressing potential tax liabilities throughout the year, we work together to minimize their tax burden. This proactive approach helps them plan their finances, manage their cash flow, and achieve peace of mind, ultimately sparing them from last-minute tax surprises and enabling them to meet their obligations with confidence and financial stability.

Jon Ongtingco

Response from Jon Ongtingco

from the Cumberland Team

I keep tedious notes that can be reviewed by myself, my employees, or my clients so that the problem and its resolution is easily reviewed and, when necessary, reapplied.

Raymond Jackson

Response from Raymond Jackson

from the Marietta Square Team

Since the prevention of spreading germs is near and dear to my heart. I educate my clients on the importance of preventing cross contamination in their workplace. Explaining the three color coding cleaning system for their microfiber towels that we employ while servicing their facility. And encouraging them to try it at home with their own three favorite colors.

Dr. Branden Evans

Response from Dr. Branden Evans

from the Marietta Square Team

I educate my patients many ways depending on the reason they've come into the office. Sometimes it's just an explanation on how to perform a certain exercise or movement better to avoid aggravating a problem. Other times it's more detailed when explaining the anatomy with a model and the reason why a particular ache or pain is present. 

I also enjoy educating my patients in ways that their other providers have not. For instance, when someone has received xrays or a MRI in the past most were never given an explanation or shown the actual images and were only told what the issues are. The reports are not written in laymens terms and taking a few minutes to show and educated them seems to provide a lot of benefit for their overall understanding of their condition.  

Jim McKinney

Response from Jim McKinney

from the Marietta Square Team

The saying I like to use when helping my clients is "know before you owe".

I will alwyas send out and review a detailed itemized loan estimate with each and every client so that my borrowers understand:  1. The closing costs, 2. how much money will be needed at closing, 3. Most importantly, we will review what the estimated Monthly Mortgage payment will be. 

"An educated client is my client and this makes for a smooth, easy and successful closing''






Kriston Sellier

Response from Kriston Sellier

"Slow as a Sloth"


For founders, I design distinct brand identities using customer experience research and design thinking. When I listen, customers tell me what they need—in their words. As a leading brand identity professional in Georgia, I use research, analysis, and strategy to help an organization stand out from the competition.



Slow is the New Fast.

There are more than 5,000 species of mammals on Earth, but everyone can describe a sloth (even if you’ve never personally met one). Sloths are unique­­—and they are slow, deliberate, furry, and cute. If you happen to see a sloth today, I bet you’d be delighted and want to learn more about it. And that’s how people should react to a brand. 


In fact, sloths are the perfect embodiment of the branding process. A strong brand isn’t built in haste. It takes a methodical, thoughtful approach. My deliberate approach includes original research, innovative brainstorming techniques, and strategic thinking. I find creative ways to make a brand memorable. And I don’t rush past important steps in the process.    

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

Cliche: I educate my clients.

11 Purple Cards:

  1. I show with a graph how the pronouns "I" and "they" generate referral thoughts, while "we" and "you" create (or lose) sales opportunities.
  2. I explain how describing a client with two parts -  identification, and observation - makes listeners think of referrals.
  3. I give a tool for creating Golden Cards - ask the question "why is that important" three times deep.
  4. I give a tool for dividing everything a Member does into 144 topics.
  5. I share a tool for dividing each topic into a six InfoMinute series.
  6. I created an InfoMinute tool on Harlan to make it easier for Members to confirm they have all six essential components.
  7. I created an InfoMinute tool on Harlan to make it easier for Members to confirm their InfoMinute is the right time.
  8. I videoed a Zoom of the Harlan Filing Cabinet tool, so people who couldn't make that meeting can get the information. See it here: https://powercore.net/account/knowledge-base/posts/589
  9. I show good examples of good and good examples of bad, so Members see what to do, and what not to do.
  10. I create labs for small groups of Members to practice skills.
  11. I have Guides who will show Members how to maximize tools.
  12. I created an ebook about creating Purple Cards.  Get it here: https://powercore.net/account/knowledge-base/posts/654
Jon LaMonte

Response from Jon LaMonte

from the Marietta Square Team

I educate my clients by giving them extremely detailed estimates so they fully understand every little thing that goes into the costs of their job.  Having a full understanding of what costs go into the job allows them to make better decisions when it comes to budgets and the scope of the work.  It also helps eliminate misunderstandings when a client goes over budget or wants to make a change order.

John Trybalski

Response from John Trybalski


Judy Bagwell

Response from Judy Bagwell

from the Canton Business Leaders Team

"I pride myself on good customer service" How often do you hear that and then are let down?  I wouldn't be able to say that if I didn't mean it.  All my customers know that I will be there if they have any questions or concerns, that's how I build customer loyalty.  When I meet with a prospect for the first time I tell them we may not be the least expensive payroll company but you will receive excellent customer service that isn't out sourced.  Your payroll specialist knows who you are when you call and you won't be on hold for 30-45 mins.  Our company policy for return phone call messages is within 2 hours the same day unless it's after hours.

Rebecca Brizi

Response from Rebecca Brizi

from the Buckhead Team

I have three goals, which are for my clients' businesses to be:

  1. Simple
  2. Actionable
  3. Fun

I simplify their business decisions, share specific next actions, and make sure they enjoy the work that they are doing. 

Debbie Waldrep

Response from Debbie Waldrep

As a Property and Casualty Independent Insurance Agent, representing several companies, the industry is always changing in ways that effect my clients policies and coverage.  So, when I talk about "the right policy and coverage", not the pricing, my clients policies are customized to their insurance needs and matched to the company that best fits those needs.  

Linzy Parsons

Response from Linzy Parsons

When I say I educate my clients, I mean more specifically that I help them understand how insurance will and will not cover them. I worked hard to differentiate policy language from one insurance company to the next and I make recommendations based on the likelihood of filing a claim. When I review my clients' insurance policies, I want to save them money and I want to do that without sacrificing coverage.

Jimmy D! Dunnavant

Response from Jimmy D! Dunnavant

from the Fayette Team

I think making sure clients are prepared for their trip helps them have a relaxful and enriching travel experience.  When I say I "educate my clients" I mean I walk them step by step through their upcoming trip.  I host a Zoom call with travelers where we walk through the ship virtually, identifiying the important parts for them....their cabin, where is the food, location of the pool and waterslides and more.  I point out the evening entertainment options and available shopping.  We also walk through the onboarding and disembarkation processes to make sure they aren't surprised when they get on the ship.

It's all part of my service to my clients.  That goes along with being available to them while they travel via text/call/email.  At Cruise Planners / Jimmy D! Travel we are all about creating memories and moments! 



Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

Cliche: "I educate my clients"

When my clients come to me, a common problem is that they either have never budgeted or they do it in a way that is reactive.

I guide them in understanding that the budget is the foundation of an overall health financial plan. 

The "spending plan" gives every dollar a job, it guides your spending so you are in control of your money and it is new every month and completed before the month begins so you can anticipate expenses as well as save for the unexpected. This shifts to a proactive process that quiets the chaos and anxiety of a reactive approach.

Nicholas Garrison

Response from Nicholas Garrison

from the Fayette Team

I educate my clients by teaching them how dogs learn and how they can use that to have a well behaved dog

Peter Lopez

Response from Peter Lopez

The purchase of a home is the largest transaction in most people's lives. This significant decision requires the coordination between multiple parties that culminates in the closing room. My job in educating my clients is to make sure everyone is prepared on that special day. From wires to amendments there are many items that have to fall into place on the closing day. In a real estate transaction we have two parties to educate, the agents and the actual parties to the contract. While we may be able to use the industry jargon with agents, we take great efforts to explain the process in layman's terms to the parties and remain available to answer any questions they may have.  

Tanner Takekawa

Response from Tanner Takekawa

from the Marietta Square Team

"I Do What I Say I Am Going To DO" this is a cliche that you hear a lot, and often times clients are let down. However, I want my clients to know that I will do what I say and I do this by showing action. 

Susan Honea

Response from Susan Honea

from the Whitlock Avenue Team

Wendy tells us that we need 400 Purple Cards. Most of us are likely intimidated by that number. The good news is that there are tools available to help us take clichés and reframe them as Purple Cards -- in the context of who we are and what we do. I asked Jasper.ai to give me 10 different ways to say "I educate my clients" from the perspective of a business coach, and every single one of these things is true. Are they perfect? Nope. But they're a GREAT starting point. 

  1. "I empower my clients with knowledge and skills."
  2. "I guide my clients on their journey of personal growth."
  3. "I facilitate the learning process for my clients."
  4. "I provide my clients with the tools they need to succeed."
  5. "I cultivate the leadership potential within my clients."
  6. "I illuminate new perspectives for my clients."
  7. "I nurture the development of my clients' leadership abilities."
  8. "I inspire my clients to expand their understanding."
  9. "I help my clients discover their own path to success."
  10. "I foster an environment of continuous learning for my clients."
Bridget Randolph

Response from Bridget Randolph

from the North Fayetteville Team

By adopting the Direct Primary Care (DPC) model; and being able to offer relaxed and extended care visits, makes all the difference in my business. No rushed visits with a waiting room full of patients. I  take the time to listen to my patients which I call my memebers, get to know them, and give their health the full attention needed.

Fredrick Lynch

Response from Fredrick Lynch

from the Fayette Team

"At FSL Tax & Accounting we help taxpayers pay no more than their fair share of taxes." We do this by performing a tax strategy analysis for taxpayers and providing tax saving recommendations. 

Amanda Williams

Response from Amanda Williams

from the Sugarloaf Team

I teach my clients how they can control their own finances through budgeting and how they have more control on their credit with tips and best practices to move their score positively. 

James Denmon

Response from James Denmon

The way I educate my clients is to spend time with them and determine what the really need. Then I teach them why certain options will benefit them while others (which they may have wanted to begin with) will not. Then, once the decision has been made and the systems are in place I meet with their tech teams and do a comprehensive training on how to operate the systems. They also know that I am just a phone call, text, or email away should they have additional questions. When I say I educate my clients I mean it in a very literal sense.