What To Do To Get Referrals: Leadership | Ingredients

Each PowerCore Officer has tools – the TCO carries a briefcase of them!

  • What tools are essential for your business?
  • How does the way you use these tools benefit your clients?
Kevin Ames he/him

Response from Kevin Ames he/him

from the Emory Team

Lights! Photography means "light writing." Lights are the essential tools that I use for every project. I have a full range of studio and location electronic flash and LED lights to illuminate the most challenging subject as a still or moving image. Since light is the first word of photography, I have become an expert in using it to create any mood anywhere, day or night, inside or out. 

David Citrin

Response from David Citrin

from the Peachtree Team

My favorite tool is the internet.  I use it for research and to communicate with my clients (most prefer e-mail to telephone or text), insurance adjusters and the majority of other people who are essential to my handling of my clients's claims.  Another advantage is that it keeps a continuous record that I use to refresh my memory about my interactions.  

I also rely on the telephone, not only for those people who do not like or have access to e-mail but for those situations where a voice-to-voice conversation is more effectve because it conveys more nuance, can reduce ambiguity and is more fluid than e-mail.

Dr. Michael Tumminello

Response from Dr. Michael Tumminello

from the Peachtree Team

Oh my, i do have some amazing tools!! 
Neuro tools like microcurrent, lasers, decompression tables, no crack adjustment tools, and high speed neurostimulators are amazing tools to change and heal brains and nerves. 
These tools give my patients advanced therapies to heal and recover from pain and many conditions. 

Drew Niess

Response from Drew Niess

from the Peachtree Team

One tool that has been more relavanet and helpful for clients over the last few years is our mobile app. The app allows a client to make claim and send photos of the damage for a faster approval on a car insurance claim. A client can also access their insurance ID cards and roadside assistance if stranded. If direct contact is needed they can contact our office wiht additonal questions with a one time click on our phone number or email address. We prefer to speak to all clients when they have an issue, but the app helps streamline the process.

Mrs Marianne Gudina EA MBA

Response from Mrs Marianne Gudina EA MBA

from the Peachtree Team

My best tool is the IRS website and to some degree publications.  I do have access to get unique information from my professional associations (I am a member of three) Regular internet is great too but the information is not always correct..

Most of my clients like email, mostly for practical reasons as I must have copies of all documents in case the IRS asks for more information.

I do have a secure portal to send and receive information that is approved by the IRS as by law no data can be saved on a server outside the US.

This season I will also invest in electronic signature opportunities and to also that you can use your mobile phone  to upload documents and the information goes straight to the tax portal.

I also make sure that I mainly work remotely and as an Enrolled Agent I can do taxes for any state, something that a CPA cannot do.

I can also represent clients before the IRS with a Power of Attorney legally in any state too, it is just a matter of if it is via letter or office  audit. Some states do have their own rules but most only require that you have sent in a special application to the IRS.

I have my "Rolodex" with people I am working together with regularly, like tax lawyers and CPAs/Accountants.  Other are specialists in special areas like my PowerCore team and others.



Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

My phone is an essential tool. 
I'm not a phone person (I don't even like to call my mom) and, because I understand the the value of the principle "Good news to groups, bad news 1:1" and its corrolarry, "Good news for eyes, bad news for ears" when the person I'm communicating with is going to initially think my message is bad news, I make a phone call.  

  • This just happened: a Member called me to say they weren't renewing, but their plan was to email the Team. 
  • Their intuition was to call (bad news for ears) me, 
  • and it will be to their advantage to make individual calls to their Team Members, too.

Years ago Phil Pennartz took me to lunch and told me I had a reputation for not returning my phone calls. I've changed that. When an email pops in because someone is interested in PowerCore, I call - often it's been less than a minute from when they clicked the "have Wendy call me button." They say "that was quick", and I like that reputation better.

Because of Harlan, the PowerCore software, I can access the admin side from my phone. Last night David emailed that he didn't get credit for inviting Michael - I fixed that, from my phone, at 9:58pm!

Texting on my phone is a powerful way I give referrals. When some asks me for a referral (past Members do this regularly) I text them the url to that Member's personal profile page. Quick, and they have everything at their fingertips.

I read on my phone, a lot, and tag, highlight and make notes for writing in the Knowledge Base. Readwise is an app that sends me five things I've highlighted at 5pm every day. I make more notes - revisit where I can share that information. I wouldn't do this at my desk, busy with computer things - so my phone allows me to get this value in the cracks between meetings and travel time.

Years ago George told me that if my nieces couldn't use a computer they would be functionally illiterate. That's how I feel about my phone now - I'm literate, and I think there is even more I could use this fantastic tool for. I write in Plottr, then Emily edits and posts to the Knowledge Base - I want to learn how to write effectively on my phone, I know people do that ...


Nakia Sanford Lawson

Response from Nakia Sanford Lawson

from the Peachtree Team

The most essential tool for business is my cell phone. It helps me be accessible to my agents and clients. Yes, it can get a little overwhelming on days EVERYONE seems to need something. I balance that by prioritizing messages and calls. For example, a family call or text will get returned at the end of the day. A late night text from a team member or client often gets responded to via a scheduled reply text set for send during business hours. I have also seperated my personal friend conversations to a seperate app, that way I do not have much cross over between my personal and business messages. 



Bruce Meller

Response from Bruce Meller

from the Peachtree Team

One of the most important tools is project planning.

Since remodeling involves multiple vendors, suppliers and subcontractors, proper planning is essential to coordinate all of these elements to produce the best overall project result.

We focus on planning to save our clients money on the overall project costs and to minimize the time we are on site at their homes.

Minimizing the time we are at their homes allows them to minimize their rental costs if they must move out of their homes during their project.

Ken Thompson

Response from Ken Thompson

from the Peachtree Team

In my therapy business, client education is one of my primary tools. To both provide and supplement my client's educational process, I often use one or more of several "tools" I call handouts. One of these is a handout that enables my clients to report how strongly they are feeling 15 basic emotions on session day on a scale of 1-10. I call it taking "their emotional temperature" and it tells me which are the strongest emotions they are feeling or struggling with on that day.  This provides me with a focal point I can use to work with them during the session. Other handouts I use as tools include "Rules of the Mind" and "Basic Human Emotional Needs"  among others.

Another of my favorite educational tools dates back to the Greek philosopher Socrates who lived around 400 B.C..  Socrates believed that we all have "hidden knowledge" in our minds that can provide us with solutions for our problems but we often can't find our solutions because we are not asking ourselves the right questions. So I often use "Socratic questioning" with my clients to help them "look inside" and find that they actually do have some solutions to their problems in their own mind. An example was when one of my clients came to see me because he felt he just couldn't make decisions. As we talked further, I asked him "do you remember the first time you decided you couldn't make a decision?" He responded by telling me when he first felt that way but then it dawned on him that he had made a decision!

Sean Cantkier

Response from Sean Cantkier

from the Peachtree Team

One tool I use in my business is Evernote.  Evernote allows me to fully organize notes and files for each of my clients.  This benefits my clients because I am very organized and always have important information about them, from website logins to notes of meetings, to goals and more.

Another tool that is essential and more specific to my business is WordPress.  I build all of my sites using WordPress.  WordPress is a CMS that is used to power over 60% of all websites on the internet.  By becoming an expert in using this tool, I have been able to provide exceptional solutions to my clients for digital face of their businesses. 

Saurel Quettan

Response from Saurel Quettan

from the Candler Park Team

For my business, client selection is a mutual process. I interview my clients, and they interview me. The process is deliberately slow and meticulous. That 3-step process is an essential tool for my business.

  • Step 1: Client questionnaire
  • Step 2: Getting to know you meeting
  • Step 3: Selection interview

This mutual selection process raises the probability of tight fit between CEO/Business Owner challenges, and Coach expertise. Fit = Client Satisfaction. 

Le'Moine Washington

Response from Le'Moine Washington

from the Peachtree Team

We have several tools such as Salesloft which helps keeps me organized as well as Salesforce that maintains my client database. However I believe I will say my top tool right now is an internal app we have at Comcast Business called Knock. This is an essential tool that provides me the opportunity to create files "on the go". I can push proposals out to interested clients on site without having to go into an office or even power up my laptop. It benefits my clients because it allows them the freedom to make an informed decision with a local representative as oppsed to having to rely on whomever is on the other end of the phone simply wanting to make a sale. I am able to engage my team in person to provide the most beneficial solution using the Knock app. It also benefits my clients by ensuring they are able to work directly me in the event they reach out to our call center or goes on our website and a representative locks their address. When this happens I am unable to engage even if the customer requests me.

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

Two tools that are essential for my business are the 15-Minute Spending Plan and the Assistant Financial Coach resource page.

The first resource that my clients see as they begin working with me is the 15-Minute Spending Plan.  This assists both new and frustrated budgeters with a simple budget in a spreadsheet format that helps to create their monthly budget.  They get very familiar with this as they will create a new budget for each month before the month begins.

The Assistance Financial Coach resource page contains 57 modules that contain videos and exercises to assist with specific wealth-building principles and habits that can be tailored to my client's specific needs.


Sue McQueen

Response from Sue McQueen

from the Peachtree Team

One of the best tools I have in my business is the financial needs analysis (FNA).  This allows me to determine how much life insurance coverage a client needs to properly protect their family.  It analyzes their income, debt, assets, and much more to give a complete picture of what their family will need in the event of premature death.  Another great tool is our software to prepare quotes.  I can quickly and easily do quotes for clients based on different options and then easily begin the application process for their life insurance.  We have leading edge technology for submitting the life insurance application and, in some instances, the life insurance can be issued almost instantly.  These tools provide my clients peace of mind in knowing their loved ones will be provided for if the unthinkable happens.

Magneta Gonzalez

Response from Magneta Gonzalez

from the Peachtree City Team

My tools are my hands. another tool I use quite often is my phone my clients know that they can text me and get a responce but the end of the workd day. Other tools are my massage table and  massage chair. I also use hot and cold stones, hot towels and essential oils.

All these tools are used to give my clients a great wellness experience and  adds comfort to their massage session..   

Ashley Milam

Response from Ashley Milam

from the Peachtree Team

The most used tool in my business is my custom loan estimate excel worksheet.  This allows me to be transparent on all costs (lender fees, attorney fees, state fees, etc) that go into purchasing or refinancing a home.  It also shows a client's estimated monthly payment and cash due at closing along with different interest rate options. Transparency and communication are vital in mortgage originating and my loan estimate helps me execute in both areas. 

Andrew Clark

Response from Andrew Clark

from the Peachtree Team

The digital marketing landscape is vast, and staying ahead requires a robust toolbox.

1. Project Management & Collaboration:

  • Tools: Asana
  • Benefits: Keeps teams organized, tracks progress, streamlines communication, ensures deadlines are met.

2. Content Marketing & Creation:

  • Tools: SEMrush
  • Benefits: Research trends and keywords, develop targeted content, create engaging visuals, manage content calendars.

3. SEO & Keyword Research:

  • Tools: SEMrush, Moz, Google Search Console
  • Benefits: Identify relevant keywords, optimize website content and structure, track rankings, improve organic visibility.

4. Paid Advertising & PPC Management:

  • Tools: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft Ads
  • Benefits: Run targeted ad campaigns, manage budgets, track conversions, optimize targeting and spend.

5. Email Marketing & Automation:

  • Tools: Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign
  • Benefits: Create and send targeted email campaigns, automate workflows, segment audiences, track engagement and conversions.

6. Analytics & Reporting:

  • Tools: Google Analytics, Hotjar, CallRail/Whatconverts
  • Benefits: Track website traffic, analyze user behavior, measure campaign performance, generate data-driven insights. With Call Rail, we can track exactly where each lead comes from, listen to the call and cross reference it with a CRM.

7. Communication & Collaboration:

  • Tools: Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams
  • Benefits: Facilitate internal and external communication, host meetings, share files, build strong client relationships.

8. Design & Creativity:

  • Tools: Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, Figma
  • Benefits: Create stunning visuals, design branding materials, develop engaging presentations, elevate brand image.

9. Workflow Automation & Optimization:


  • Tools: Zapier
  • Benefits: Automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, improve efficiency, save time and resources.

At the end of the day, my clients care about increased efficiancy, results and communication/collaboration. These tools allow me to deliver exceptional results, and be very transparent with them. This allows me to build trust, and establish myself as a member of their business.

Nicholas Garrison

Response from Nicholas Garrison

from the Fayette Team

I use a system from Thryv. It includes my website, and CRM, and has mobile capabilities. It allows clients to pay, send messages either by email or text and confirm appointments  It also has a mobile app that can use my GPS for directions to the client's location.  After each session with my clients, I send them further instructions on the training. I can quickly do this through the mobile app or when I return to the office from the desktop version.   This system also has a portal where my clients can view all the follow-up material. 

Mari Mandes

Response from Mari Mandes

What tools are essential for your business? - Quickbooks Online, Smart Cash Sheet, Excel

How does the way you use these tools benefit your clients? - I have a unique combination of services for both individuasl and businesses. I use all three of the aforementioned tools to deliver a professional experience to my clients like nobody else out there can. As the Smart Cash Sheet is my own inventionm I can proudly and confidently say that I do not have any direct competitors. God willing, I will be able to turn it into its own software one day soon!

Mark Seib

Response from Mark Seib

from the Peachtree Team

As a closing attorney, timely and proactive communication with our clients - buyers, sellers, real estate agents, lenders - is crucial.  My firm employs a technology we've named "SmartClose", which allows us to communicate in real time, both via email and text message, whenever a milestone is achieved in the pre-closing, closing and post-closing process.

Since we are handling large sums of money on behalf of those same clients, electronic security is paramount as well.  So, we employ another software called Closinglock to assist us in that regard.  It does a number of things, such as allowing us to send and receive wiring instructions through secure portal, receive "NPI" (non-public information, such as copies of IDs, Social Security Numbers, etc.) from our buyers and sellers through that same portal, and to also verify the accuracy of payoff wiring instructions, which is, unfortunately, the latest form of wire fraud affecting our industry.

Josephine Apuri-Ndepeh

Response from Josephine Apuri-Ndepeh

from the Peachtree Team

I rely on the WellSky portal as our primary tool for scheduling field workers. What sets it apart is its proactive features, such as sending reminders to caregivers a day prior to their scheduled shifts, specifying the time and location. The portal also promptly notifies us in case a caregiver doesn't show up or is running late. This functionality enables us to take proactive measures, informing the client about the situation and discussing potential solutions.

Moreover, the WellSky portal facilitates communication with the families of clients residing out of state. They can access the "family room" through the portal, where updates regarding the ongoing care of their loved ones are regularly entered. This transparency ensures that families stay informed about the well-being of their relatives and can participate in the caregiving process, even from a distance.

Precious Johnson

Response from Precious Johnson

from the Peachtree Team

Majority of my business is done online or over the phone. Tools that are essential, would be my computer, phone, and continual education. These tools help to communicate with my clients and lenders to ensure important information gets relayed. I stay educated to be able to provide necessary information/updates to my clients about products/loans offered.  


April Lawson

Response from April Lawson

from the Peachtree Team

In my businness I use a program that gives me access to the owners of commmercial assets located throughout the United States.  

When working with a client(s) who's interested in buying offmarket properties, this system allows me to search out owners who have what my client(s) is looking for and then reach out to the property owners directly to see if he/she is willing to sell.  The benefit to my client(s) is that he/she is able to negotiate a deal privately, without having to concern themselves with another buyer offering to pay a higher price.

Keval Patel

Response from Keval Patel

The most useful tool I use is Vertical IQ. It allows me to research industries and become more knowledgeable when talking to clients who are in these industries. It provides me with information on market trends within the industry and how are banking services and products can help them. It's a benefit to my clients because it allows me to have more educated conversations with them in regards to their business. 

DeAngela Hudson

Response from DeAngela Hudson

from the Peachtree Team

As a real estate broker I use several tools on a day to day basis. 

The biggest one is the multiple listing service (MLS). It's how 10s of thousands of agents communicate listings with one another. This helps me get my seller's properties in front of the right buyers as well as connect buyers with matching listings.

No less important is my cell phone. The majority of my day is spent speaking with clients, agents and vendors to help broker deals. 

To keep track of everything I do on a daily basis I use Command, a customer relationship manager (CRM). 

Karla Bradley

Response from Karla Bradley

from the Buckhead Team

The most essential tool for our business is our knowledge and expertise in the destinations we sell, inluding the beaches, resorts and best ways to move about the destination country.   The client benefits by having the right vacation for them at the best price

Robert Jones

Response from Robert Jones

from the Peachtree Team

When it comes to tools that are essential for my business, I have sevral applications on the phone and websites that I use. I have Leap which is a CRM software. It helps when I order a roof inspection, making claims and sending out emails and txt messages. I also use a app/site called Hailtrace. Hailtrace allows me to see the areas that have been hit with storms. It shows if it was affected by wind or hail. It shows me how large the hail is. My clients benefit from Hailtrace because it helps in the claim process. Insurance compaines are more likely to settle a claim that has been given the most effective weather effects.

Dr. Stefan Nichols DC

Response from Dr. Stefan Nichols DC

My scheduler tooland rehabilitation tools are key for my clinic. My patients love the ease it takes to schedule their own appts without having to call in everytime and we, Sound Chiropractic love the free time created from that to get other tasks completed. The physical therapy tools are vital to our clinic as it allows for our patients to not only get a brief run through on the exercise given by the chiro but to show the patient how to perform the exercise CORRECTLY to yield optimal results.

Vern Baker

Response from Vern Baker

from the Roswell 400 Team

The inspection software "Sepctora" plays a pivotal role in my business operations. I consistently update and refine the template to ensure that the reports are not only easy to comprehend, but also thoroughly cover the essential systems of a home.

Sri Chakravarty

Response from Sri Chakravarty

from the Roswell 400 Team

we use a scheduling app that gives our customers progress updates via text, when a handyman is on their way to visit them. We find our customers appreciate the heads-up, and that this feature increases our credibility and professional image with the customer, thereby differentiating us from the competition.

Tyler Stokes

Response from Tyler Stokes

from the Peachtree Team

One very useful tool that I use on a weekly basis is an app on my phone called "remote desktop" (definitely recommend). With the use of this simple app, I can access my computer from anywhere I have service. It gives you full use of your computer via your smartphone, and because of that I can always take a call and be ready to go. Whether that be a referral reaching out to get quotes, a prospect wanting to move forward, or a client needing some customer service help. If I'm out of the office I can help right then and there without having to get the info and give them another call, adding extra time, and stress to the client who wants my help to be as easy and convenient as possible. Through the use of this app "remote desktop" among others such as Group Me, Sideline, Ringy, Good Rx, and social media I can be on top of my game for current clients, prospects, and for my team!