What To Say To Get Referrals: Golden Card | Ingredients

Clients want the result of what you do. The result of hiring a landscaping company is weekend time to watch sports.

  • Pick one client. Start with their first name and share what they told you they can do now, because of what you did.


Joyce Ray

Response from Joyce Ray

from the South Gwinnett Team

Julie asked me to list her home this Spring and has several items on her "to do" list that we discussed.  I gave her names of dedicated PowerCore members, who can help her with carpet cleaning, pressure washing, painting, landscaping, photography and cleanup.  She thanked me and told me that I had saved her hours of searching online and through social media to find quality professions to do the jobs.  She has peace of mind knowing that they are hightly rated and will appreciate the recommendation that I gave her for them.

Dr. Dana Kind

Response from Dr. Dana Kind

from the South Gwinnett Team

For years I had patients doing testomonials and I would post them on the wall in my office.  Robert came in and was treated for a short while and when it came time to do a testimonial, he did a very short but Powerful one.  It read " I can play Golf again!"   This short answer said more about what we do than a lengthy explanation of our service in that it shows we help people be able to do what is improtant in their life, not just get rid of pain.  Quality of life is what we strive to assist with and working with my patients to make that happen is why I love doing what I do.  

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

I watched Andrew Jones give and incredible eulogy at his mother-in-law's funeral. An impactful, poigninant, powerful, respectful tribute.

Later, he told me that it was all the 7-Minute presentations that prepared him to honour her that day.

I love that.

Marco Bowen

Response from Marco Bowen

from the South Gwinnett Team

Eric would have several different vendors for differnt technology items. He had one company that handle their IT, another company would do their access control systems but they would only do the hardware installation and he would have to program cards for all tenants plus troubleshoot if they had issues. The camera systems on the buildings were outdated and inadequate. Whenever he had new tenants moved in they would ask him for a good IT Person referral 

My Client Eric is a Property manager, he told me i make his life much easier and he no longer worry about tech because i now handle all of the company's IT, Technology and low voltage needs.

Rebecca Brizi

Response from Rebecca Brizi

from the Buckhead Team

Kelly is the CEO if a small business, and after working with me she can be the CEO properly: working on Vision rather than Mission. 

She used to spend all her time fixing day to day needs and tasks. But that's not what a CEO should do. 

To define her proper role we built this Vision vs Mission distinction, where the Mission covers the day to day tasks of the business, and the Vision addresses the future. We designed roles for middle managers, and they took on a lot of what Kelly was doing, and now, Kelly's job is pure Vision. 


Nakia Sanford Lawson

Response from Nakia Sanford Lawson

Sara told me she could finally relax. She had been nervous about her income during retirment. She wanted to make sure she could travel to see her grandkids regularly. Her previous advisor had not communicated a game plan well and she really needed someone to hold her hand through the planning process. I took time to walk her through everything and was rewarded with home cooked meals and all the things Grandmas do to show love. She is one of my favorite clients and we speak often. I do more than manage money for my clients, I help them relax into retirments they deserve. 

Thel Moore

Response from Thel Moore

from the South Gwinnett Team

Olivia was closing on a commercial retail space in 2 days and was informed that she needed to obtain insurance coverage.    She was desperate to close on time, we were able obtain and bind coverage in one day.    Next, her lender communicated an additional requirement at 11:00 p.m. the eve of closing, we were able to make the adjustment by 6:00 a.m. that morning.   I reached out to Olivia to let her know that we updated the policy and provided the revised documentation.  She was elated and expressed that having a knowledgeable insurance professional hold her hand was priceless.  Closing happened on Time!!!

Clint Monroe

Response from Clint Monroe

from the South Gwinnett Team

Remy worked really long hours, often nights, and weekends as the general ledger accountant taking time away from her three daughters at home. They called her "Mommy Who?"

I created new tools with advanced excel to automate lookup functions for her. It allowed her to complete her work eight times faster with no  overtime hours! She could go home at 5;00 o'clock work completed. Most of all she didn't have to hear her girls call her "Mommy Who" again. 

Saurel Quettan

Response from Saurel Quettan

from the Candler Park Team

Lucie is a high-powered workforce and labor attorney. Before my coaching, in this male-dominated field, she relied on being aggressive and combative to succeed. Long story short, going to work was always going to war. She was always angry, and the continual stress started to impact her relationships and her physical/emotional health. Over the course of 3 months and two coaching sessions per month, for a total of $2,250, she learned to master what was going on with her internally. She now deliberately practices as follows:


  1. Observe: In the middle of heated negotiations between corporations and labor unions, she can pause and articulate for herself the thoughts she is having, the emotions/attitudes these thoughts generate, and the potential impact on the way she interacts with herself and the others in the board room.
  2. Let Be: Her relationship to her thoughts has shifted from one where her thoughts were the unconscious triggers of continual fights to one where her thoughts are benign reminders to choose her words and actions consciously.
  3. Create: She is 100% in the driver's seat of her life and career. Her thoughts, emotions, and feelings don't have to dictate what she says and does. She now creates a compelling intention for every interaction. She gives that intention the authority to supplant her automatic reactions to the thoughts, emotions, and feelings she is having at any moment. Though she may not know her next words or actions, she is comfortable aligning them with her chosen intention. In one instance, she declared: "Around me, people have the freedom to be just as they are, say what they say, and do what they do - It's none of my business." In the space she created, both the head of the union and the corporate executives were free to express what they needed. That negotiation was her fastest to date. Both parties left as collaborators with big grins on their faces.
Christopher Turner FSCP

Response from Christopher Turner FSCP

from the South Gwinnett Team

Darlene, never practiced discipline in savings before she met me.  I told her to place a priority on auto savings into a high yield savings account.  Using the same process of 401k funding, she was able to save for her down pmt on her home without going into debt.  She has already built a habit of savings so it is not a large task to continue saving for the next endeavor.  She is credit card free as well.  I am a good accountability partner.

Auto Savings  deposit a set amount 1 or 2 times a month

High Yeild Savings (online account)  



Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

Seth and Kelly signed on to work with me last year. 

After working with me for three months they said

"We are now building a foundation for financial health.  For the first time in years, we are excited about our financial future, able to dream again instead of living a nightmare."

Nicholas Garrison

Response from Nicholas Garrison

from the Fayette Team

Michal has an 8-month-old Australian shepherd pup. During our first training session, I taught the dog to lie down with a verbal and hand cue. Mike had not been able to accomplish this himself and called me the "dog Whisperer"

Russell Davis SR

Response from Russell Davis SR

Richelle wanted pictures of her grand opening, but also didn't want to take the time to do this herself as it would take time away from new customers. By hiring me to do her photography for her, she was able to devote all of her time to greeting new customers and not worrying about taking or editing the photos for their web page. 

Alisha McBride

Response from Alisha McBride

Richard is the owner of Pick Your Leisure a Transportation Company that provides Luxury Pick up/ Drop off services. After we built his website, we then built out his booking services. He was blown away of how automated his business was now. Instead of spending time answering the phones to write on paper the bookings . He got time back in his day . How ? You may ask ? Because thru the power of automation all of the information of his clients and serviced booked comes stright to his email and phone , then post directly to his calender . 

Connie Cooke

Response from Connie Cooke

from the South Gwinnett Team

Earl visited the office last week and asked if I would treat his lower back / hands & feet (for neuropathy) and Right Leg, for regular cramping:

Earl said "I need to schedule additional appointments so that I can keep my muscles in shape.' My lower back pain is now gone, and I can feel the blood circulating to my hands and feet."

Now Earl can  resume his Home Reneovation projectects & no doubt he'll reach his deadline sooner than expected, because working without pain will allow him to speed up the process.

Robert Worrill

Response from Robert Worrill

from the South Gwinnett Team

Lorenzo was able to purchase a dump truck as a result of my services.   He no longer has to operate as a contract driver - because he is now an owner operator.

Jorge Velez

Response from Jorge Velez

from the South Gwinnett Team

I have a client by the name of Charlotte DenBrok, her son Ethan is diabetic and requires some medical devices and medicine day to day. Before talking with me they had no insurance and Charlotte was paying over $900 between medication and medical devices. Some of the medical devices her son uses are DexCom 6 and Omnnipod along with insulin. She was referred to me by another client I have. I was able to find the entire family, medical insurance. Now for less than $500 a month, the entire family is insured and she's paying less than $100 a month for the prescriptions, and medical devices. They now have peace of mind that they are fully insured in case of a major incident. 

Tim Sperling

Response from Tim Sperling

from the South Gwinnett Team

Alexis wanted me to come out and take a look at her roof, after initial inspection I noticed some storm damage and got her insurance company to approve for full replacement. Because of the class 3 impact resistant shingle we provide, Alexis was able to lower her yearly premium by $300!! Now she uses that extra cash to get back in the gym! 

Etheline Val Valmond

Response from Etheline Val Valmond

from the South Gwinnett Team

My referral client Mr. Jeremy told me that he can comfortably move forward to renting his home now that the exterior is throughly cleaned and refresh.

Sri Chakravarty

Response from Sri Chakravarty

from the Roswell 400 Team

Handyman Connection's client Amy wanted to repair her 20-year old deck. In addition to the repair, we added a sunroom and a unique lattice feature. Amy happily told us that as a result of our work, her deck has become the hangout spot for her teenaged son Josh and his friends.  

Pollyanna Chavez

Response from Pollyanna Chavez

from the South Gwinnett Team

Now, Lori can relax in her home and easily deals with any spider that she encounters. She told me she is looking forward to gardening and doing yoga in her beautiful 1 acre backyard. Aracnophobia, no more!

Nicole Austin

Response from Nicole Austin

from the Cumberland Team

Alexa sells health insurance.  Alexa has been able to step out from behind her "momma company", and build a brand of her own. So now people know "Insurance Alexa". Because Alexa has easy access to her files she has been able to carry her logo into to t-shirts, vendor setup, and social media posting with ease. More importantly, because of her excitment about her new logo Alexa has been able to show up confidently when asked to sponsor community teams or support local business organizations.

In her own words "One year ago I decided to fully rebrand myself and it was the best business decision ever. Thank you My Design Habit for changing how I do business."