What To Do To Give Referrals: Invitation Ingredients | Tools

The Find-a-Team link on the PowerCore.net website is an invitation tool. So are the personalized postcards we can order from PowerCore.

What is your favorite tool to invite Visitors – is it a script, a trigger, a follow through system?


Don’t repeat a tool that’s been mentioned. 



Louis Agudo

Response from Louis Agudo

from the Roswell 400 Team

I will use a cold method so to speak. Sometimes I will post our Roswell 400 networking opportunity on Nextdoor or Facebook and I will state if interested to private message me. I then can reach out and see if we can have a conversation. If so, I get to make a connection. Whether they come or not is immaterial but I have had 2 members join this way. Another benefit for me is I just gained another follower and have made money from these interactions once they find out what I do. 

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

I offer to send them an invitation - then I use the Find-A-Team tool on PowerCore.net to do that.
This introduces them to the VCO and the TCO, gives them directions, and tells them what to expect during the meeting. (Get there early, bring 30 business cards.)

It also makes it really simple for the VCO to click that they attended, so they get the link to their application.

I NEVER - not ever - send this without confirming that they want to check out a meeting, and I ask whether they want to attend this week or next week, because the tool is going to ask me, when I fill it in.

If you haven't seen this, check it out here: https://powercore.net/find-a-team-to-visit

It also shows a map of all Teams - that's handy, too.

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

I will simply listen during a conversation with a business owner and if they mention during the conversation about wanting to grow, broadening their network, and/or adding new clients; I will talk about PowerCore and educate them on what it's all about.  If they seem like a good fit for the team, I'll extend an invitation.

Brenden Jonassaint

Response from Brenden Jonassaint

I'm pretty selective with who I invite becasue I want to make sure they'll be someone who can add value to my team. I love my team so when I see someone who can be a potential fit I personally invite them via phone call or in person. When I talk to them I'm able to be more discriptive about it and I find that works for me. 

Christopher  Lyboldt

Response from Christopher Lyboldt

from the Roswell 400 Team

I don't use a tool to invite visitors except Calendly to set up a "collaboration" meeting. Almost all of my invitations are in person.  And I guess the one communications tool that I use is an improvised script of sorts that initiates a conversation about referral marketing vs sales.  If I sense that there is authentic interest in referral marketing, then that leads into a discussion about PowerCore quite nicely.

Sri Chakravarty

Response from Sri Chakravarty

from the Roswell 400 Team

In my case, it is a simple conversation - I highlight the benefits of PowerCore, and invite people to see for themselves! 

Michael  Kelley

Response from Michael Kelley

Send a hand written note to someone after a meeting. 

Travis Jones

Response from Travis Jones

from the Decatur Team

As a new member, I don't have a process established, however, I imagine a "trigger" will be my favorite tool to invite visitors. When they mention key terms such growth, referals or business. This is where I would mention PowerCore.