What To Do To Get Referrals: Joint 7-Minute Presentations | Short Stop

Look around the table – pick a Member whose business seems to be starkly different from yours.

(Once someone is picked, they can’t be selected again! – make checkmarks on your agenda.)

Share your idea for a Joint 7-Minute topic and list the three key points you would want to make.

Patty Voelz

Response from Patty Voelz

Kenitra and I would work well on a joint 7 minute.  We could work around a topic of how to get remodeling/handyman work done for our clients:

1)  If the client owns their home, I could help them with a Home Equity Line of Credit that they could use for their upcoming remodeling project. It would be a 15 year LOC that can then be used for multiple projects over the years to come.

2)  If the client does not own their home, I could help them apply for one of our Credit Cards, in particular, our Platinum Card that has 0% interest for 18 billing cycles.  It would allow them to charge their remodel/handyman project(s) and then pay it off within 18 months before it starts to accrue any interest.  

3)  I can also help a business customer with a Commercial Loan or Platinum Business Credit Card that also has 0% Interest for 18 billing cycles to fund some of their remodel and/or emergency needs.

Ben Ragin

Response from Ben Ragin

from the Brookhaven Team

Tre and I could work on this. For me, We could put together some video content around;

1.)What is insurance?

2.)What are the main gaps in coverage I should worry about?

3.) How to solve the basics?

Stacie Conner

Response from Stacie Conner

from the Brookhaven Team

Mark Britt is the contractor on our team, and I am the family law attorney.

We could do a 7 minute on the following:

1. What repairs/removations to make on the marital home to sell it (work needed versus cost benefit analysis).

2. How to pay for the work (use the party's joint assets before division of the assets, so the burden is shared equally or proportionally to the division of assets).

3. If the marital home is not to be sold, who will be awarded the home, and how to account for the repairs in value of the home.

Austin Miller

Response from Austin Miller

from the Brookhaven Team

Richard Arno and I are in very different fields, but there are situations in which a competent financial advisor can be invaluable to a commercial real estate transaction. In many circumstances, a new business owner will have to come out of pocket to build out a new office space, or will have to securitize a lease with their personal financials. By working with Richard, we can determine which assets are most appropriate to allocate towards the new venture. 

Ted McGee

Response from Ted McGee

Ben Levy is the personal injury attorney on my team and as a mortgage broker we seemingly have very few synergies. 


1. Calculating settlement needs: Understanding the impact of long-term disability on earning ability and the implications for mortgage payments is crucial. Working closely with Ben, I could develop a comprehensive approach to assessing settlement needs that considers mortgage obligations and potential changes in earning capacity due to injury. This collaboration could result in more accurate and tailored settlement recommendations for clients.

2. Post-settlement assistance: After a client receives a settlement, they may have various financial goals, such as purchasing a home or paying off existing debt. As a mortgage broker, I can provide valuable guidance on navigating the mortgage process post-settlement. This can ensure that clients receive holistic support in achieving their financial objectives while considering any unique qualifying needs or financial constraints resulting from the injury.

3. Navigating credit issues: Significant medical bills and other expenses associated with injury can impact a client's credit profile. By proactively addressing these issues and developing strategies to protect or improve their credit, I can help Ben's clients mitigate potential challenges going forward.

Jake Shumard

Response from Jake Shumard

Ben Ragin is in insurance. I am in real estate. 

1. Should I transfer my real estate to my trust?

a. is it a primary residence or a family lake house, beach house w/o cash compensation

Jakes purposes-yes

Bens purposes- yes                    ; or 

b. is it for a rental investment 

Jakes purposes- no

Bens purposes- no

**people sue people with money and in their mind, and Morgan & Morgans mind, trusts, however erraneous the logic=$**

2. Should I transfer my vehicle to my trust 

 Jakes purposes- w/o trust ownership I can still keep you out of probate court using a GA form T-20

Ben's purposes- no, for reasons above. 

3. What if I propose LLC ownership instead: 

Primary residence 

Jake- sure, but you will lose homestead exemption

Ben- I do not really care

Investment Property (w/ cash compensation i.e. rental) 

Yes, yes


Only if legitimately used for business purpose




Jacque Streever

Response from Jacque Streever

from the Brookhaven Team

Jacque Streever--Mary Kay Cosmetics--Panina Miller Gordon--Accounting

1.  As an independent Business Woman I assist other women in beginning their own small business with Mary Kay and teach them the numbers to reach their goals!

1.  Panina is an Accountant and assists small business owners in their businesses and offers advice on how to make it work with the numbers.

2.  My MK Consultants need to keep track of iventory receipts, as well as gas mileage, the extras for their Gift-Giving Service, etc. to take advantage of their Tax Benefits.

2.  Panina makes numbers speak as she does the taxes for the small business owners she has as clients.

3.  I am constantly on point and on purpose with my Team to help them reach their goals and encouraging them to keep organized with their paperwork for their Tax Benefits.

3. Panina is on point and on purpose following through with her clients to make sure she has the documentation she needs to assist them in having the best possible outcome for their small business.

Dr. James Myers DC

Response from Dr. James Myers DC

from the Brookhaven Team

Ron Goodnow is a paint company owner and I am a Chiropractor.

Painters have their arms and their bodies in a lot of weird and demanding positions.  I would assume that they could get sore and develop some injuries in their field of work.

1.)  How often do you hear that your workers are injured or are dealing with pain?

2.)  Do you ever notice job times increasing all-of-sudden?

3.)  How much do you take pride in the speed and efficiency of your crews?

I would indroduce my functional movement and injury risk assessment for Ron and his crew memebers.  If injury risk is shown then an entervention treatment plan could be utililized to help prevent injuries, improve speed, efficiency, and overall quality of crew's paint jobs for customers. 


Ron Goodnow

Response from Ron Goodnow

from the Brookhaven Team

DR. James is Our team Chropractor who treats based on Movement evaluation to find the root cause of the pain. 

I am the painter 

--- My teams are in very demanding positions and spend a lot of time climbing up and own ladders. Moving heavy ladders and then balencing in areas such as on a ladder while holding equipment in both hands.

can you restore quickly the speed that is required for these crews to meet customer needs?

are my crews able to do a treat and go or is it always an ongoing treatment?

some teams will engage in "preventative" type maint on their off time which I see preventing serious injuries and maintaining speed through the work. 

What preventative treatments do you have to help them maintain high levels of performance with little to no injuries that will be afordable on a long term basis.

Christopher  Lyboldt

Response from Christopher Lyboldt

from the Roswell 400 Team

Renea Ash - Photographer

Chris Lyboldt - Senior Care Advisor

Topic:  Building Dignity and Self-Esteem

1.  Identification of Best Clients - Who could use an extra dose of Dignity and Self-Esteem, and how can photography and Eldercare Consulting provide that dose?

2.  Methodology - What are the processes we would respectively use to achieve this objective for these clients?

3.  Outcomes for the client - Share some poignant client stories demonstrating how the objective was achieved.



Max Middleton

Response from Max Middleton

from the Brookhaven Team

For my joint presentation I chose Tre Jackson. He is a videographer and I am a Roofing Contractor. We would do a joint presentation on how video marketing, before and after videos and social media are a big part of what we do. We could also show how a roofer and a videographer would word together to show our future clients outr work.  



Mrs. Panina Miller Gordon

Response from Mrs. Panina Miller Gordon

from the Brookhaven Team

Kim Green is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and I the Accountant for the Brookhaven Team.

1. Types of assessments we conduct to understand where our clients are presently in order to better help them.

2. Goal Setting is a kins of Budgetting

3.  Kim provides her clients with instructions to visualize what assets they have inside them, while I work on their Profit and Loss, which is a report card of their achievements., making Numbers tell a story and I can make numbers speak.


Amanda Williams

Response from Amanda Williams

from the Sugarloaf Team

I picked Bob Wiggs who works for KMT secuirty company. As a bank representative, I come across small business clients who arive almost daily with confirmed fraud. I have learned to support small businesses with a more proactive approach to reduce fraud as the situation becomes excessively frustrating for clients. Though, scenarios aren't always the same. Overall, security should be prioritized for a small business client. Bob and I can share what types of security businesses should have and the scenarios that can be avoided due to these processes. 

Kim Green

Response from Kim Green

Jacque Streever (Mary Kay Director) and Kim Green (Life and Leadership Coach)

1. Self-Confindence:  As a Life Coach, I emphazie the importance of self-confidence. Jacque by using her Mary Kay make-up products can boost clients self-confidence by ensuring they look the part. Looking the part, builds confidence. 

2. Time Managment and Work-Life Balance: As a Life Coach, I assist clients in developing strategises to prioritize tasks, streamline processes, and create boundaries to balance work and life. Jacque can emphasis how to help her clients complete their make-up routine in 30 minutes as opposed to 1 hour.

3. Goal Setting: As a Life Coach, I help my clients set clear and actionalbe goals. Jacque sale's team can utilize coaching techniques to ensure sale goals are met continously.

Mark Britt

Response from Mark Britt

Patty Voltz and I would discuss the various ways a banker could provide assistance to the remodeling process.

For commercial construction jobs, the bank offers a commercial building loan program

For residential remodeling jobs, the bank offers the homeowner a home equity line of credit (HELOC).

For remodelers without a home, the bank offers credite card rates of 0% for 18 months. 

Kristen Mehr

Response from Kristen Mehr

from the Brookhaven Team

Stacie Conner (Family Attorney) and Kristen Mehr (Realtor)

TOPIC: Divorce and the Management of Real Estate Assets

1. Options for the existing properties beyond selling

2. Setting expectations for sale of property and transaction do's and don't (How would both parties like to be communicated with, who would be main point of contact, what do the divorce papers say about managing the transaction, when is legal advice needed, avoiding common mistakes & mishaps etc.)

3. The relationship between the Divorce Attorney and Realtor identified to sell property. (One key to a smooth transaction) How they partner for success and what information on both sides can be shared and what remains confidential.

Tre Jackson

Response from Tre Jackson

Max Middleton is a Roofer, and I, Tre Jackson am a Videographer. Although our industries are very different, they are both visual dominant. At the end of a job, the buyer observes what we have created or altered with our labor and decides whether or not it is satisfactory.

1. I fly drones as a part of the services I offer. This allows me to observe things from a perspective that eyes typically don't see. Drone shots can be so beautiful and entralling for that reason. Max is often showing the difference between one roof or another but, what he could do is showcase different types of roof. Signature shapes, names, especially from above and even why a particular roof is shaped that way.

2. People love a story of transformation, just like at the latest coming age marvel hero. I am often showing and sharing peoples stories of transformation. There is something very human about seeing something go from one thing and how it progresses to the next. One way Max could showcase the effectiveness as a roofer is through before and after a roof has been replaced. And go deeper into the education, we can all see that it looks better, but just like any story, dig into why else is it important to have a roof that fits.

3. There is something in the video field called BTS, which stands for Behind the Scenes. It is where you capture what it looks like while the project is being completed. People enjoying watching these to see what it took. It's sort of life a day in the life, or a processing video where you're showing the process. Max could do the same in roofing. Most people know that roofers climb on the roof and hit nails to some effect, but don't fully understand the process. There are unique materials, and are is a best way to put them on a roof I'm sure. There is a reason the average man doesn't do his own roof, because there is a precise sequence of steps. Max could cover those steps so someone could see the value of getting a roofer even more.



Doree O'Neal

Response from Doree O'Neal

from the East Cobb Team

Chase Waldroup with Rhino Restoration of Georgia is in the Roofing spot on our team.  I could see us doing a joint 7-minute presentation about letting stress and anxiety go when replacing a roof with Rhino Restoration of Georgia. 

The three key points I would make are: 

-How to let the professionals do the job they know best

-Let go of the fear of the outcome

-Find something to do that brings you joy while the work is being done

Kenitra Harrington

Response from Kenitra Harrington

from the Brookhaven Team

Ted McGee is a Mortgage Loan Originator and I am the Office Manager for Ace Handyman Services.

TOPIC: Mortgage Loans and Home Repairs

1.  Although Ted and I both help our neighbors in their homes, We assist totally different ways. 

2. How to provide an estimate to our neighbors. We can discuss the different processes.

3. Provide peace of mind in making a house a home. We can discuss how pleased our neighbors are with results we provide.

Matt Willett

Response from Matt Willett

Barry Edwards and I could do a joint presentation on the change in estate tax at end of 2025.


- What is an estate tax and who pays for it?

- How has the estate tax worked over time and how is it changing?

- How can you structure your business to prepare for the changes in the estate tax?



Barry Edwards

Response from Barry Edwards

from the Brookhaven Team

Matt Willett and I could do a joint presentation on succession planning. I could discuss succession planning for individuals and Matt could discuss succession planning for businesses.  

Possible topics I could cover:

- What is a will?

- What is a trust?

- What are the Pros & Cons of each for estate planning purposes?