What To Do To Get Referrals: Joint 7-Minute Presentations | Outfielder

Count three to your left. 


If you and this Member did a Joint 7-Minute, what topic would you suggest?

How would you prepare?

What points would you make to show similarity?

Could you create a handout for us to use as a worksheet?


Ryan Tingle

Response from Ryan Tingle

from the Buckhead Team

Three up from me on the agenda is one Nelson Carrasco. Though our fields are disimilar in most ways, I could easily do a 14 minute w/ NC. I could go into detail, praising the incredible work Nelson did for the Tingle family. I could provide photos demonstrating how he and his crew transformed our deck, and the rear of our home. 

Additionally, we could discuss how important a role insurance can play in a painter's line of work. While a painter's job is to beautify their client's home, there's also great peril. There is ample oppotunity for a painter to do property damage to a client's home or business. Furthermore, they could be found liable for injuries due to an environment made unsafe due to their negligence. (Not Nelson of course...but *other* painters ;)) 

Yeah, I'd love to do a 14-minute w/ Nelsom.


Michael Smith

Response from Michael Smith

from the Candler Park Team

Well ... I'll go with Jim Demetry.  As a business attorney and a contractor we both deal with lien law and it often misunderstood.  It sounds scary for clients but actually it's very straight forward.  It could be 14 minutes of role playing with a third member that would act as a client.  Maybe even Taylor and Karen having supporting roles in there somewhere.  The visualization that comes to mind is a glove - there are a number or people that can be affected (the fingers) but it all comes back to the lien (the palm).

I would like to address how it works and let Jim address how to avoid the situation.  What things have to be done by both parties and why the law exists.

My only concern is that between the two of us it could be 14 hours of discussion.  That's where planning comes into a joint 7 minute.

Catch you Friday ...

Gregory Golden

Response from Gregory Golden

from the Buckhead Team

Over the years, I have done 6 or 7 seven joint 7-Minute presentations - usually, with someone who can be naturally involved in a divorce case or other family law matter (e.g., another attorney, financial adviser).  However, the more interesting 7-Minute presentations is when you tem up with someone who is completely outside your orbit.  It forces the two of you to delve into the commonalities and differences in the services/products that you provide as well as the clients to whom you are searching to be referred.  If I were to present a joint 7-Minute with Nate Johnson (who has the fitness trainer seat but specializes in training children in soccer), we could discuss the costs and time commitments for children to particiate in club/travel soccer teams, and how such participation could affect a parent's child support obligation and/or the terms of a parenting plan.

Linda Kuryloski CFP®, AAMS®

Response from Linda Kuryloski CFP®, AAMS®

from the Buckhead Team

Mo and I would write a simultaneous plan.  

She would script out the video  step by step,

and I would script out the financial plan step by step.

A good video, or a good financial plan all require careful care and planning. 

We would make a video about a family who needs serious financial planning help!  lk








Mark Thomas

Response from Mark Thomas

from the Buckhead Team

Seated three to my left at this morning's meeting was Barry Kaplan.  Barry and I have worked together, so this is an easy one.  I would suggest that we cover my registered trademark "Right Firm Right Now."  Barry did all of the work to register my trademark.  I would cover how I came up with the slogan, when I first used it and how.  Barry  could then cover how he did all of the research and paperwork to register and protect the mark.  I even found another lawyer in Texas who was using it and we discussed my options as to enforcement.  This could also be addressed in our Joint 7 Minute.  The handout is simple:  all of the lagniappe that bears my firm slogan.  

Lori Harris

Response from Lori Harris

from the Buckhead Team

Today I'm choosing Greg Golden as my 7 minute partner. 

First, let’s talk about how both Greg and I start our projects. Greg takes time to really understand the details of his client's situation and what they hope to achieve with their divorce. Similarly, I spend time with my clients to understand their business goals, their target audience, and what defines success for their campaign. This initial step ensures we’re both fully aligned with our clients' expectations.

Moving on to the planning stage, Greg outlines a strategy tailored to the specifics of each case, selecting the most effective legal tactics. I approach my advertising campaigns in much the same way, choosing the best platforms and ad formats that align with the client’s business objectives. This ensures that every action is strategically poised to achieve the desired outcomes.

Both our professions rely heavily on strong research and analytical skills. Greg prepares by researching legal precedents and gathering compelling evidence to support his case in court. Similarly, I use market research and data analytics to inform my advertising strategies, crafting ads that not only attract attention but also drive action.

Finally, adaptability is crucial in both our fields. Greg skillfully navigates negotiations and adapts his strategies based on ongoing developments and interactions. In my world, I continuously optimize my campaigns, adjusting budgets and refining my approach based on real-time data. This flexibility helps us stay on track toward achieving the best results for our clients, ensuring we keep them updated and confident in our approach throughout the process.


Greg Jordan

Response from Greg Jordan

from the Buckhead Team

Adriana Santiago sits three seats down from me. Although it’s not obvious, we have a lot in common. Glass and skin are very similar. They both are sensitive to sunlight, dirt/grime, and aging. Without maintenance, they can fade over time; they can also develop wrinkles and spots. The good news is that you can treat both. Both skin and glass can be repaired by “exfoliating” or removing surface layers to mitigate any damage. We could use a series  of before and after slides to show the similarities.

Karen Armstrong

Response from Karen Armstrong

from the Buckhead Team

I would do a joint seven minute with Mark Thomas, personal injury attorney. I would do the joint seven minute  on how real estate could help his client receiving a personal injury settlement. Mark mentioned that many of his clients don't know what to do with a large settlement and often do not set themselves up for success financially. I could help them purchase an income producing property that would be a real asset, but also provide them a stable stream of income for the future at a return of 10 percent. 

Jim Lewis

Response from Jim Lewis

from the Buckhead Team

I would enjoy doing a joint seven minute with Mo Thakurta. One of the biggest challenges facing potential homebuyers, especially first-time buyers, is the belief that there are no affordable homes to purchase as rising rates and home prices have discouraged many potential would be homebuyers from the market. Many home builders are offering discounted rates as low as 4.99% and closing costs incentives on inventory that can close within 40-60 days. This makes not only the monthly payment more affordable, but also lowers their cash to close considerably. On a 350,000 mortgage, this drops the payment by almost 450 per month. We could leverage Mo's video and social media expertise to get the message out that "NOW" is a great time to buy, encouraging potential buyers to get off the fence and into a new home with a low rate and a 10 year warranty. Potential buyers shouldn't "wait to buy Real Estate'', instead they should "buy Real Estate, and wait!"

Taylor Sellers

Response from Taylor Sellers

from the Buckhead Team

Three to my left would be Ramona Baptiste.   I think the topic we would cover are the tax consequences of buying and selling a property combined with the actual process of buying and selling a property.    She would be able to discuss the benefits of owning a home and having a mortgage and their corresponding tax write offs as well the taxes that could need to be paid upon selling the property.   I would be able to details the documents that would need to be signed and recorded in order to purchase a property and get a mortgage as well as sell a property and ensure your mortgage has been paid off.   We would prepare by discussing what we would cover as well as layout when each of us would talk and for how long.   On point that I think would be very evident is there is still alot of paper work in real estate and taxes but we would also point out the need for specifics and timeliness in getting things accomplished.  We could create a handout but I think it would contain too many pages to be of much value.

Rebecca Brizi

Response from Rebecca Brizi

from the Buckhead Team

Elisa Valens, personal chef, was subbing on our team, and I would enjoy doing a joint 7 minute with her. 

Cooking is a wonderful analogy for business management: there are certain rules that must apply - scientific and flavor-based for cooking, structural for businesses. But in cooking, what matters most is what the customer enjoys eating. And with business management, what matters most is what the business is good at doing and how. 

People will choose their chef based on method of working (Elisa is a vegan chef) and output (do they like her dishes). People will select their business consultant much along the same lines: do they agree with the working philosophy and do they like the results. 

I think there could be quite a bit we could play with to create a fun presentation highlighting some key ways we make decisions and serve our clients. 

Barry Kaplan

Response from Barry Kaplan

from the Buckhead Team

My 7-Minute presentation partner would be Ramona Baptiste, Buckhead Team CPA. In my practice of Intellectual Property (IP) Law, there are frequently questions that involve tax planning for clients' patent, trademark, and copyright assets. Sometimes, clients wish to place IP assets into a holding company, sometimes they wish to hold IP assets personally and license them to their operating company. There can be third party licensing income to consider and manage. There are basis and transfer tax questions that arise, as well as international tax considerations.

I think I'd prepare by interviewing Ramona to see how she might approach these kinds of questions when advising a client. There are so many overlapping topics that I think it would be easy to show similarities in how we work when we are considering a client's particular needs and advising them. Handouts could include a chart with IP and other business asset tax considerations, or a list of materials and documents a client might need to give us in order to have questions like these answered.

Mohua (Mo) Thakurta

Response from Mohua (Mo) Thakurta

I propose a joint meeting with Lori Harris, who holds the marketing seat on the team, to discuss a video campaign for a client. I suggest we start by setting up a shared Google Doc where I will outline my initial thoughts. Lori can then add her strategy insights and post-campaign analysis. Afterward, we can schedule a Zoom call to discuss the various handover and transition points. As we approach the presentation date, we should practice the entire presentation a few times to ensure smooth delivery. A video campaign for a client presentation will cover a case study that discusses time commitment, target audience, purpose, and different channels of advertising content.

Both of our businesses have a lot in common, particularly our understanding that marketing and video content are long-term endeavors, much like networking. Success requires knowing your audience, showing up consistently, adding value, and analyzing the results.

I also believe that providing a handout detailing the workflow of the campaign will be very beneficial. This will help everyone understand the timeframe and effort required to achieve the desired results.

Neeli Shah

Response from Neeli Shah

from the Buckhead Team

Three up from me on the agenda is Mark Thomas.  Since Mark deals with personal injury and wrongful death matters, it would be an obvious joint 7-minute for us to do on how to handle estate planning after receiving a wrongful death settlement or the requirement to open Probate before filing a wrongful death claim, as most open the Estate of the Decedent must be a party to the lawsuit.  Recently, I am working with a client who opened an Estate for his wife, and then subsequently closed the Estate prematurely.  After closing the Estate, he discovered that his wife's Estate was eligible to become part of a Class Action lawsuit and now has a judgment waiting to be paid out.  However, since the Estate has been closed, we now need to refile the Petition to reopen the Estate so that the judgment can be processed.  Personal Injury and Probate Administration certainly go hand in hand and I would love to do a joint 7-min presentation with Mark.  

Jim Demetry

Response from Jim Demetry

If I did a Joint 7-Minute, I would partner with Ryan Tingle, our team's Property and Casualty Insurance Agent.  As a business attorney, my clients want to know that they have done everything they can to prevent liability from lawsuits, operationally and legally.  Ryan is an expert at working with businesses (and individuals) to recommend appropriate insurance coverage for when disasters happen.  In our presentation, I would talk about developing business terms and conditions that clearly define the client's business obligations and limit liability for problems that arise, while Ryan would talk about having appropriate and sufficient insurance coverage that would pay for any damages awarded if a lawsuit is ever filed.  Having an appropriate contract in place with customers and vendors, and having adequate business insurance policies are the best ways to prevent being put out of business by a lawsuit.   

Ramona Baptiste CPA

Response from Ramona Baptiste CPA

from the Buckhead Team

I'd love to do a joint 7Minute presentation with Keyaan Williams!  I think a great topic would cover the logistics of creating a data security plan.  All tax preparers are required to have a written security plan.  I think our 7Minute could focus on the types of data that CPAs collect and need to secure, and Keyaan could address details that should be included in our security plan to address key areas of vulnerability.  I think this would be a logical selection on a subject matter that should be important to all business owners in today's environment.  An ideal handout for the joint 7 minute would provide recipients with a list of types of data everyone should secure, along with recommendations on how to mitigate risks.  This would be a great visual.

Saurel Quettan

Response from Saurel Quettan

from the Candler Park Team

Enhancing Business Growth and Client Satisfaction: Lessons from Handyman Services - Zach Carr and Leadership Coaching - Saurel Quettan

Preparation Steps

  • Understand Zach's Services: Learn about Zach's specific handyman services, clientele, and business practices.
  • Identify Common Challenges: List common challenges in both handyman services and business coaching.
  • Develop Key Points: Focus on themes like client satisfaction, service excellence, and business growth.

Key Points for Similarity

  • Client-Centric Approach: Both services prioritize client satisfaction and trust.
  • Problem-Solving: Effective problem-solving is essential in both roles.
  • Quality and Consistency: High standards and consistent performance are key to success.


Enhancing Business Growth and Client Satisfaction: Lessons from Handyman Services and Leadership Coaching

Open Discussion: Share experiences and insights.


Worksheet Activities

Client-Centric Approach:  List 3 ways you can improve client satisfaction in your business.

Problem-Solving Techniques:  Identify 2 common problems in your business and potential solutions.

Quality and Consistency:  Describe 2 strategies you can implement to maintain quality and consistency in your services.

Keyaan Williams

Response from Keyaan Williams


Karen Armstrong “sits” three seats to my left on the team roster. She has worked as an Atlanta Realtor for 20 years and has sold over 1,200 homes in the Atlanta Metro Area. As a Realtor, Karen has committed to uphold the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) code of ethics and maintain a high level of integrity when representing clients. The NAR strongly supports efforts to protect consumers' sensitive personal information.

The REALTOR® code of Ethics and Standards of Practice explicitly acknowledge a REALTOR's® obligation to preserve the confidentiality of personal information provided by clients in the course of any agency or non-agency relationship—both during and after the termination of these business relationships. 

A Joint 7-Minute presentation between Karen and me would focus on the “Cybersecurity Best Practices for Realtors.” The presentation would provide an opportunity to demonstrate how Karen protects customer data while providing me an opportunity to teach everyone at the table about essential security practices that protect the data of their customers.

Key points of interest could include the following topics:

  • Email and Password Hygiene
    • What does Karen do to communicate securely and protect information sent via email? 
    • How should businesses configure these solutions in their organizations?

  • Data encryption and sanitization
    • How does Karen encrypt sensitive information, and how does she ensure files are deleted when they are no longer required?
    • How should businesses configure encryption? What are the best practices for media sanitization?

  • Software patching and updates
    • How does Karen keep her business systems patched and up-to-date?
    • How can businesses develop a process to automate system patching and updates to reduce cybersecurity risk?

  • Breach response and notification
    • What processes does Karen have in place to ensure customers are notified if there is a problem?
    • What are the legal obligations of businesses based on the volume of data and the primary residence of the data subject?

Any handout that Karen and I create would be valuable to educate consumers and demonstrate that Karen follows the best practices of her profession to keep customer data safe and secure.


Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

Three to my left this morning was Jim Mothorpe.  A good joint 7-minute with him and myself would be about what is needed to prepare for investing.

We could compare how he approaches a new client to determine if they are ready to start investing and I could show the steps to prepare a client if they are not ready yet to invest.

A good handout would show some of the comparisons of when a client is ready to invest versus when they are not and some of the ways to get them to a point of investing readiness.

Kellen Stennett

Response from Kellen Stennett

from the Buckhead Team

Jim Lewis is "three to my left". Jim and I could easily do a joint 7 minute on home buying, the mortgage process, the home inspection process, and how companies like ours often work with mortgage companies. We have had several instances of mortgage companies not closing on home loans until issues that we often inspect for and correct have been dealt with. Mold, water damage, fire damage - they have all been reasons a home couldn't close. We could also touch on using refinancing to pay for damage to homes that aren't covered by insurance. Would be a great 14 minutes!

Cory Blum

Response from Cory Blum

I would love to (and have already discussed and will) do a 7 minute presentation with Ryan Tingle. There is an abundance of synergy and overlap between our industries, as roof replacements and homeowner's insurance go hand in hand, and who better to team up with than the Vice President of Tabb Insurance Agency, where to say they deal with it regularly would almost be an understatement. 

I'd like to discuss his side of things as an insurance agent as well as my side as a roofer, particularly regarding claims. I think the team would benefit greatly from an understanding of how closely the two work together.

Ryan and I have already discussed this and intend to do our next presentations together. as the timing lines up.

I, for one, look foward to it.

- CB

Karla Bradley

Response from Karla Bradley

from the Virginia Highland Team

Adriana was 3 to my left this morning!  I would think we could do a good joint 7 minute about travleling and maintaining your skin care routine, use and importatnce of the sunscreen when in the islands. We may have to go to the Dominican Republic to prepare for this properly. We could talk about the difference of in destination spa treatments vs her local treatments. 

Savannah Samples

Response from Savannah Samples

Ramona was 3 to my left. She's a pro in accounting and all the IRS tools.

One thing my clients use as a perk is deducting their Angel bill from their taxes. I'd love to present on what we do, how it applies to deductions, and how Ramona could work with them to do so! Since we cover childcare and adult personal care, this could be a major perk in getting help around the house!


Imagine having your laundry washed, folded, and put away, dishes clear from the sink, and children picked up from school all before you return from work! Then, imagine it being DEDUCTED! You're helping yourself physically, mentally, and financially!


Win, win all around!

Andre'a Bowens

Response from Andre'a Bowens

I would choose a Joint 7 minute topic with Personal Injury Attorney Mark Thomas. Our topic would encircle drinking and driving, including the addictive and legal perspectives. As an alcohol and drug addiction counselor,  I would speak to the dangers of drinking and driving and the impact toward the drivers, mental, emotional, physical, financial, social, and professional health. I would speak to recommended services to include evaluation, counseling, education/prevention,  and referral services for the individual being charged with drinking and driving.  Attorney Thomas would speak to the impact of the victims , their families, and society. He also has consummate insights toward what the individuals (clients/victims) needs and wants are and  how to frame that within legal representation and compensation.  

Corey Wimpey

Response from Corey Wimpey

Kellen and I could talk about what to do if you have a bad water leak and it creates damage. We would would explain how to safegaurd your home to stop leaks before they happen but in the event that they do we could explain how the process of hiring a mitigation company works and how to approach it so your home can be properly restored.

Jesse Long

Response from Jesse Long

from the Buckhead Team

Cory Blum and I would give an excellent 7 minute presentation together, where we would focus on keeping our clients worry-free and protected for the next 15-20 years.  For his clients, Cory would satisfy their needs with a reliable roof system and preventative maintenance for years to come and my clients would receive a technology roadmap for their office productivity.  We would set their office up with automatic toner shipments so they never run out or experience downtime.  We would also help them optimize scan workflow, removing the human labor and human error associated with manual tasks like scanned file naming and scanned folder indexing, saving administrative staff 20+ hours per month.  With planned equipment upgrades every 5 years, their office equipment would never be outdated or problematic.

Nate  Johnson

Response from Nate Johnson

from the Buckhead Team

Mo would be my choice to do a 7-minute presentation with and the topic would revlolve around events, as I host events and her and her team covers events. There is a lot of overlap in terms of things to be considered and how to be successfull when planning/executing an event. 

The similarities would include the processes involved in the planning, execution and review stages of creating an event as they are similar for soccer as they would be for video production. Soccer camps/events are dynamic and have lots of different drills, changes of direction and topics covered and that matches the dynamic nature of providing video for an event where there are lots of different angles to get, formats to use and changes in direction (pivoting focus) during events. 

Overall it would be a fun way to show some unique elements within both industries