What To Do To Give Referrals: Keep Yourself In The Triangle | Strike Means Connect

The purpose of the pink copy of a Referral Record is for the Member who gives the referral connection to have a way to follow up.

How do you physically track your pink slips? 

When you have not heard anything do you follow up first with your client, or with the Team Member?

Share how you confirm a connection.


Craig Cushingham

Response from Craig Cushingham

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

The Pink Referral Record stays in a stack on my desk until I have heard from the Member or the Client.

When I have not heard a resolve, then I contact the PC Team Member and ask if they have reached out to them and what the result was.

If needed, I will contact the Client again and remind them of the possible benefit that I thought would help them. At that interaction I might learn something more to help make the connection work.

Christopher Eells

Response from Christopher Eells

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I keep them on my desk until the referal loop is closed and then i keep a spreadsheet to follow up with the member.

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

  1. When I complete a referral record at my desk I often leave the pink part there, in my follow through stack.
  2. When I write a referral record during the meeting the pink part, and any white slips I've received, are on the top of my stack to go back to my desk, and they're the first thing I do.

The pink slip hangs around until either person tells me they've connected. If they don't tell me, I ask the next time I see either of them. If they haven't connected this influences future referrals -- to both of them. (I'm not going to disrespect a Member by referring them to a client who doesn't respond.)

I have not tracked my referrals given in a spreadsheet, but I'd consider it, if it was simple. There would be value for me in knowing who, and which classifications I refer to. And how the referral came about.

  • Yesterday a past Member called requesting a referral for their client with a need. I'd want a column for those types of referrals, that don't originate with me. Anne Keeton texts me three times a year asking for someone. Nancy Kaye regularly reaches out for a number.
  • I'll turn in the referral, and tell the story, in three weeks, when I'm at that Member's Team.
  • I could be better about sending the referral record to another Member to turn in for me at the next meeting. That's an idea. Thinking.
Jason Wilson

Response from Jason Wilson

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I track pink slips by contacting the person I gave the referral to, to see if they made contact. If they haven't, I check back in with the referral themselves. In most cases, I use a three-way text so it self-tracks when all parties respond in the group text.

Robert Mitchell

Response from Robert Mitchell

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

The referral is my responsibility until money has changed hands or I learn that it was not as perfect of a fit as I had originally thought. I keep the pink slip and continue to follow-up with the member I passed it to, checking to see if I need to do more to cement the relationship. In some cases, this means going back to the other party to see if they still have the need and or have other questions. I find it valuable to review my referrals and ask, "could I have used a better method of introduction? Did I read the opportunity correctly?  Do I understand my referral partners business as well as I need to in order to effectively refer?

Ms. Nicole Good

Response from Ms. Nicole Good

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I follow up with my pink slips by translating it into an excel sheet with the information and contact information. I will first follow up with the prospect or client prior to following up with the person I referred it to. Once the connection is made I close it out on excel. 

Chris Coulter

Response from Chris Coulter

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

Many of the referrals i give are for home insurance policies since I am a mortgage lender.  When I refer a client I usually follow up with the team member first and I share the pink slip with my mortgage processing team so they can follow up with the client I referred since they are usually in a constant dialogue with that client.  I follow up with team member and my operations team follows up with the end client to make sure we have home insurance coverage in a timely manner.  


If it is another referral I will call my end client because I feel responsible for making sure the connection is solidly made.  

Dr. Kenneth Strack

Response from Dr. Kenneth Strack

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

For the first couple years of being on Powercore, I did not have a good program in place. I didn't have a good way to mark the completed referrals and the ones that were supposed to be completed soon. So I decided to change the way that I pass them. I try to pass referrals at the table when the connection is made, or the deal is done. 

I do have some exceptions, like if my patient wants the Powercore worker to reach out to them. Another one would be a three way connection. And in those connections, I will ask the Powercore member the best way to make that connection. I do my best not to give cold call referrals because one thing I've learned from my time on Powercore, no one here has time to make cold calls.

Brian Larson

Response from Brian Larson

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I keep them in an envelope in my backpack, paper clipped by week. When I confirm contact has been made, I set that slip aside. After two weeks, I follow up to see why contact has not been made and go from there. 

Graham Kuhn

Response from Graham Kuhn

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I put the pink copies on my desk for the first week until I make the connection. once I make the connection usually via three way email I keep it on my desk until a meeting is set. If no one replies to my first introduction email I will usually follow up with my client first to keep them warm as a lead for my team member. It's been my experience that a connection doesn't happen more often because of my client not replying versus my team member. Once the meeting is set I put the pink copies in a box in my desk drawer. 

Bryan Edwards

Response from Bryan Edwards

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

For me I keep both ny white slips and the pink ones. Reason is to track how much I am giving and also recieving. I literally keep them where I can see them in my truck (AKA Office) and visit them through out the week to make sure connection is made.  The keep them all in my roster book and once I know it was made i put a check make on it.  I only contact the memeber to see if connection was made and not the prospect because I dont want crediibility to be lost if something may have happened. As my recent coach told us I want to keep the triangle as it has much more success if I am involved as oppesed to me not being apart of the connection.

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

I keep my Pink Slips on my desk and review them at the end of the week.  If I haven’t heard anything:


  1. I will follow up with the client if we are scheduled for a meeting soon.
  2. Follow up with the Team Member to check on the connection and if they need anything additional from me.
Sarah Newton

Response from Sarah Newton

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I collect and keep my pink slips in sequential order, leaving the most recent at the top, and keep them in a file in my office.  More importantly I also track them in an excel spreedsheet entering the info in after every PowerCore meeting as well as I add the data into our CRM to set reminders and track accordingly.  This way I can stay up to date and follow thru with contacting both the customer/client and my PowerCore team member that I sent the referral to.  I reach out with a follow up phone call, in person, or via text/email depending on the referral type and my relationship with the customer/client.  I also reach out to my PowerCore team member the same way as well as communicate in person at our meetings.   

Robert Buczek

Response from Robert Buczek

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I keep them under my monitor and follow up when I see or talk to any of the connections 1-on-1. By monitoring who makes connections back I weed out my referability list. 

If it's a connection that I make via a FB referral or in a text chain, I send a screen shot to the person being referred. 

Christopher  Lyboldt

Response from Christopher Lyboldt

from the Roswell 400 Team

I use Calendly to help me schedule my PowerBrews. I make sure that the PowerBrew is scheduled at the end of the meeting and that we've blocked out the time on our calendars.

I'll keep pink slips if I need to do a follow-up. The follow-ups usually apply to member-to-prospect referrals.  The system is not very sophisticated.  I have a drawer dedicated to PowerCore, and I put my pink slips in that drawer.  Because a pink slip means that I need to take action on some task, keeping them there is an excellent way to ensure that I'm following up accordingly on referrals.

Perry Van Alstyne Jr

Response from Perry Van Alstyne Jr

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I keep my pink slips in two separate piles. One pile is for connections made or coffees had and the other are for pending connections or coffees. As the connections happen the pink silps change piles. I give the referrals a week to take place after the first introduction and if there is no movement then I reach out to both parties separately to see if I can move it forward. If it doesn't work after that the pink slip gets moved to the other pile.

Refer on! #100%


Maggy Joseph-Paraison

Response from Maggy Joseph-Paraison

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

The pink referral stays in small portable box in my purse.   I checked with the clients to see if their needs have been met and if it has not.  Then I follow up with the team member and shared clients concerns.  So they can  speak to it when they connect and touch based with my clients.

Rob  Morgan

Response from Rob Morgan

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I keep a physical record of my pink slips in my binder but have considered making a spread sheet for them. If I have not heard anything from them I will reach out to the team member first

David  Schaeffer

Response from David Schaeffer

I keep my referal pink slips in my binder and review them weekly. 

It depends on the relationship I have with the client. In most cases I will followup with the team member first. In cases where the clients are close personal friends I might follow up with them first. 

I typically will ask them if they have had a chance to speak with the person they were refered and how it went.

Kelly Stover

Response from Kelly Stover

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I have been keeping pink slips in a separate folder. I'm in the process of creating a spreadsheet that will help me track successes and follow ups. If I have not heard back from a referral, I would check with my client first and then depending on the conversation the team member. I like the 3-way connection method either with an email or text to make sure both parties are introduced before the meeting. 

Scott Rutherford

Response from Scott Rutherford

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I keep my pink copies on the corner of my desk to review at least once a week to stay connected.

Ellen Tyler

Response from Ellen Tyler

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I keep them in a book and review bi-monthly to see what I need to do.

Emily Cox

Response from Emily Cox

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

I'm still newer so I don't have a system yet, but as of right now they sit on my desk and I have dedignated piles. I will follow up with my team member first to see if they have made contact and see if they need any additional information from me. 

Rachel  Beltz

Response from Rachel Beltz

from the Downtown Woodstock Team

With my line of work i usually am able to send quick text, which include contact information. I follow up by waiting a few days and re-calling or texting the referral 

and asking about their experince.