What To Do To Get Referrals: Substitution - Four Ways | Completion

Credibility is a requirement for referrals. We establish credibility with every behaviour.

What is your process at the end of a client engagement?

Do you have a system for following through in 90 days?

How does this make them comfortable and make you credible? How has this contributed to your referrals from clients?

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

Members make an investment in Team relationships. I want to be sure they don't shoot a hole in their wallet when they leave.

No one does |anything| forever. 
I will be eternally grateful to Jackie Love for teaching me how to leave a group profitably.
(In the rest of my life only one other person - Martha Lanier - has modeled this.)

So I share the process (and the reasons why) in the Knowledge Base: https://powercore.net/account/topics/104
As early as Orientation Essentials I tell new Members that when the time comes for them to leave there is a profitable way; it takes three weeks, call me I'll walk you through it.

There are three profitable results:

  1. Members often boomerang,  They leave well, and they feel comfortable returning. I got a call from Joan Sinrich last week - YAY! Welcome Back.
  2. The leaving Member frequently calls to tell me that was the best thing they could have done for themself, and that they got a referral connection or two. Yes!
  3. The leaving Member feels comfortable continuing to refer to Members - hence the Past Member box on the We Did Business slip.

Go make money, W!

Marie Metzger

Response from Marie Metzger

from the North Fayetteville Team

No matter the type of insurance you're getting, the processes and procedures for every client is the same. At the end of a client engagment, I always want to make sure I've answered any additional questions that you may have and make sure I've acheived a level of satisfaction that the client is happy with. Afterwards, the client receives a Thank You card for doing business with my agency. Within 30 days, we'll reach out again to make sure nothing else has come up and everything is ok with the policy that was just purchased. Our processess gives clients the confidence to refer others because they know they will get the same level of care as they received. 

Yvette D. Best

Response from Yvette D. Best

from the North Fayetteville Team

At the end of every client engagement, I follow a detailed process to ensure that I meet and exceed client expectations. First, I conduct a final review of all deliverables to ensure accuracy and completeness. I then schedule a closing meeting with the client, where we go over the results, answer any lingering questions, and provide guidance on the next steps. "The meeting also provides an opportunity to gather feedback to improve my services continuously."

To maintain credibility and strengthen the relationship., I have a comprehensive follow-up system after the engagement. During this period, I reach out to the client at key intervals — every 30 days with a newsletter, every 60 days with a blog post, and then at the end of the team to check in on their progress, address any new concerns, and offer additional support if needed. I am dedicated to ensuring their long-term success, rather than focusing solely on immediate results.

By consistently following through, clients feel supported and valued, which builds trust and confidence in my services. As a result, I’ve seen a significant increase in referrals from satisfied clients who appreciate the thoroughness and care I provide.

Annie DeRose-Broeckert

Response from Annie DeRose-Broeckert

from the North Fayetteville Team

Of course credibilty is key! The very first thing to do, out of respect for their privacy, is to ask prior to posting about their purchase or sale because the contractural part of our relationship is over when the papers are signed. And, their closing gift is personalized to them

Their information is entered into my database and from then on, I have several ways of staying in touch.

On moving day, I reach out to see if all is going well and about a week after their move I send an email asking if they are settling in and if they need anything as well as to ask for a review.

Birthdays and home-aversary are so important - so clients will always get a text, card, call or possibly get a song!  Gifts are sent for their first homeaversary. They will also get neighborhood insights based on their new address, as well as greetings/holiday announcements and my listings throughout the year.

Everyone is added to my newsletter mailing list - giving them broad market overview, seasonal decorating ideas and insuring that they will be the first to know of client events I am putting on or those held by my office, such as free shredding, pups and popsicles at our local dog park, movie nights and pictures with Santa - to name a few.

At the beginning of the year, they'll be reminded to check and file for any possible property tax exemptions they may be eligible for such as the Homestead exemption and the varied school tax exemptions that are age-based.

People say that Ken and I know everybody - not a week goes by where one of us doesn't get a call that starts, "Do you know who can...".  This is terrific - to be the trusted and first person think of to help them solve a problem!

Finally, the best and most certain indicator of my credibilty -- why my business is 100% referrals, is that so many  clients have become or stayed friends!  It is gratifying to have them stay in touch after the closing AND now even referring their children to me.

Lisa Landry

Response from Lisa Landry

from the North Fayetteville Team

At the end of a client engagement, my process is designed to ensure that clients feel supported and confident in their new health insurance plan. Here’s how it works:

  1. Welcome Letters: After a client purchases a policy, the company sends a welcome letter. A week later, I follow up with my own personal welcome letter. This letter includes the date the policy went into effect, the policy numbers, instructions on how to sign into their portal, and where to find in-network providers.
  2. Personal Touch: In my letter, I emphasize that I am their first level of customer service. I provide my direct contact information, encouraging them to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. This personal touch reassures clients that they have a knowledgeable agent to turn to, which helps them effectively utilize their plan.
  3. Building Comfort and Credibility: By being proactive and accessible, I build a strong rapport with my clients. They know they can rely on me for support, which makes them feel more comfortable and confident in their health insurance choices. My clients often express appreciation for having a knowledgeable agent who is always ready to assist them.
  4. Referrals: This approach has significantly contributed to my referrals. Clients who feel well-supported and confident in their insurance plan are more likely to refer me to their friends and family. They trust that I will provide the same level of care and attention to their referrals as I did to them.


In summary, my process at the end of a client engagement ensures that clients feel supported and confident. This not only makes them comfortable but also enhances my credibility as a reliable agent. As a result, my clients are more likely to refer me to others, knowing that I will provide exceptional service.

John Kimbell

Response from John Kimbell

from the North Fayetteville Team

Whether we are helping with real property transactions or preparing an estate plan, we wrap up with our clients systematically.

1.  We review documents with our clients to ensure that their goals are being acheived.

2.  In estate matters, client feedback is taken to shape any revisions necessary.  In real property mattters, client feedback is our key to ensure that our processes are meeting their needs.

3.  Documents are then executed and recorded or prepared for safekeeping.

4.  After any documents are recorded in the public records , Originals are then delivered within a few days.

We follow up with a short online survey.

Dave Gasser

Response from Dave Gasser

from the North Fayetteville Team

We wrap up in a few different ways. When we do a full roof replacement for a client, we always try to do a full walk around with the homeowner to be sure they are completely satisfied before we leave. If we do repairs, we typically will follow up with pictures from the repair process to show the work that was completed! This has helped create trust which in return contributes to referrals!

Saurel Quettan

Response from Saurel Quettan

from the Candler Park Team

At the end of each client engagement, I send a personalized thank you note and schedule a debrief meeting to review outcomes and gather feedback. This demonstrates my commitment to continuous improvement and client success.

I also have a 90-day follow-up system in place, where I check in to see how clients are applying the strategies we developed, offer additional resources, and request feedback on the long-term impact of our work.

These practices build comfort and credibility by showing that I care about my clients' success beyond the project. This approach has led to more referrals, as clients appreciate the genuine partnership and ongoing support I provide.

Jordan Guest-Johnson

Response from Jordan Guest-Johnson

from the North Fayetteville Team

Once a client's website is published, I offer them ways to profitably use it! Let's tell your social media followers! Send out a newsletter! Begin working together in a Search Engine Optimization capacity! 

If the client does not have need of these services, I check in quarterly to make sure there are no updates or changes needed to their site. Some clients like to "set it and forget it" and some clients change or update their websites frequently.

Jason Davis

Response from Jason Davis

from the North Fayetteville Team

I take notes and divide next steps based on what needs to be done, myself, and what I can delegate. I schedule my personal tasks and deadlines for other tasks as calendar appts. and follow up with clients upon completion to let them know. Timelines can vary depending on the task, but I like to give clients the expected timeline for the process, so they're not mentally left in limbo in the meantime. 

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

My clients work with me initially for three months. During our final session, we take time to assess their comfort level moving forward on their own.  Many times they feel a monthly check-in session is helpful to maintain accountability as well as access to me for questions and guidance.  These sessions are scheduled as a set date and time once a month until they feel comfortable "flying on their own."

Todd Bills

Response from Todd Bills

from the North Fayetteville Team

My most important follow up is with a client after their new Medicare Plan enrollment.  If the enrollment occurs during Annual Election Period, their new benefits will start in roughly 90 days.  At the onset of their new plan, I follow up with them on the following topics:


1) Do they have their new ID cards?

2) Did they get their flex benefits card?

3) Do they know how to get their prescriptions filled?

4) Any issues with their current physicians billing their new plan?

Periodically through the year, I will email them reminding them of plan benefits they may have forgotten about.


I estimate that roughly 25% of new business is the result of referrals from satisfied clients.

Bridget Randolph

Response from Bridget Randolph

from the North Fayetteville Team

My process at the end of a client engagement is structured and patient focused. I ensure that the client has a clear understanding of their health status, and any ongoing care plans, and the next steps to maintain their well-being. I check in with clients within 90 days via news letters, general patient education materials etc. This lets them to know that I'm still thinking of them, and wishing them good health. The goal is to  continue to build trust and credibility by showing my commitment to their long-term well being.

Christopher  Lyboldt

Response from Christopher Lyboldt

from the Roswell 400 Team

After I've helped a family move into a Senior Living community I try to make it a habit to check in with them a few times after they've moved in. This is a critical part of my process because families sometimes have unrealistic expectations of what senior living is really like. And other times there are very serious failures in senior living. I often serve as a mediator to help the older adult have the best possible experience and moving multiple times is the worst case scenario. So checking in with families can sometimes prevent that from happening. 

This also creates a feeling on the part of the families that once a client, always a client. Therefore, if their loved one requires additional help, they will reach out to me again-a referral in the form of repeat business.

Jorge Velez

Response from Jorge Velez

from the South Gwinnett Team

After I sign a client up for insurace. In my CRM I convert them from Lead to Client. They will receive a hand written note from me thanking them for their trust in me and welcoming them to the Velez Health Family. I also send them an email confirmation of the plan we've just enrolled them to. As I think of it, I'd like to create an automated email that after 30 days of the lead being converted the client will receive an email stating they should have received their member id cards and if not to please contact me to address and resolve. Then a 60 or 90 day touching base on how the insurance is working for them. 

Rod Leonard

Response from Rod Leonard

After an  electrical inspection, diagnosis, and repair process. Contact with the client typically involves physically identifying the cause and corrective action taken to fix the problem. If unable to show the client, a detailed written report is delivered via electronically.

 During the walkthrough  process I explain the electrical code requirement/s that were addressed and any other electrical issues unrelated that needs attention. 

A follow-up communication effort, usually two to three days following the completion of the electrical work is made to verify the satisfaction or any dissatisfaction in the work performed. 

Jessica Chaos

Response from Jessica Chaos

from the North Fayetteville Team

Most of my clients come to me for services in correlation to a future event. A wedding, cruise, competition, tradeshow, etc. So at the beginning of every client engagement I make sure to note when the event is supposed to occur and I add it to my calendar. At the end of a client engagement I always ask for them to share pictures from the event with me because I love to see the results of my work and I want them to know I am excited for their event with them. I also follow up after the event is supposed to have occured and ask how things went. This gives my clients reassurance that I am listening, thorough and that I care about them beyond the end of my services rendered. It gives me credibility on those same fronts and I gain my clients trust. My clients feel comfortable referring me to their friends and family, because they can be confident they are sending their people to someone they trust. This has resulted in me getting many repeat customers and many referrals from customers. I am honored to have my clients trust and faith and I will continue to protect the foundation and growth of that trust seriously!

Ryan Austin

Response from Ryan Austin

from the North Fayetteville Team

My intention with clients is to always work myself out of a job - there are some people who see me for only a few weeks and some who see me for years (and ongoing).

When either a client decide to end their time with me or I tell them I feel that they got all they wanted from therapy and it may be their time to slowly exit, we go over The Flags, something I came up with for termination sessions.

Green Flags: I have clients identify the behaviors, perspectives, and habits in practice that let them know the work they did in therapy worked and they have continued that healthy behavior onward, even after the process has eneded.

Yellow Flags: I have clients think about what are the warning signs that may be nothing... but could be an indicator that something is off. Every human has off days, and it is okay to have little slip ups or backslides, and it is about being able to recognize if it was by pure chance or if it is a sign of things to come.

Red Flags: I have clients recall what their past unhealthy behaviors, perspectives, and habits they had in the past that led them to seek out counseling in the first place. This, I let them know, is when it may be time to return to counseling.

Throughout the entire process, I chime in and add my perspective as the person they have worked with during their time in bettering themselves and in healing from the past. This is where the creditbility comes in: it shows that, no matter how long we've been working together, that I paid attention to and know them - what they shared with me not only matters but is remembered. Some of the most common feedack I get from clients is how helpful it is that I can remember far back they said something because it lets them know I am an active participant in our conversations.

I invite them to return to therapy any time they feel like they need or want to, whether it be a maintenance session or a return to treatment.

Heidi Franz

Response from Heidi Franz

from the Newnan Team

I've always believed that credibility is the cornerstone of a successful bookkeeping practice. To ensure I consistently deliver on this promise, I've developed a structured approach for wrapping up client engagements.

After completing a project, I conduct a thorough review of the client's financial records to verify accuracy and completeness. I then prepare a detailed report outlining my findings, recommendations, and any areas of concern. Finally, I schedule a meeting to discuss the report and answer any questions.

To maintain ongoing support, I've implemented a 90-day follow-up system. This involves reaching out to clients to inquire about their financial situation and offer assistance as needed.

By providing exceptional service and maintaining open communication, I aim to build strong relationships with my clients and earn their trust. This approach has proven invaluable in generating referrals from both tax perparers and clients, as they appreciate my dedication and expertise.


Jennifer Parlier

Response from Jennifer Parlier

from the North Fayetteville Team

At Management Virtually Powered, our 90-day follow-up system is designed to ensure clients are fully supported and promptly address any adjustments. Regular check-ins are scheduled to review progress, answer questions, and refine processes, making clients feel secure knowing they have ongoing guidance. This consistent follow-through builds credibility by demonstrating a commitment to long-term success, not just immediate results. This approach has significantly contributed to referrals, as satisfied clients often recommend the service to others, knowing they will receive the same level of dedicated support.

Brandon Respress

Response from Brandon Respress

from the North Fayetteville Team

A loan closing is the beginning of the process for my clients! First, I ensure on closing day that they fully understand how to interact with their new lender(online log-ins and such).

What clients don't know is when the loan is clear to close, a box of gourmet cookies is already out for delivery! They will get this box 2-3 days after closing. There is nothing better than a box of cookies to break up the ordinary when you are busy living your routine(refinance transaction) or trying to get it out of a box somewhere (purchase transaction).

They will then receive a custom cutting board and thank you card to show our appreciation for the opportunity to serve them. I also ensure that we offer each client the opportunity to keep the Glory Mortgages .01% promise to their community.

Clients will receive regular communications from our CRM, as well as happy birthday and anniversary wishes. They will also receive reminders to contest property tax assessments and to assess their Home Owners Insurance coverages annually.

Our goal is to ensure clients feel secure, appreciated, and connected to building a better community everytime we have the privilege of serving their mortgage needs.

Garrett Meuninck

Response from Garrett Meuninck

from the North Fayetteville Team

At the end of a client engagement, first, we make sure that the customer is satisfied with our work. Because the industry I work in is transactional, client engagement is typically over at the end of a project. Me and my team members hand out postcards to the customers that allows them to leave a review on the service that we provide. This is done through Google, Facebook, or Yelp. This is a great way to receive honest feedback on the work that we do at Todd's Plumbing.

Ledia Regis

Response from Ledia Regis

from the Cumberland Team

Acquiring referrals and maintaining client relationships/retention are crucial for achieving success.

1. Finalizing the deal to ensure the contract is executed.

2. Initiating the claim's process and confirming the property damage claim is setup or the contact information for the client is provided.

3. Following up with the client every 30-days for status calls.

4. Sending a welcome letter containing key instructions and process details.