What To Say To Get Referrals: Story | P-A-R = Story

This month’s Referral Triggers have built a story.

Today put the three components together.


Choose a new client: tell what they were originally experiencing, then describe your action, followed by their current result.  

Share a P.A.R. referral- recognizing story.

Louis Agudo

Response from Louis Agudo

from the Roswell 400 Team

Bill and Shirley called me from a referrral from one of my clients. They are on Medicare with a supplement plan and a Part D plan. They are both 78 years old and have been on a supplement Plan F for 13 years. They are also on a Part D plan paying $68/month with the same carrier. Their monthly premium is close to $300 each for their supplement plan and $68/month for Part D. They are on a fixed income and it's just been harder and harder to keep up with the price increases. They love their plan and they are afraid if they change they would not be able to get it back.

First I explained their options with a Medicare Supplement plans, how they work and the potential to switch plans if they can get through underwriting. Specifically looking at a Plan G over a Plan F. Their current Plan F pays for the Part A deductible and copays and the Part B deductible and 20%. The only difference between a Plan F and a Plan G is the Part B deductible which is required to be paid on Plan G otherwise it is the same exact plan. The Part B deductible in 2024 is $240/year. The difference in premium is $130/month for each of them. I was able to get them through underwriting and enrolled them on a Plan G saving them a combined $260/month and their only risk is the $240/year deductible. 

I also switched ther current Part D plan to a different carrier which covered their medications at a better rate then they currently had and the premium is $24/month saving them an additional $44/month for each. 

They are happy because they have saved $3000/year in premiums even after having to pay the Part B deductible. They have the same network which is Medicare and get the same prescriptions at a better price. They have recommended me numerous times. Generational referrals are the best. 

Cliff Wilcox

Response from Cliff Wilcox

from the Roswell 400 Team

I was provided a referral by another PowerCore member for a retired business executive, who was interested in shopping rates for her homeowners insurance policy.  I was thankful for the opportunity and always believe in Kevin Bacon's 6 degrees of connecting with anyone's background.  I asked several questions about her business background (as many retired indivduals like to discuss their former professions) and found we have several ties to our "up north" upbringing.  As she oped up to me, I was able to uncover a bad experience with her current insurance provider.  This allowed me to discuss the advantages of "bundling" home and auto coverages with the same provider, as well as the benefits of possessing an Umbrella policy as part of her State Farm Protection Package.  She really liked the fact I educated her on the need and benefits of each policy and provided her with coverage and deductible options to choose, which diminished the need to focus on price.  We now have a new customer and she is excited to have an appropriate insurance package, as well as access to my agency team members and my cell phone #.  :) 

-Cliff Wilcox 

State Farm - Roswell

Antonio Little-El

Response from Antonio Little-El

from the Roswell 400 Team

Bill, an owner of a Piggly Wiggly grocery store, responded to one of my email campaigns promoting the benefits of an Engineered Cost Segregation Tax Strategy to increase cash flow.  He had submitted enough information through our free/no obligation analysis portal to see that he qualified for approx. $955k in benefit.  During a follow up call he informed me that he was unaware of these types of tax strategies and is very anxious to move forward with the process.  He qualifies for Worker Opportunity Tax Credits and Cost Segregation and wants to include his CPA in our upcoming Discovery Calls to be able to continue to take advantage of such opportunities in the future. 

Susan Fraley

Response from Susan Fraley

from the Roswell 400 Team

My client, Debra, was transferred to Texas, without much notice.  She was tasked with moving her family and some of their belongings, back to her former home in Texas.

Her goal was to sell her townhome, sell some of her furnishings, hire packers and movers and be on her way to Texas. She was overwhelmed at how to accomplish this.

She saw me working in her neighborhood, so invited me in.  She just wanted to basically hand me the keys, give me instructions and leave, the next day!

I supervised the movers and packers, held a garage sale, had the townhome cleaned, then put it on the market. I held many open houses, picked up the mail and the wet newspaprers in the yard, showed the home to buyers, met the home inspector and appraiser and went to the closing, all while Debra was in Texas.

Debra could concentrate on her family and her new job without the stress of all the thngs that are involved with a move. Now she could breathe!

Jim Tardif

Response from Jim Tardif

from the Roswell 400 Team

The Fleet Mgr for a regional commercial roofing company was ordering vinyl graphics for company vehicles from an out of state sign shop.  She then shopped for a local installer to apply the graphics.  Many sign shops choose not to install other's graphics due to concerns over the quality of the material and printing.  If she could find an installer, the installation price was typically higher due to the risk and lead times were often extended.

Signs Of Significance was able to demonstrate improved response time, improved quality of graphics with a 40% life extension, more cost effective and higher quality installations and an overall better experience for the Client.  By shifting her fleet garphics to Signs Of SIgnificance the Client's stress, processing time and costs have all been dramatically reduced.  Signs Of Significance is able to turn a new truck around with a complete graphic package including the strategic use of automotive paint to improve life expectation in less than 2 weeks.   When existing trucks require repairs, Signs Of Signifcance works together with the Client's body shop to get the graphics repaired quickly to ensure vehicles are back on the road as soon as possible.

Bonnie Mauldin

Response from Bonnie Mauldin

from the Roswell 400 Team

A Goergia-based building equipment company, was experiening low lead flow because thier website was not SEO optimized and not showing up on the first page of Google for the right keywords. We came onboard to help them with conversion rate optimization and messaging so they can start ranking higher, getting more traffic and converting more leads. Now they are reporting having the highest sales to date due to the uptick on lead flow and quality traffic coming from the website.  

Ray Johnson

Response from Ray Johnson

from the Roswell 400 Team

A client was referred to me by another Powercore member and needed a refinance of his SBA loan on a commercial building. He only wanted a rate and term refinance and we were able to secure him a 30 year fixed loan using the cashflow from the building to qualify. The client and the referral partner were very happy with the outcome as we reduced his payment and his payments are now fixed for the life of the loan. 

Chris Lawton

Response from Chris Lawton

from the Roswell 400 Team

A client called me after seeing a post I made on Reddit a few years ago, they were expeiencing issues with their email which was Microsoft 365, purchased through GoDaddy. I was hired to migrate them away from GoDaddy and move directly to Microsoft. The entire process took less than one day with zero downtime and the client was delighted, especially with the fact that Microsoft is 30% less expesive than purchasing the same product through GoDaddy.

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

Dan and Tiphaine contacted me. They were out of control with their money,  had a lot of debt, and ultimately wanted to purchase a home.  

We began working together by looking at their budget and how they were spending their money.   I also gave them guidance on how to develop goals that would help them stay on track and build momentum toward those goals.  

They quickly took my guidance to heart and reduced their spending, worked each month from a proactive budget, and eliminated a significant part of their debt during the three months they were with me.  

As a result, they were in control of their money; they felt empowered and were thrilled at how fast they were making progress on their goal of buying a home.


Mike Breit

Response from Mike Breit

from the Roswell 400 Team

A client wanted help in consolidating her many 401k accounts. She had 6 "orphan" 401k accounts from her past companies and we created one IRA account to house all of the funds. By consolidating all of the accounts she now knows where the money is invested and how it impacts her goals for the future.

It took some time to get all the accounts transfered, however they are all working for her now. Many times people do not know what options they have when they leave a company. There are four options that are available to each person when you leave a company with a retirement program. This is a good option for most, however not all.

She is now on track to successfully achieve her goals in the future. 

Nicholas Garrison

Response from Nicholas Garrison

from the Fayette Team

Nicole hired me to train her new puppy, Whiskey. After my initial visit, I noticed Whiskey was rather shy and fearful. I recommended a series of audio recordings called Through a Dog's Ear that played a combination of music and sounds as well as different noises that bothered Whiskey. After our package was completed, Whiskey was not as reactive to noises. However, continued practice is needed to cure Whiskey of his fears completely

Renea Ash

Response from Renea Ash

from the Roswell 400 Team

Michelle was struggling to connect with her targeted audience, hindered by outdated imagery that failed to represent her brand effectively across various marketing platforms.  Her reliance on a five-year old headshot and stale personal branding images limited her ability to resonate with potential customers.  Recognizing the need for a fresh approach, I crafted a personalized photo session that showcased her authentic self.  I captured her in her element, surrounded by the tools and products that she uses daily, reflecting her passion and expertise.  The moment I revealed the new images, Michelle was eager to incorporate them into her marketing materials.  After implementing the new visuals, she experienced an immediate boost in engagement, with a significant uptick in inquires.

Christopher  Lyboldt

Response from Christopher Lyboldt

from the Roswell 400 Team

Problem - My client's mother was living in a finished basement and was beginning to show signs of dementia.  She spent most of the day alone when her daughter was at work, and she was a fall risk.

Action: I introduced her to a personal care home that fit her budget, desired location, personality, and care requirements.

Result:  She no longer experienced the daily isolation and this improved her cognition, her mobility, and her sense of dignity.  

Hamid Amirpour

Response from Hamid Amirpour

from the Roswell 400 Team

Customer is looking for special uniforms for their 25th anniversary. They had an idea, but not 100% sure.  

First visit was to by with our showroom, showed her some ideas and she kept some samples to discuss it with the team.  They picked the some polo shirts.  We have now been working on the design for the last three months, adjusting, changing (back and forth) with mock ups and previews.

The order is expected to come this week now. They are happy with their decision and the assitance provided on my end from beggining to end.

Joseph Powell

Response from Joseph Powell

from the Roswell 400 Team

I had the Managing Partner of a marketing agency come to me after experiencing severe cash flow issues. The had already cut staff pay and stopped payments to partners. Vendor payments were late and key systems had been shut off several times due to nonpayment. 

The first thing that I did was created a 13 week rolling cashflow forecast. I set up payment plans with key vendors allowing us to space out payments and keep them engaged. I negotiated with their bank, who was trying to convert their line of credit into a term loan. To prevent the conversion to a loan, I drafted projections and a written plan or how we were turning the business around. The saved thousands per month in payments. I streamlined some of the internal processes allowing us to more accurately track when invoices would be paid and when we would need to pay vendors. I also provided a plan to pay off $70,000 in credit card debt as well as restore the staff's pay and catch them up.

The engagement is still ongoing but with my help, the Partner group is able to free up time to go sell more work. After considering shutting the business down, they now see light at the end of the tunnel and will be poised to sell the business in 2-3 years.

Michael Sage

Response from Michael Sage

from the Roswell 400 Team

I had a client that recently purchased a rental home. Mrs. Williams was able to get a new tenant interested pretty quickly after her purchase and needed to paint the house within two weeks and also had a tight budget. She was pretty stressed with the short timeline so she gave us a call.

Mrs. Williams called me last Thursday and told me her story. I was able to get her a free estimate scheduled for the next day. My project manager showed up to her house the next day at 9 am and walked her through an action plan on how we could get this project started and completed on time. He walked her through the different paints, what our process would be, and explained the 5 reasons why we are different including our 3 year warranty on all our work. She was very relieved that we could make this happen on such short notice. We agreed on the terms and started the project on Saturday morning. We were able to get a few extra painters on the project to make the timeline happen and actually finished a day ahead of what was discussed. We finished the project this Wednesday around noon.

Mrs. Williams was over the moon happy and left us an awesome 5 star review. She couldn't stop talking about the level of customer service and care we put into making sure this project turned out perfect and timely!

Nicole Comis

Response from Nicole Comis

from the Roswell 400 Team

A client came to me feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed by self-doubt. She was constantly second-guessing herself and overthinking every decision, which led to missed opportunities in her career and personal life. She didn’t trust her own judgment and questioned every decision she made. Last week, after just 3 months of coaching she said it felt like a switch finally flipped, like she’s coming out of the fog she’s been in for years. She’s been achieving and doing all the things she’s been wanting to do, plus knocking things off her to-do list that have been there for years!

Trey Allen

Response from Trey Allen

from the Roswell 400 Team

Wyatt is a veteran with some health issues, who is also on a fixed income. He was experiencing issues with with his roof, several missing shingles and a few growing stains on the ceiling. Unfortunately with all of this going on, a new roof was just not going to be in the budget, at least out of pocket. The roof at this point was in desperate need of replacement, as it was over 20 years old. I documented all of the storm damage and helped him with filing an "Act of God" claim through USAA. I was able to meet with the USAA adjuster and make a case for a roof replacement on Wyatt’s behalf. As a result of my actions, Wyatt's roof was fully approved for replacement. His wife hated the color of the original roof, and went with a different color for the new shingles. This upgrade added a ton of value to the home and significantly increased the overall curb appeal. He also expressed relief that the roof would never have to be replaced again in his lifetime. For a family who has enough things in life to worry about, the roof is now one less thing.


Trey Allen, Big House Construction

Dr. Erika  Morgan

Response from Dr. Erika Morgan

from the Roswell 400 Team

Recently a new patient came in who was suffering with severe neck pain, shoulder pain, and numbness and tingling all the way down into the right hand and fingers. This patient had been suffering with this pain for years, but knew something had to change when the numbness and tingling began. Desperate for answers and worried, the patient found their way to my office where I was able to conduct a thorough exam. I looked at all of their past medical history, family and surgical history, and talked in depth about the current pain they were experiencing. After getting a detailed intake and history, I conducted multiple exams and tests to figure out the root cause of this issue. Once I achieved a diagnosis I explained it to the patient and addressed any questions or concerns they had. The patient received care the same day and has been following up once a week. Since the initial visit, the numbness and tingling has significantly decreased and the patient reported feeling the best that they felt have in years.

Kathleen  Carmical

Response from Kathleen Carmical

from the Roswell 400 Team

Brianna was an expectant mother moving to a new state on her own to start a new chapter for her and her new baby.  She had diligently saved $10,000 for a new home purchase, but wanted to protect as much money as possible for a rainy day. 

I was able to share a few down payment assistance programs with her and secured a $12,500 downpayment at zero percent interest.  I also applied for a federal grant for people making under a certain threshold and purchasing their first home. The grant came through and she received another $10,000 fully forgivable grant to lower her cash outlay and further reduce her principal balance.

Brianna was able to purchase a $255K home with only $1000 of her own money and welcome her baby into a more secure future.

Dr. Rajender Singh

Response from Dr. Rajender Singh

from the Roswell 400 Team

The patient was referred to me by his cardiologist , complaining about years of shortness of breath and not feeling well for about 20 years.

This year patient had 5 stents placed in different arteries.  That did not help his symptomatology.

I looked at that the patient from a different perspective, through functional and integrative perspective lens of trying to analyze the root cause of patient's issues.

The detailed history taking-about 2 hours and workup revealed multiple issues with patient pertaining to his gut health, chronic inflammation, poor oxygen exchange at the level of the lungs.

Initial 3 months nothing happened but from 4th month onwards patient started to feel better ,more energy,  he walked for 3 miles when he went to Vegas recently!

Patient is still needing a lot of work on physical, emotional, and mental aspect.  He told me that he has not followed anybody's advise so far but looks like is following the advice I gave him.

He has referred his friend to me now.

Jacqui Underwood

Response from Jacqui Underwood

from the Roswell 400 Team

One of my clients was needing extra help around the house as they have gotten older and just aren't able to do the things they once could. I went to their home and during my assessment, was able to identify additional items they needed assistance with that they had not though about, like changing their sheets and helping with laundry. This made a huge difference to my clients quality of life and is allowing them to age in place. 

Drew Harrison

Response from Drew Harrison

from the East Cobb Team

Combining the story over the last few weeks concerning my clients:

They had experienced a huge threat of a monthly cost, plus the expiration of their COBRA insurance, I took the time to look through all the their options thoroughly, figuring out that the timing lead the solution to being a split use of the policies available to them, actually taking advantage of the end of their COBRA due to the circumstances, and saving them thousands upon thousands of dollars at the end of the day, while giving them the best coverage possible.

Kerry Hendry

Response from Kerry Hendry

from the Roswell 400 Team

I met with Dave and Michelle this week that was wanting to  redo their Kitchen. They had been getting confusing information on how to acommodate for their  new beverage cooler and wine fridge   in their existing Kitchen space. I was able to talk though  several options for the placement of the appliances and alleivate a tight corner that did not have good traffic flow in the kitchen.  They were understanding my options and really like my suggestions on what needed to happen to free up more space in the corner of the kitchen. I took measurements  and pictures  of their kitchen and I will be using them to create a 3D rendering of their new kitchen so they will see the placement of the new additional appliances and the extra walking space in  troublesome  corner. By the end of our meeting together they  were very  happy to pay the $500.00 for Design Services and set a date for their presentation of the drawings of their new kitchen.