What To Do To Get Referrals: Reaction > Know

Think about a client who is experiencing your industry for the first time. 

What information do you share with new clients that clients with experience find automatic? 

Why isn’t this intuitive to someone doing business in your industry for the first time?

Linda Loud

Response from Linda Loud

from the North Point Team

If the new client was used to purchasing skin care and cosmetics online, in the grocery store, department store or spa, the Mary Kay way of servicing our clients is very different. With a protégé I’d emphasize the relationship focus of our customer service and share these questions that I ask a prospective new client: 


“Last time you bought cosmetics or skin care, was it the same girl as the time before behind the makeup counter? Did she call or text a few days later to ask if you were pleased with your products or had any questions or concerns? Did she know your preferred moisturizer, shade of foundation and favorite lipstick? Did she give you free products for introducing her to a couple of your friends? Did she offer to drop products by your home or office? Did she ask about the vacation trip you and your husband took last month? If you choose me to be your Mary Kay consultant, you’d be able to respond “Yes!” to these questions. It’s all part of my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.”


I would encourage the protégé to offer better, above-and-beyond customer service than what is typically provided by many others in the beauty industry.  Award-winning products... Excellent customer service. That's the Mary Kay Way.