The Purpose of Single Best Thing

What To Say To Get Referrals: The Purpose of Single Best Thing

Every human culture, and one species of birds, expects and rewards giving. Modeling participation and attention by sharing a Single Best Thing is a component in our Team’s contribution culture.

What system do you have to model the culture you have chosen for your business?

Linda Loud

Response from Linda Loud

In my business I honor Mary Kay’s principle of adhering to the Golden Rule in interacting with prospects, clients, and sister consultants. By treating others how I’d want to be treated, I try to conduct my business with integrity and always consider how my words and actions might affect others. The system I have developed is in my follow-up and customer service techniques. I attempt to communicate with each person using the method they prefer… whether phone call, text message or email. And I try to connect with timing to suit them -- unless they indicated they want to be on my DCMICY list. That stands for Don’t Call Me, I’ll Call You. My goal is to connect often enough to let them know I’m available to service their needs, but not so frequently as to be obnoxious. There’s a fine line between persistent and pesky and I try to never cross that line! 

Sheldon Baker

Response from Sheldon Baker

On the group benefits broker side of things one of the Culture pieces I've created is fast and eficient response times to clients. In doing this the client and their employees know that I'm locked into their employees this way HR doesn't have to worry about anything benefits benefit related. We set the expectation with the employees upfront that if they have any question pertaining to their benefits to reach out to us directly as we'll be able to take care of or direct them more efficiently than HR would.

HR has enough on their plate taking care of many things internally so if we can take the benefits concerns and requests off their plate it free's up time and space for HR to complete their tasks within the company. This is a large value add to their business model.

Kelly Vandever

Response from Kelly Vandever

from the North Point Team

The system I have in place to model my business culture is my content creation process – The culture I’ve chose for my business is to be uber helpful.    

When I create content, I use a tool call “Keywords Everywhere” to identify phrases that people use to  search for and find real estate related information. Then I focus creating YouTube video content to answer the questions people want to know about. Once the video is created,  I then repurpose the information in my newsletters, on my website, and social media posts to further be a resource to others. 


Kelly Vandever  |  REALTOR  |  Keller Williams North Atlanta

770-597-1108  |  |

Clay Jeffreys NMLS #211998

Response from Clay Jeffreys NMLS #211998

from the Emory Team

My culture is getting the job done without clients needing to follow up with me! I request documents from my clients I know is required, and then limit going back to them as much as possible through the loan process. The fewer requests helps increase the pleasantness of the process for the client, and also interrupts them less. This allows the client to focus on packing, moving, etc. I am also in contact with clients at least once a week with updates/status reports on how things are progressing. The touch points during the week let them know I am moving things along on my end, so they can keep doing what they need to do on their end. 

Matt Hirsch

Response from Matt Hirsch

from the Emory Team

We have a system of making each client understand that each case is important. A speeding ticket is certainly not as serious an offense as an assault. But the process of taking care of these issues is exactly the same.

Chad Meisner

Response from Chad Meisner

At Endruance Planning Group we have a very high touch service model.  In order to be the most affective we can with making sure clients or prospects don't fall throught the cracks, we use Sales Force CRM to help us execute and track our contact frequency.  We also have a process for meeting preparation and meeting follow up, that adds to the client experience.  Clients love getting our meeting follow up emails with their "to-do's" and EPG's "to-do's", so they can have a summary of things discussed, as well as tasks that need to be done before the next quarterly meeting.   In the competetive arena of financial advice, price becomes the major focal point when you aren't providing any value.  We strive to have a culture at EPG that provides great value, so price is hardly ever the issue.  

Michael Morse

Response from Michael Morse

from the Emory Team

My culture is to be more of an advisor to my clients than just someone who is looking to make a sale. The system I have in place is to research each client before every meeting so I have several recommendations for them at the time of the meeting. Too many times, I've met with clients who were sold on more digital marketing than they ever needed and had no clarity on what they were getting. This puts a bad taste in their mouth about the whole industry. Because it is still a very new industry there is a lot of confusion about what works and also what is the best budget. The best budget definitly depends on each individual client, and I want them to know that up front. I also want to set expectations as far as what that budget is going to do for them and show them a path to when there is more budget this is what can be accomplished. Too often sales professionals are incentived on just making the first sale and nothing after that. I am incentived on having a long term client relationship and some of my favorite clients I've worked with for over 6 years now. 

Eric Sapoznik

Response from Eric Sapoznik

from the Milton Team

Giving is a very important aspect of a great commercial Realtor. I have to give my clients the best service and be available for them at all times. The best thing I can give them are referrals to great business partners, specifically those that I have met through PowerCore, to assist them with their needs in all aspects of their own business. Connecting them with a great lender, contractor, internet service provider, IT professional and more can help them to grow their business so that they can thrive in their new business space. I do everything I can to give my clients a clear path to a bright future. 

Tammy Mealy

Response from Tammy Mealy

from the Emory Team

I provide strength training workouts to the busiest people in Atlanta.  Effective and efficient are big components to my business.  I have a scheduler with 20 minute appointments and an appointment policy that outlines the choices clients have when their priorities change on short notice.  I demonstrate respect for their time by being ready when they arrive.  In fact, I have an alarm that goes off every 5 minutes so that I can accomplish other tasks while waiting but not get distracted from my number 1 priority.  I also have a plan if things go awry and they arrive late.  I am ready for the workout that is done in the amount of time we have.  15 minutes, I have plan.  10 minutes, I have plan.   An effective full body workout in three moves can be done in as little as 6 minutes!  I wouldn’t call it fun but it accomplishes the necessary inroad to encourage body adaptation; then my client can get their day back on schedule.

Jessica Walker

Response from Jessica Walker

from the Peachtree City Team

At Momentum Transformations, I strongly believe that my clients already know deep inside what's best for their health and wellness ... they just need support and accountability to choose (and stick to) daily habits that will support their skill-building and goals.  I model respect for each client's context and personal autonomy by having them always choose their own path while I act as an advisor, guide, and cheerleader on their journey to improving their health and wellness.

Jennifer Yoxall

Response from Jennifer Yoxall

The culture my business exudes and exemplifies is zealous advocacy with compassion.  We treat our clients and counterparts with respect by treating others how we would treat our own family members as if our family members were our clients.  

Family Law is not a 'happy' area of law per se, yet we strive to make the experience as seamless and painfree on our end as possible.  We do this by working hard, being consistent, being present, listening to our clients' needs, wants, and fears, and by action.  This action is viewed by our clients inside and outside of the courtroom.  

When our clients' cases are completed, we still remain connected as a 'family' and keep in touch to assist in the future should any other issues arise or simply to offer advice/referrals in other areas of their lives.

Linzy Parsons

Response from Linzy Parsons

from the Whitlock Avenue Team

Catchy commercials on TV promote the idea that policyowners only pay for what they need which indicates price savings. The real message in our culture is to focus on coverage rather than price. By offering my clients endorsements, removing or expanding limits in coverage, and having the ability to compare insurance products utilizing my A-Rated carrier panel, I can ensure I am meeting the need of each individual client rather than a one size fits all approach.

Anya Leybovich

Response from Anya Leybovich

from the Milton Team

When it comes to insurance, the quality of protection is just as important, if not more, than the premium at the time of a loss. Quality is modeled in all aspects of my business from service, to coverage, and everything in between. I make it a priority to provide a quick response to any emails or calls, in order to address my clients needs in a timely manner, and provide them coverages that will best protect them long term. I enjoy spending as much time as needed answering any and all questions in order to educate my clients. 

Natalie Vuoriaho

Response from Natalie Vuoriaho

My Business culture is about balancing life; Faith, Family, Business. I am Honest and operate in Integrity, Generosity, and kindness, I provide 5-star service and Create a Win-Win always. I do so with systems and models. I always ask myself is this serving my client's needs. I stress to my clients that this is not about business it's about relationships. I communicate with my clients at a high level.

Steve Perry, EA

Response from Steve Perry, EA

I model the culture I have chosen through action.  In my business, much of what I do is like a foreign language.  Beyond that, it is not something my clients want to deal with daily.  My culture is to explain what they need/want to know and take care of the rest.  My clients trust me to do the right thing, and that is the essence of my culture.  I have their back so they can do what they got in business to do.

Jimmy D! Dunnavant

Response from Jimmy D! Dunnavant

from the Fayette Team

Being a single person company the culture is designed and executed by myself.  My business culture is one centered around the customer experience.  When a client engages with me to reserve travel I intend to reduce the level of anxiety, be open to any suggestion or request and to offer expert advise based on my experience in this industry.  We cannot afford to be aloof, arrogant or put out when a customer asks for changes in their reservations or decides to cancel.  We're in a service business, where SERVICE is the key word!  

Our business is built on our ability to generate referrals from satisfied clients.  Treating each client like they are the most important person is the key to building those long lasting relationships.  Let's make Memories and Moments to last a lifetime!  

Jimmy D! 770-253-3206

Alex Weatherby

Response from Alex Weatherby

At our business, we have written 7 client guarantees: (1) we communicate; (2) we care; (3) we are respectful; (4) we are professional; (5) we work hard; (6) we are knowledgeable; and (7) we are efficient. We go over them when the employee is hired. We go over them with each new client. And, we meet weekly to ensure that we are meeting our guarantees for our clients.

Jason Davis

Response from Jason Davis

from the North Fayetteville Team

A person's religion is their set of fundamental beliefs that govern their decisions. I purposely searched for a career that requires the same of me as God does.

Andrew Moler

Response from Andrew Moler

We believe in the "Charlie Munger" way which means to keep things simple and eliminate bureacracy

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

The culture that I have implemented for my business it to have the heart of a teacher.  In order to accomplish this, whenever I am with a prospect or a client, I need to focus on three things:

1.  Understanding their situation

2.  Providing information

3.  Injecting hope

Magneta Gonzalez

Response from Magneta Gonzalez

from the Peachtree City Team

My Client's time is  very important to me. I encourage my clients to arrive on time for their appointments. As a Massage Therapist this allows me to give each person 100% of their time as I focus on the reason they came to me.  Being on time mean that the person receiving the massage does not feel cheated and leaves feeling great both mentally and physically.

Being Client centered by listening intentionally to what they said the focus should be, when they come in for their massage. I also check in with my clients periodically to be sure that that are comfortable during their massage session. 

If for any reason I get caught up in an emergency situation I will give my client an additional service at no cost to them for their patience and understanding. 
I also make myself available in case they have any questions.

Monica Hyder

Response from Monica Hyder

I want my staff to feel heard and feel apart of the "team". I ask them on a regular basis "what's working" and "what is not". We all work closely together and learning each other's strengths & weaknesses and listening to my team helps us work better together & more efficiently. 

Brian Moon

Response from Brian Moon

from the Emory Team

My culture is built around consultative selling and service. I use the relationship tactic of consultative selling to get to know the expressed and not expressed needs of my clients and prospects so that I can devise a plan that helps people.  I use this approach so I am not advising someone of something that he or she does not need at the time. I believe no one wants to be sold to because it makes you feel as if you are a number, but I feel everyone wants the right advice that makes him or her make better financial decisions and have financial confidence.  The service aspect of it is that I believe that I am here for a greater purpose and that purpose is to serve people by helping people become financially sound. Service for me is not about only being nice, smiling, listening, and being friendly that is only the minimum we all should expect as being a human being, for me service is going the extra mile for the client so if I have to drive 50 miles to close your loan with me I will do it. If I have to stay late after the bank closes to meet with you and establish your relationship then I will do it. If you need me to look over your credit report, statements, and other financial documents for a hour or two in my office then I will do it. All of these things build loyalty and trust and this is why I have this culture and coach my staff to have the same values