What To Do To Get Referrals: Plan In Advance

Divide your products or services into four areas.

Which of the four do you talk about most frequently in 7-Minute Presentations and InfoMinutes?  Why?

Is it because:

  • It’s more than 50% of your business?
  • It’s your most profitable offering?
  • It’s the area where you feel you bring the most value?
  • You have a quota for this?
Susan Wright

Response from Susan Wright

from the Paulding Team

Loans and understanding credit are the areas I talk about most frequently, because yes, it is a large part of my business. It is also an area of interest for my team.  I do feel lending is an area where I bring a lot of value to my team and my clients because loans can help people achieve financial goals: buying a vehicle, renovating a home or consolidating debt.  Loans can help businesses expand, manage short term cash fluctuations and expenses. The topic sparks interest from my team which can lead to referrals.

Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

Words. I talk about words most because InfoMinutes are the thing that makes the most difference for referrals both inside PowerCore and everywhere we are asked about our business.

  • Pronouns (use "I" and "them" - excise "we" and "you".)
  • Word switches (switch "if" to "when", switch "tell" to "ask", switch "help" to "want")
  • Qualifiers  (usually, hopefully, basically, try)
  • Comparison ("The competition does this, and we don't"  -  Say "We do ..." leave the competition out of your self promotion!)
  • The word "busy"  (just had this happen this week ... no referral for them.) (Is this because it's an excuse? Is this true for all excuses? Thinking.)
  • Filler words that signal boredom ("As most of you know", "as I've told you before", last week I heard "as I've told you, and told you, and told you.")

And words are a signification part of referrals - InfoMinutes, INTROMinutes, 7-Minutes, Referral Triggers, Invitations, Endorsement Letters, Referrals - words matter.

Words make a difference.

Words create referrals.


Steve Payment

Response from Steve Payment

from the Paulding Team

Listing Homes - Listing homes is the service that helps my business grow. Listings provide more exposure to new clients and buyers. I enjoy the process of evaluating home sales around my new listings and help the homeowner determine what they need to do so their home will sell quickly and profitably. 

Michelle Como

Response from Michelle Como

I can’t talk about essential oils without talking about the psychological or emotional impact it has on us. Many of the chronic health conditions that people are dealing with today have an underlying psychological or emotional component. Research has shown a connection between childhood trauma and gut issues as well as inflammation in the body. No matter if a client came to see me for a chronic or acute physical condition I will always look to see if there is an emotional connection there as well. Our sense of smell directly affects our limbic system, the part of our brain that controls our emotions. This is why the inhalation of essential oils is so powerful, it can literally have an effect on the chemicals in our brain. 


Rebecca Brizi

Response from Rebecca Brizi

from the Buckhead Team

I have four specific consulting products (listed below), and the one I talk about the most is Happy Employees. 

It is the most important for an effective business, and also the most frequent need I see - and those two facts are not coincidence. 

My clients must have the foundations in place for a stimulating and positive work environment, or else no other effort, investment, or project will ever reach its full potential. 

That is why this products sits at the top of the list:

  1. Happy Employees
  2. Loyal Clients
  3. Business Goals
  4. Single Consultation (management meeting)
Jan Louie

Response from Jan Louie

The four services I talk about the most are problem solving, clients, design ideas and fee structure. I speak mostly on  problem solving because it's the area where I bring the most value.

Mark Galvin

Response from Mark Galvin

I manage social media for both individuals and companies. In PowerCore meetings I typically focus on LinkedIn management. The reason: I find PowerCore members are more likely to refer LinkedIn management than other forms of social media management. I believe this is the case because it's just much easier to refer someone that needs LinkedIn support than company social media management.


once an individual is referred to me it is much easier for my team to expand that service to company social media management.

Alex Davis

Response from Alex Davis

I typically discuss home insurance, auto insurance, rental property insurance, and insurance for offroad vehicles the most. The one I talk about most frequently is the home insurance. Not only does it make up about 30% of our business, it is the most profitable. I feel I bring the most value here because of all of the claims situations I have been apart of. Home insurance has a lot of different endorsements and coverage's tht typically aren't discussed, that can provide a customer value and security knowing they will be covered if something happens. 

Kurt Flaherty

Response from Kurt Flaherty

We only have 4 main services, so I speak about them equally. The four services are Local Search/SEO, Review Marketing, Targeted Paid Ads and Social Media, these bring the most value to our local businesses to give them a better online presence.

Jaime Agredano-Rodriguez

Response from Jaime Agredano-Rodriguez

General Liability:

Workers Comp:

Errors & Omissions:

Commercial Auto: 

I find I talk more about General Liability because it is more than 50% of my business and ALL businesses need it. It makes up the majority of the protection any new/existing business needs to have to be more protected. It is typically the most profitable and lt leads me to the other areas of their business. The other three that I mentioned. I bring the most value to clients through general liability because I have focused more on it in the last 4 years of my insurance career.


Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

The subject I talk about most frequently is gaining control of your finances.

Budgeting, Debt reduction, Saving (both short and long term) all contribute to ways in gaining control over your finances.

These are foundational to overall health in your financial plan.

Olivia Howard

Response from Olivia Howard

I have done a couple of 7 minute presentations on Down Payment Assistance programs becasue the group has asked several questions as a result of my info minute topics.  The borrowers I have been able to help wound up using GIFT FUNDS becuase the DPA programs are not currently pricing favorably.  However, I feel it is a good topic to get referrals becasue it shows I have solutions and can talk to the prospects about other down payment options.    

The first time home buyers account for about 30% of my business.  

Every loan is profitable becasue it leads to customer referrals.  I have 1 first time home buyer who has referred at least 3 friends to me. 

I do not have a quota for this. 



Ronaldo Fraga

Response from Ronaldo Fraga

The Alternative Board portfolio can be divided in four main areas or tools. The business Owners' training tripod:

  • The Board Meeting;
  • The Coach Session;
  • The Business Builder's Blueprint (BBB), and

    And when the owner decides to align the whole management team to his/her vision, we offer what you could call un upgrade:

  • StratPro.

The one I talk about more frequently is the Board Meeting. This is when and where the members get and give advice from and to their peers. The core of the TAB offer. While the other two tools of the tripod are developed between the member and the coach, the Board Meeting benefits from the collective wit and wisdom of the group. Perhaps 150-200 years of business experience helping each other.

Omar Daniel

Response from Omar Daniel

My 4 services

1. House Trash-outs

2. Apartment trash- outs

3. Appliance pick-ups

4. Furniture & Cardboard pick ups

I talk about house/apartment trash outs the most because it is most profitable and I have good stories to tell. I have an adventure at each property I go into. 

David Harris

Response from David Harris

from the Paulding Team

Entry doors

Patio doors

Single doors


I've only done 1 seven minute but entry doors are what I do the most of because they are more affordable and people see them first when they come home. Windows for more profitable but I do probably 50 doors to 1 window job.