What To Do To Get Referrals: Referral Records

The purpose of a coffee appointment is to generate business.

Share your strategy for making sure the coffee conversation Is about both businesses, equally. Do you:

  • Email talking points
  • Use a timer
  • Meet at their office
  • Bring a third person to introduce?
Wendy Kinney

Response from Wendy Kinney

from the PowerCore Team

I use a tool from Dan Sullivan called an Impact Filter. You can get it here: https://strategic-coach-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/Uberflip/ImpactFiterToolAndGuide_Booklet.pdf

It helps me keep the conversation on track (I have the ability to wander) and make sure I'm prepared with anything I need to bring.


This morning I had coffe with DeWitte.
He wanted specific information about speaking.
It was important for me to know that in advance, so I could bring examples of the six collaterals he'll need to create.

Rebecca Brizi

Response from Rebecca Brizi

from the Buckhead Team

Preparation. Whether it is my first time meeting with this person, or I know them well, in all cases I first review their website and PowerCore profiles, to learn about them and see what is new. I then decide what I want to learn in this particular meeting, and prepare questions that require longer, narrative answers, so we can drive a conversation rather than a Q&A. This allows me to interject some information of my own, if needed (if the other person has fewer questions). 

I find this gives me the best double outcome: concrete information that is of value to me, but without restricting the natural flow of the conversation. 

Tom Wallace

Response from Tom Wallace

from the Peachtree City Team

I always go into a meeting whether it is a first time coffee or a member that I've know for a while to learn something new.  I prepare a couple of questions to ask about their business so I can learn what's current with their business.  I also want to learn more about them personally so we can build a relationship a prepared question or two in this sphere is good to keep the conversation flowing.

Monica Hyder

Response from Monica Hyder

Coffees for me, have mostly been at a restaurant or coffee house. I have had the pleasure in walking the trail around the lake in Peachtree City. Every once in a while, I will meet at someone's office. Once at a power perk, one of the guys  used the "power park" protocol. Always business is discussed in an equal light and I always try to find out how I can refer/"help" the person I am talking with. The conversation flow is based on who is meeting. Similar to dating, if you feel uncomfortable, chances are your coffee will be awkward. I've noticed the time usually stays between 45min to an hour. I have learned it's okay to space out these meetings.