Barry Kaplan

Barry Kaplan

INTROMinute from Kim Eickhoff - Endorsements

My overall sense of Barry Kaplan is that he is very authentic and genuine, and very compassionate.


He was an engineer before he became an IP attorney, and has worked for lots of large businesses but he has always thought of himself as an entrepreneur. Mostly because his parents owned their own small business which was a restaurant. He loves being an IP attorney because he really wants to help educate prospective clients and clients about patents and trademarks, because so many of us don’t know much about it.


He also loves being a coach for PowerCore because again, he loves teaching. He also does it to challenge himself and stretch his skills, and get out of his comfort zone. He also loves connecting people…he believes he has a great opportunity to move across many groups and see how various members can be good referral sources for others.