This morning, I’ve the pleasure of introducing someone I talked with who unknowingly reminded me of how I’d misplaced the value of something dear to us all, & that is the American dream of owning their own home. Having owned several homes during my lifetime, I never thought about how many people today are having problems with buying a home. Some of the reasons may be due to a belief it is too difficult, or that they can’t afford it, or some other situation or condition that is keeping home ownership off the table, it can look like more of a struggle than achieving a dream. This is where our next presenter flourishes. She’s encountered many reasons & situations her clients have experienced preventing them from doing this. This is where her skill, talent, ability, experience and, most of all, her passion shines. She leads her clients down the path to success and, if they reach a fork in the road where they are stalled or at a standstill, she is there encouraging them & leading them back onto the path, showing them how to succeed. Ultimately, her success comes when they achieve that dream. Without further ado, please welcome, Dee Hudson.