Preparing my clients and explaining the process is a huge and very critical part of my process. Many times it will start with an email or a phone call, but I try to set up our first meeting at their current business location. They may have immediate questions or needs, and in those instances I can help to provide them with more information or details about their specific needs. I also make sure that they understand from the first contact that I am always available for them to contact me at any time by phone, email or text. My days of working in IT helped to make me always aware of my response times.
When we meet, I start by getting to know them. I want to know about their business, how long they've been in business, how many employees do they have, and do they have customers coming to their location or only their employees. After that, the most important questions are what are the things they love and hate about their current space along with what they need or wish they had for their next space. There are many reasons for a business owner to think about moving. With my help and connecting them to other great referral partners, I can help them to enjoy and benefit from the process instead of it being a dread and just hoping to get it done as soon as possible.
As I've heard many people say, "You don't know what you don't know." Commercial Real Estate is an industry with so many areas to watch out for, that my biggest key is to give my clients the expectations in advance and preparing them for what can or will happen and to protect and guide them along the way. I want to make sure they are ready and help them to make the best decision possible for their next business space!