Go Roofing Atlanta

Go Roofing Atlanta


895 Hampton Bluff Drive
Alpharetta, Georgia 30004


InfoMinute Seminar 10/16/2023
Orientation Essentials 10/16/2023


Sugarloaf Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 09/12/2023


TeamCoOrdinator 04/08/2024


At Go Roofing Atlanta, we use several tools and always utilize resources to get the best result for our clients.  To be sure the client has a full understanding of exactly what is going to happen when they get a new roof installed, I use a Roof in a bag to educate them.  This allows me to not only talk about the project, but show them the actual material being installed.  By doing this, the client gets a visual of what is happening on the roof.  My clients appreciate this since they can't be up on the roof while the project is ongoing.  This also gives them an opportunity to ask any questions prior to the job.  Education is important, especially for those clients who are not in the construction industry, and this is a project that doesn't happen very often for most homeowners.  

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