Karen Williams

Karen Williams

Family Attorney

For more than 25 years we have served the families of metro Atlanta, helping them solve the issues facing their families, children and extended families


We track client case information. That information is shared with eveyone in the office internally as well as with the client. We are able to determine the status of their case easily and answer questions quickly despite the numerous documents that are involved in each case. Easy access means that if one team member is out, another can get to the information in an efficient manner.  The client benefit is that  they are quickly  informed, questions are quicly answered  gving the client  peace of mind regarding the status  and the requirements necessary to complete their case. 

Referral Trigger Response

The Williams Firm, P.C.

The Williams Firm, P.C.


10 Glenlake Parkway NE
Suite 130
Sandy Springs, GA 30328



Members I've Invited

Christopher Purdy

Christopher Purdy

Betty Dyer

Betty Dyer

Demetrius Lockett

Demetrius Lockett


Virginia Highland Team

Introduced by:

Paul Shimek

Paul Shimek

Marc Replogle

Marc Replogle

Joined on 02/10/2000


MembershipCoOrdinator 06/01/2023
MentorCoOrdinator 02/12/2025


10-year Pin 02/23/2022
5-year Pin 12/09/2015
3-year Pin 08/28/2013



PowerLinks Certificate 11/01/2011
InfoMinute Seminar 12/18/2023
InfoMinute Seminar 03/19/2018
Best Client Workshop 01/18/2013
Orientation Essentials 08/04/2011
