Endorsement Letters I've Received
This dates back about 4 years or so ago, so I've lost some of the details, but it's still one of my favorite referrals. A new client came into my office to meet with a CPA to get started out on the right fit. Donna was opening an art gallery and needed more than a CPA. Through that initial meeting, I referred her to Trent Phillips, as she needed a website. I referred her to Robert Montgomery, as she needed a payments processing system. I referred her to Katie Moore, as she needed a business attorney. I referred her to Terry Gilbreath, as she needed an IT guy. I believe there were a few more referrals in there, from Trent, Robert, Katie, and Terry, as they worked closely with her discovering more PowerCore members who were good fits to help her get started. This one displayed the Power in PowerCore!
Referral Trigger Response