Renea Ash

Renea Ash

INTROMinute from Tina Herrmann - Endorsements

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Renea effortlessly blends into the background, observing and capturing the authentic essence of each precious moment. From the quiet whispers of a couple's first dance to the empowering boost of self esteem to change the way people feel, Renea’s camera becomes an extension of her soul, etching emotions onto the canvas of life. Renea loves to binge watch romance series and documentaries as well travel.  She’s even added traveling overseas alone on her bucket list as well as learning Spanish. When she travels she enjoys learning the history of the area. As a resourceful Scorpio, Renea loves spreadsheets and uses them for everything to improve herself and her work.

So, if you're looking for a personal photographer who will not only freeze time but also encapsulate the emotions and stories within each frame, Renea is the artist you've been searching for. Turn your attention to Renea as she presents her 7 minute.