Scott Ball

Scott Ball

Health Insurance


I'm a proud husband and devoted dog-dad. I have two puppies - Buddy and Lucy. When I'm not at the office, I'm enjoying exploring downtown Decatur. I'm from NY so I'm a bit of a pizza-snob and happy to talk your ear off on anything sports related.


Scott Ball Insurance

Scott Ball Insurance


316 W Pike Street
Suite 140A


My best clients are individuals, families, and small businesses who want to save money on health insurance and have to find it on their own. I take a client-centered approach and truly enjoy getting to know my clients so I can customize their options.


Orientation Essentials 07/15/2024
Best Client Workshop 06/17/2024


Decatur Team

Joined on 06/03/2024


My member introduction was John Kozak. John is holding the CPA seat for our team. My potential referral to him would be a lawyer who is thinking about starting his own practice and wants to speak with John to make sure he is filing his new business correctly. I would want John to know that this new endeavor my referral is taking may have flexible timelines as he leaves his previous role and starts his new one. Additionally, depending on how difficult it is for the lawyer to leave his current role, the client may wish for this to be kept confidential. I would be doing John a disservice by not making him aware of these circumstances. 

Referral Trigger Response