Wendy Kinney

Wendy Kinney

INTROMinute from Ken Thompson - Endorsements

This morning it is my honor and privilege to introduce someone almost all of us know and respect. If you have ever had the opportunity to speak with her one on one, you know that you are talking to someone who is dedicated, passionate and real! I’ve never come away from a conversation with  her without a new, positive and uplifting perspective. Why is that? Most people think in 2 dimensions like on a checkerboard. That is great but you can’t get a lot of depth from that perspective. She looks at things as one would a three-dimensional chess game. The result is a level of depth and understanding that can evolve with every move. One look at the effort and depth that she uses to develop the PowerCore training tools, and you will see what I mean!

She actually carries that depth into her personal life. She covers all the bases, on land, sea and air. In college she wanted to rise above the crowd so when it came time to graduate and she was short 3 credits, she literally rose above the occasion by getting her final 3 credits from the campus flight school as well as her pilot’s license and, after that, she graduated and she was soaring! On land she has an electric bike to explore new areas. And on water, or rather, below the water surface, she is an ardent scuba diver. I was told she can be ready to go out the door for a scuba diving trip in 15 minutes and I believe her. Now without further ado, let’s give Wendy Kinney a Peachtree Powercore team welcome!