We track attendance - because each Member's classification is protected, and if they aren't participating it's a cost to the Team.
We track the items on Referral Records - this shows initiative. For each Member who isn't taking the initiative to give value, the math quickly goes to no value.
We track bank deposits on We Did Business Slips - this is proof of value.
The Coaches complete a monthly meeting review - this is a snapshot of the Team, from a non-Member's perspective.
One Member completes the monthly Team Score Card - this is a movie, from an inside perspective.
When a new Member joins we track effort through the mentoring program. Referrals don't happen because someone bought a seat, referrals happen because a Member is SAYing and DOing and GIVing - to get referrals.
On a Member's badge you can see their participation in leadership - silver stars, hand and double hand pins; OE panelist, Coach, and Angel Officer pins.
Look for Gold Stars, MVP, and Shooting Star pins - this indicate the number of people this Member has invited, who joined. (5, 15, and 25.)
Year pins show the credibility of consistency.
Ask them about other pins.
This things show up on their personal profile page along with the extra learning opportunities they've taken, the Endorsement Letters they've given and received, and the recognition they've created through news.