How Can I Use My Team Roster to Show Clients that I am a Resource?

Where in your prospect process is there time when you need a few minutes to enter info, look up data, scan a copy?

  • If you keep talking you run the risk of error; if they are talking you risk missing something they say.
  • If you tell them you just need a minute, they'll fill it by looking at their phone - and then you've lost them.
  • When you give your client something to focus on you can benefit. Hand them your Team Roster.

The first time I heard this technique it was from a commercial painter. After the walk-through, back in the Facilities Manager's office, there's a exponential decrease in time-to-close if she can get them a quick quote. Quickly accomplished on her tablet, but the Facilities Manager has been out of their office for half an hour. If the painter lets them check email when she finishes the quote they're going to say, "Great. I'll take a look at it and give you a call next week."

Instead, while handing over her Team Roster, the painter says:

"I'll have a quote for you in about 90 seconds.

While I'm doing that, take a look through this book.

I have coffee with these people every week. I know them well.

If you see anyone you need you're welcome to take their card."

The painter gets three benefits:

  1. The Facilities Manger is mentally present in 90 seconds when she's ready to go over the quote. Because she can talk about it right then she gets to ask important questions: Does this fit your budget? Will this time frame work? Is there something here you want to take off? Is the something else you'd like to add? Her odds of getting the job zoom higher.
  2. The painter told me that eight out of ten times while looking through the Team Roster the Facilities Manager will say, "I do need to talk to a . . ." and then, the painter says, they ALWAYS ask: "How well do you know him?" To which the painter replies, "I know him very well. I have breakfast with him every Wednesday - I'll be happy to have him give you a call." And pow - just like that, the Painter has a referral for next week.
  3. The best part, though, is that the painter is teaching the Facilities Manager how to refer to her. It works like magic! Every week she gets a call from a Facilities Manger she's never met who says, "I got your number from the Facilities Manger at another complex, and I'd like to get a quote from you for our complex."

Think about where you could create a system to bring you benefit.

Tommy Schlosser wrote "TAKE A LOOK" on the front of his Team Roster with a sharpie. He leaves it on his desk, facing the client chair, precariously nudged toward the edge. They often knock it off, and then say, "Can I look through here?" to which he replies, "Sure. I know these people very well. You're welcome to take the card of anyone you need." Tommy says when he sees they've taken a card he says, "I'm having breakfast with them Friday morning, would you like me to have any of them give you a call?" And BAM! They now know Tommy is more valuable than just what he does - he's as valuable as all of the people he knows and can recommend.

Charles, a Realtor, tells the story of a buyer who used seven Members of the Team while purchasing their house: the mortgage lender, the home inspector, the insurance agent, the pest control guy, the handyman, the landscaper, and the closing attorney. A few weeks after closing Charles got a call from someone identifying themself as a friend of the buyer and Charles puffed up, thinking his buyer had referred a new client to him already. The caller went on to say he and his wife had been in a very bad car accident. Charles said, "You know I'm a real estate agent, right?" and the caller said "Yes, but my friend told me you have a white book, and you know a personal injury attorney."

Charles doesn't care why clients think of him - he just wants clients to call him and to feel comfortable giving out his number.

A system for creating referrals gives you a competitive edge. The Team Roster can be a tool to do that.
