Name Badge

Most people are better remembering faces than names, better remembering pictures than words.

That's why wearing your business card in your name badge at every meeting will increase your referrals: people will associate the picture of your business card with your face - you make it easier for them to access your information and pass it on.

When you first join, there is a 90-Day Protégé ribbon on your badge.

Each time you complete a mentoring activity, the MentorCoOrdinator will ask you to share your Single Best Thing, then they'll add a sticker to your badge. Members can see you are taking action to earn credibility and referrals.

The 90-Day Protégé ribbon stays on your badge until the MembershipCore reviews and invites you to renew - they give you an invoice! - they may call it a "certificate of participation", but it's an invoice. When that happens, the MentorCoOrdinator with rip off that blue 90-Day ribbon with a flourish and declare you to be a permanent Member.

The first pin most Members add is the 100% pin, and your Coach will have a purple ribbon for your badge.

The 100% pin signifies that 100% of your Team answered the Referral Trigger question online during your Team's week. (Each Team takes a week every term.) When you attend Officer Training, you'll get a silver star to add to your purple ribbon, and other pins as you earn them. Check out the possible pins here ----- and be sure to ask Members what a specific pin on their badge indicates.

Wearing your name badge to the meeting shows new Members and Visitors your participation and your leadership.

Your recognition indicates they can confidently refer their clients to you. Visitors notice you are someone who can answer their questions. Substitutes can see your longevity and confirm introductions. Most important is the association of your card with your face to make referrals happen naturally.
