Christopher Rowe

Christopher Rowe

Financial Advisor


InfoMinute Seminar 11/15/2021
Orientation Essentials 11/15/2021


Endurance Planning Group

Endurance Planning Group


2859Paces Ferry Road
Suite 1160
Atlanta, GA 30339



Financial Services | Investment

Financial Advisor

Asset Management

Filing Cabinet

Midtown-1 Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 09/14/2021


100% Club 04/22/2022


A question I get often is "How much cash should I have on hand in case of emergencies"?

This largerly depends on the client or prospects individual situation & also reflects the client's overall feeling about risk.  We refer to Emergency Funds as "Runways", the larger your emergency fund is the more runway you have & the smaller your emergency fund is the less runway you have.  When you run out of Runway, you're in trouble, typically meaning that you are borrowing money (Credit Card's, Personal Loans) to pay for your expenses.  This can be detrimental to a clients financial situation.

  • At a minimun, if your income is stable & secure we recommend having 3 months of your monthly expenses saved as a cash reserve.  
  • If your income is largely variable, we would recommend assessing if a 6-12 month cash reserve is appriopriate. 

Referral Trigger Response