Dan Martinez

Dan Martinez


Father, Husband, and definitely love sports. Treasurer for Boy Scouts Pack 49, we like to be outdoors. I play Ice Hockey, and I am considered a golf fanatic! Anyone need a chef? Yes I teach, cater and easily found at chefdmart.com #BGE certified and more!


Working with a person that is in photography Linda Carroll, I mentioned to have a back and forth conversation. Setting up a series of times in life of how your photo changes your life changes. As a Chef you need to be able to have a professional photography Linda Carroll. As when we chatted we discussed the lighting and how she has some unique ideas to shoot food. 

Referral Trigger Response

Chef D.Mart

Chef D.Mart


Chef and Teach, best clients are those that what a customized menu, and know the secrets of timing the meal in the kitchen.


Best Client Workshop 06/17/2024
Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 04/15/2024
GateOpener Workshop 03/18/2024
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 01/08/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 12/18/2023
Orientation Essentials 11/20/2023


Cumberland Team

Joined on 11/01/2023


TeamCoOrdinator 02/07/2025
ParticipationCoOrdinator 04/03/2024


Business Services | Event


Private Lessons

Dinner Parties

Big Green Egg or Kamado

Meal Prep


Filing Cabinet