Dr. Cynthia  Seebacher, D.C.

Dr. Cynthia Seebacher, D.C.


My 2 daughters have called me Dr. Mom since they were little, even now that they are adults. I have 2 Huskies named Baldr and Thor, a cat who thinks he is a dog, named Lebowski. Hubby and I enjoy white water kayaking and playing in our yard on weekends.


InfoMinute Seminar 09/20/2021
Orientation Essentials 09/20/2021
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 09/20/2021


1. Send out email reminders 24 hours in advance and text reminders 4 hours in advance of every appointment.

2. I have after-business-day hours to accommodate people who work 9-5pm.

3. I specifically do not answer the phone when I am with a patient because I value their time and I give undivided attention to that person during their visit.

4. I allow my patients to text me, email or call.  Not many doctors allow you to text them and especially not 24/7 if needed.


5. Because I like to go above and beyond what is asked of me, I have online scheduling for my patients, so when they are in pain at 3 in the morning they can see my availability and schedule their next appointment.

Referral Trigger Response

Fusion Chiropractic

Fusion Chiropractic


2820 Lassiter Road
Suite A-150
Marietta, GA 30062


EVERY patient of mine is the BEST. I provide Compassionate Concierge Chiropractic Care, esp. chronic pain patients. I provide a FUSION of many different healing modalities and this is what makes all the difference in their care: chiro+massage+hypnosis.


Endorsement Letters I've Received

INTROMinutes I've Given

Endorsement Letters I've Given

North Fulton Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 08/27/2021


VisitorCoOrdinator 08/09/2022
100% Club 02/07/2023


INTROMinutes I've Received

Personal Services | Health



Therapeutic Massage

Medical Hypnotherapy

Nutrition/.Weight Loss

Filing Cabinet