Greg McManus

Greg McManus

Disaster Recovery


My wife and I have been married for 48 years. We bought and fixed up an old house in Acworth. We love where we live. We enjoy our 5 grand kids (3 to 17 years) and the different places they each are in their life. Golf and "speed" chess are fun.


Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 04/15/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 04/15/2024
Orientation Essentials 04/15/2024
Orientation Essentials 03/18/2024
GateOpener Workshop 03/18/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 03/18/2024


Action Clean

Action Clean


875 Gettysburg Trail
Kennesaw, GA 30189


Best clients so far are our plumbers that refer business to us. We definitely stay in touch to keep a pulse on our business. We take them fishing and/or golfing for extra circular activities.


I think I'd be more likely to extend a coffee invitation to a visitor if I thought I could learn something about them or their business that I thought might be something I could share with someone I knew could benefit from an introduction.

I'm more inclined to make it 1:1

Referral Trigger Response

Whitlock Avenue Team

Joined on 03/14/2024
