John Fortener

John Fortener

INTROMinute from Tom Wallace - Endorsements

John grew up in near Dayton Ohio and attended THE Ohio State University.  If you are a college football fan you can understand his excitement in the outcome of the Rose Bowl game this year and his encouraged outlook for the teams future.


An interesting fact about John, during his days at OSU, he was in the first charter class of instructors for Adaptive Aquatics which helps disabled children and adults enjoy the water despite their disability.


On his off time, John enjoys working out, particularly playing racketball.  He also enjoys camping and riding bikes with his family and is a avid reader.


His passion and knowledge about the mortgage business shines through when he talks about his work.  His personal philosophy he gained from 

Zig Zigler -- “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”  


Now here’s John....






Single Best Thing


John is big on educating his customers.  He told me “It’s all about helping the individual, not making the loan”John