Muizz Olajide

Muizz Olajide

Property & Casualty Insurance


I enjoy playing soccer every Saturday morning, and spending time with family and friends catching up on how the week has gone. In this stage of life, I find myself exploring new Interests to pick up and building new habits like the Muay Thai gym I joined.


The two to my left is Ms Nicole if my client were to inform me that they were having trouble coming up with a logo for their new business, or putting any of their ideas into an image that's when I would know they are ready to meet the owner of "My Design Habit" 

Referral Trigger Response

State Farm

State Farm


8517 Hospital Drive
Suite A
Douglasville, Georgia 30134


My clients don't "Just want liability" or “Just want to be insured” they want to have peace of mind knowing they understand the coverages they're paying for & that they were able to sit down and know they have a good balance between price and protection.


Best Client Workshop 06/17/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 06/17/2024
Orientation Essentials 06/17/2024


Cumberland Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 05/22/2024


Financial Services | Insurance

Property & Casualty Insurance

Property & Casualty Insurance

Filing Cabinet