What do these three things have in common Tosca, Giseppi, and Terms of Endearment?
They are all things that Rebecca Brizi loves.
Additionally, her career seems to weave together in Threes.
For example, 2 women business owners merged their businesses together as one.
The three of them worked on that integration over the next 12 months.
Productive discussions occurred each month and they took actions during the subsequent month.
Rebecca has noticed that when working with partners-
1 Rebecca + 2 partners = 3
Those organizations achieve the most value! She has a natural ability to see their differences yet see how to unify them as one.
These women business owners saw value in 3 ways:
We’re fortunate today to have our experienced business consultant,
Rebecca Brizi brings this same level of value to The Brookhaven
Team with today’s 3rd act - our coaches' moment.