Rebecca Brizi
Business Consultant
In those teenage years, when all my friends wanted to be rockstars, I always wanted to be their manager instead. I get excited by other people's creative ideas, and love to be part of what makes them a reality.
In those teenage years, when all my friends wanted to be rockstars, I always wanted to be their manager instead. I get excited by other people's creative ideas, and love to be part of what makes them a reality.
Business Services | Process
Business Consultant
Filing Cabinet
Endorsement Letters I've Given
Brian didn't start his business because he is passionate about management. He started his business because he is passionate about his craft. He wants the management side to be simple, so I write his plan and make business fun again.
Endorsement Letters I've Received
When I first started networking I realized the value of uncommon ground: finding something I did not have in common with the other person and asking about that. Because everybody is interested in something.
One of Linda’s employees was a mess in almost everything but uniquely qualified and reliable in one single practice. This one thing he did better than anybody else. Using her future organizational chart I showed Linda how we could specialize his role without adding to other people’s workload. It was simple once she saw it, but she wouldn’t have without that future organizational chart. That employee has since been given extra training and is about to complete his first unsupervised project with a very happy client.
When your web developer mentions he is preparing to buy out his partner who wants to retire, ask him what made him start his business in the first place.
Jason Wade
Joined on 04/07/2017
Quarterly business meetings: for business leaders to have a quarterly strategy meeting is important, and often I am brought in to lead these.
3 months is enough time to see some proper results in projects and work. But it is also short enough for effective course corrections when things go wrong or new opportunities arise.
Sticking to that timing can make a huge difference to business effectiveness and decision making.
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