Trevor Balliet

Trevor Balliet

Property & Casualty Insurance


I have two black labrador retrievers and one orange cat. I love to attend concerts, comedy shows, and play golf. After work you can find me either sweating profusely at F45 or having a beer at one of the many breweries. It's all about balance.


We have recently adopted a new software program that allows potential insureds to send me their policy information. It's easy and quick for the customer to use. It saves them from talking on the phone with me for 30 minutes while I gather all their information. Plus, since I can see their policies I can give them an apples to apples quote. It also allows me to look for any gaps in coverage they may have. All of my clients that have used it have nothing but positive things to say about it.

Referral Trigger Response

JF Shaw Insurance

JF Shaw Insurance


271 Roswell St NE
Marietta, GA 30060


My best client John, has spent countless hours building his business. He wants to know that in the event of a loss there will be coverage to protect his hard work. I can identify his risks and give him the coverage he needs to safeguard what he's built.


7-Minute Presentation Workshop 03/21/2022
How to Benefit from an Association 02/21/2022
How to Build a Referral Marketing Plan 01/17/2022
GateOpener Workshop 11/15/2021
Orientation Essentials 10/18/2021
InfoMinute Seminar 10/18/2021
Best Client Workshop 10/18/2021


Endorsement Letters I've Given

Cumberland Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 10/13/2021


ParticipationCoOrdinator 08/08/2022
VisitorCoOrdinator 05/31/2023
MembershipCoOrdinator 12/16/2021
100% Club 08/11/2022


Financial Services | Insurance

Property & Casualty Insurance

General Liability

Workmans Comp

Commercial Auto


Filing Cabinet