Trey Newton

Trey Newton

Residential Real Estate Agent


Private pilot, motorcyclist, cattle farmer, husband, father and avid house hunter. Former builder with building construction degree. I love houses and love helping my clients find their best home.


Keller Knapp Realty

Keller Knapp Realty


471 Flat Shoals Ave SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30316


First time home buyers need a knowledgeable mentor to help them navigate not only the market but what makes a house livable.

Experienced home buyers need a realtor with a deeper set of skills than just combing through the MLS listings.

Im that Realtor!


GateOpener Workshop 07/15/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 07/15/2024
Orientation Essentials 05/20/2024


Virginia Highland Team

Joined on 03/19/2024


ParticipationCoOrdinator 02/10/2025


I dont do a great job of tracking statistics but when you only sale a few homes a year its not to hard to remember. I am usually working with 10 or so clients in various stages of "house hunting" at a time so I will keep a page in my agenda with their hopes, dreams, finances and more importantly, things they do not like.

Dotloop, our contract software, keeps all my client information and old contracts so that i can pull them and review contract terms and personal details. I am always referring back to special stipulations that i have used in the past to address specific situations like low appraisals, leins, bonds or property issues. This is probably the best way I use previous data on current deals.

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