Vickie Frank

Vickie Frank

Property & Casualty Insurance


I'm originally from the cornfields of Illinois. My husband Mark and I moved here for his job. We have 2 children Natasha and Rhett. Spending time with our children is our favorite past time. Other favorites are traveling and hiking with our dogs,


Metro Risk Management

Metro Risk Management



Orientation Essentials 04/17/2023
InfoMinute Seminar 04/17/2023
Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 04/17/2023


Paulding Team

Introduced by:

Joined on 04/06/2023


TeamCoOrdinator 02/10/2025
VisitorCoOrdinator 06/26/2023
MentorCoOrdinator 04/04/2024
100% Club 10/30/2024


I had a client with USAA which is a great company but they didn't have their own agent.  Everytime they called in they had to start from the beginning to get the person on the phone up to speed.  They came to me in hopes of building a professional relationship.   Where I know them as well as what they have going on.  Another concern was they wanted to know their agent would put them first not the insurance company.  The idea of me not working the company appealed to them.  I shopped the market for them found a company that fit their needs.  

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