Aaron Veres

Aaron Veres


Growing up in a sports family, my passion can be found either at the baseball field or on the golf course. When I am not golfing, I am on a hiking adventure with my amazing fiancé and our two dogs Scrappy and Georgia.


When it is time to send an email and make that connection, two things have happened. First I have talked to the client and explained why they should be contacting the person and I am reffering and I make sure it is okay to give their information to the member. The second item that has happened is I have talked to the person I am reffering and have given them the background of my clients situation. Once this is completed I then draft the email and CC both parties. In that email will have both parties contact info and also a breif explaination to my client of why I am reffering the member and what makes them stand out in their industry. 

Referral Trigger Response

Georgia Platinum Mortgage

Georgia Platinum Mortgage

Kennesaw, GA 30144


My best clients are the dog owners who are looking for a fenced in backyard. Whether it is a Saturday morning introduction, or a Friday night Q&A session, I make myself available after hours. Real estate does not pause on the weekends and neither do I.


Endorsement Letters I've Received

Canton Business Leaders Team

Introduced by:

Tim Miller

Tim Miller

Joined on 10/27/2020


TeamCoOrdinator 02/10/2025
MembershipCoOrdinator 04/04/2024
MentorCoOrdinator 09/30/2021
100% Club 10/18/2023


3-year Pin 11/15/2023


InfoMinute Seminar 01/18/2021
7-Minute Presentation Workshop 01/18/2021
Orientation Essentials 12/21/2020
