Antonio Little-El

Antonio Little-El

Tax Credit Specialist


My favorite type of movies are Braveheart, the Finest Hour, and X, where the heroes are driven by the pursuit of the final objective of success. As I am with my clients, I work with them with the end goal of their satisfaction in mind.


Arkad Business Solutions

Arkad Business Solutions


285 W. Wieuca Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30342


A recent new client is a hotel owner in Alabama. After doing a free no-cost/obligation initial analysis, we discovered a $272,962 savings on one of is properties. I enjoy experiencing their first reaction of surprise and joy.


Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 08/19/2024
GateOpener Workshop 07/15/2024
Best Client Workshop 06/17/2024
InfoMinute Seminar 06/17/2024
Orientation Essentials 06/17/2024
Orientation Essentials 04/16/2018


Roswell 400 Team

Joined on 08/11/2011


Bill, an owner of a Piggly Wiggly grocery store, responded to one of my email campaigns promoting the benefits of an Engineered Cost Segregation Tax Strategy to increase cash flow.  He had submitted enough information through our free/no obligation analysis portal to see that he qualified for approx. $955k in benefit.  During a follow up call he informed me that he was unaware of these types of tax strategies and is very anxious to move forward with the process.  He qualifies for Worker Opportunity Tax Credits and Cost Segregation and wants to include his CPA in our upcoming Discovery Calls to be able to continue to take advantage of such opportunities in the future. 

Referral Trigger Response