Bridget Randolph

Bridget Randolph

Medical Doctor


I'm married with 4 children. I love baking, cooking, traveling, and spending time with my family. In addition, I enjoy watching my kids sports activities (basketball and track). I have a deep passion for helping individuals achieve their optimal health.


My process at the end of a client engagement is structured and patient focused. I ensure that the client has a clear understanding of their health status, and any ongoing care plans, and the next steps to maintain their well-being. I check in with clients within 90 days via news letters, general patient education materials etc. This lets them to know that I'm still thinking of them, and wishing them good health. The goal is to  continue to build trust and credibility by showing my commitment to their long-term well being.

Referral Trigger Response

Prime Direct Care & Medspa

Prime Direct Care & Medspa


9070 Peridot Parkway
Stockbridge , GA 30281


At Prime Direct Care & Medspa, we are dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care that is consistent, high-quality, and patient-centered. We deliver quality and affordable primary& wellness care in a more personalized and comfortable setting


Endorsement Letters I've Received

North Fayetteville Team

Joined on 03/10/2023


100% Club 01/17/2025


Fill the Filing Cabinet Workshop 04/17/2023
InfoMinute Seminar 04/17/2023
Orientation Essentials 04/17/2023
